10th Man Down – Nightwish Piano Letter Notes
We have added the letter notes of 10th Man Down – Nightwish song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of 10th Man Down – Nightwish piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …
10th Man Down – Nightwish Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes
F-G#_G#__F___F_ G#__G_ G__F
Today I killed, he was just a boy
G#___ G#-F_G#_G#_Bb-G#__G__ F
Eight before him,_I_knew them_all
G#_G#_Bb_ _C _ D#-_F_ _C
In the fields a dying oath…
Bb _C#__C_ Bb_G#__C#__C_ Bb-_C
_C#__C _C#_ _C#__C__C#__C# _D#
Cut me free, bleed with me, oh no
_C_ Bb _C_ _C# _C _C#_ _C#_ _C
One by one, we will fall, down down
_C#__C__C#__C# _C__C#
Pull the plug, end the pain
_C# _D#__C_ Bb__C
Run and_fight for life
_C#__C__C#__C# _C# _C _Bb
Hold on tight, this ain’t my fight…
10th Man Down – Nightwish Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes
Fa-Sol#_Sol#__Fa___Fa_ Sol#__Sol_ Sol__Fa
Today I killed, he was just a boy
Sol#___ Sol#-Fa_Sol#_Sol#_Sib-Sol#__Sol__ Fa
Eight before him,_I_knew them_all
Sol#_Sol#_Sib_ _Do _ Re#-_Fa_ _Do
In the fields a dying oath…
Sib _Do#__Do_ Sib_Sol#__Do#__Do_ Sib-_Do
_Do#__Do _Do#_ _Do#__Do__Do#__Do# _Re#
Cut me free, bleed with me, oh no
_Do_ Sib _Do_ _Do# _Do _Do#_ _Do#_ _Do
One by one, we will fall, down down
_Do#__Do__Do#__Do# _Do__Do#
Pull the plug, end the pain
_Do# _Re#__Do_ Sib__Do
Run and_fight for life
_Do#__Do__Do#__Do# _Do# _Do _Sib
Hold on tight, this ain’t my fight…