Letter Notes

Total Eclipse of the Heart – Bonnie Tyler

We have added the letter notes of Total Eclipse of the Heart – Bonnie Tyler song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Total Eclipse of the Heart – Bonnie Tyler piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Total Eclipse of the Heart – Bonnie Tyler Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

G#_ G#_G__G#_ Bb__G_- G#
And I need you now tonight

G#_ G#_G__G#__Bb__ G__G-G#
And I need you more than ever

G#__G# G# G-G# Bb_ G_ G#
And if you only hold me tight

G#___G#_G-G#_ Bb_G-G-G#
We’ll be holding on forever

^C_ ^C_ ^C-^C_ Bb_G#-G#_G_G#GF
And we’ll only be making it right

G#____G#__ G-G__G# Bb …
‘Cause we’ll never be wrong…

G-G-G#_ G#_G#_ G#_ G# G# G#_Bb_ Bb_Bb_Bb
Together we_can_take_it_to_the_end_of_the_line

F___^C_^C ^C ^C ^C-Bb_ Bb_G#_Bb_Bb_^C_BbG#F
Your love is like a shadow on me_all_of_the_time

F__G#__ G#___G#_ F_ G#__F_ ^C-Bb_ Bb_G#_Bb-^C
I don’t know what to do,_I’m_always_in_the_dark

F_____^C-^C ^C ^C ^C-Bb_Bb_G#_Bb-Bb ^C_Bb-G#-F
We’re_living_in_a_powder keg and giving off sparks_~

^C ^C-^C ^C_ Bb__G#-Bb-^C

^C-^C-^C_Bb-Bb_ G#_G-G#-G-F
Forever’s gonna start tonight

^C-^C-^C_ Bb-Bb_ G#_ G – G#
Forever’s gonna start tonight…

Once upon a time

F#_D#_F#-F#_D#_ F#G#
I_ was_ falling_ in_ love

E___ E__ E – F_ E – E_ D – C
Now I’m only falling apart

F_______F – G#_G# F__G#
There’s nothing I can do

G# G-G G#-Bb_G# G__G#
A total eclipse of the heart

D#___F#-F# D# F#
Once upon a time

F#____D#__F#_ F#_D#_F#-G#
There was light in my life

E________E___ E-F___E__E__D__ C
Now there’s only love in the dark

F -_G#_ G#_ F_ G#
Nothing I can say

G#_G-G_ G#-Bb_G#_ G__G#

Total Eclipse of the Heart – Bonnie Tyler Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Sol#_ Sol#_Sol__Sol#_ Sib__Sol_- Sol#
And I need you now tonight

Sol#_ Sol#_Sol__Sol#__Sib__ Sol__Sol-Sol#
And I need you more than ever

Sol#__Sol# Sol# Sol-Sol# Sib_ Sol_ Sol#
And if you only hold me tight

Sol#___Sol#_Sol-Sol#_ Sib_Sol-Sol-Sol#
We’ll be holding on forever

^Do_ ^Do_ ^Do-^Do_ Sib_Sol#-Sol#_Sol_Sol#SolFa
And we’ll only be making it right

Sol#____Sol#__ Sol-Sol__Sol# Sib …
‘Cause we’ll never be wrong…

Sol-Sol-Sol#_ Sol#_Sol#_ Sol#_ Sol# Sol# Sol#_Sib_ Sib_Sib_Sib
Together we_can_take_it_to_the_end_of_the_line

Fa___^Do_^Do ^Do ^Do ^Do-Sib_ Sib_Sol#_Sib_Sib_^Do_SibSol#Fa
Your love is like a shadow on me_all_of_the_time

Fa__Sol#__ Sol#___Sol#_ Fa_ Sol#__Fa_ ^Do-Sib_ Sib_Sol#_Sib-^Do
I don’t know what to do,_I’m_always_in_the_dark

Fa_____^Do-^Do ^Do ^Do ^Do-Sib_Sib_Sol#_Sib-Sib ^Do_Sib-Sol#-Fa
We’re_living_in_a_powder keg and giving off sparks_~

^Do ^Do-^Do ^Do_ Sib__Sol#-Sib-^Do

^Do-^Do-^Do_Sib-Sib_ Sol#_Sol-Sol#-Sol-Fa
Forever’s gonna start tonight

^Do-^Do-^Do_ Sib-Sib_ Sol#_ Sol – Sol#
Forever’s gonna start tonight…

Once upon a time

Fa#_Re#_Fa#-Fa#_Re#_ Fa#Sol#
I_ was_ falling_ in_ love

Mi___ Mi__ Mi – Fa_ Mi – Mi_ Re – Do
Now I’m only falling apart

Fa_______Fa – Sol#_Sol# Fa__Sol#
There’s nothing I can do

Sol# Sol-Sol Sol#-Sib_Sol# Sol__Sol#
A total eclipse of the heart

Re#___Fa#-Fa# Re# Fa#
Once upon a time

Fa#____Re#__Fa#_ Fa#_Re#_Fa#-Sol#
There was light in my life

Mi________Mi___ Mi-Fa___Mi__Mi__Re__ Do
Now there’s only love in the dark

Fa -_Sol#_ Sol#_ Fa_ Sol#
Nothing I can say

Sol#_Sol-Sol_ Sol#-Sib_Sol#_ Sol__Sol#

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