Letter Notes

Ice Queen – Within Temptation Piano Letter Notes

We have added the letter notes of Ice Queen – Within Temptation song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Ice Queen – Within Temptation piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Ice Queen – Within Temptation Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

When leaves have fallen

B_____ A_____G___ F#__E
And skies turned to grey

B_____ G____A___ G___B-A_ ^C_ B_ A_ A-G
The night keeps on closing in on the day

B__ G – A – B__ ^C___B___A__ G___F#-E
A nightingale sings his song of farewell

B___ G-A___B-A_ A__ G__^CB-B__B-A-B
You better hide for her freezing hell_~

G___^C___ B____G___^C – B
On cold wings she’s coming

G___ A – B___G__ ^C – B
You better keep moving

A______ B______A___ A__ B – A
For warmth, you’ll be longing


^C____ B__ G_ ^C_ B
Come on just feel it

A_____B__ ^C__A-B-G
Don’t you see it?_ ~

G___ G – A__ G – D^
You better believe!

Ice Queen – Within Temptation Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

When leaves have fallen

Si_____ La_____Sol___ Fa#__Mi
And skies turned to grey

Si_____ Sol____La___ Sol___Si-La_ ^Do_ Si_ La_ La-Sol
The night keeps on closing in on the day

Si__ Sol – La – Si__ ^Do___Si___La__ Sol___Fa#-Mi
A nightingale sings his song of farewell

Si___ Sol-La___Si-La_ La__ Sol__^DoSi-Si__Si-La-Si
You better hide for her freezing hell_~

Sol___^Do___ Si____Sol___^Do – Si
On cold wings she’s coming

Sol___ La – Si___Sol__ ^Do – Si
You better keep moving

La______ Si______La___ La__ Si – La
For warmth, you’ll be longing


^Do____ Si__ Sol_ ^Do_ Si
Come on just feel it

La_____Si__ ^Do__La-Si-Sol
Don’t you see it?_ ~

Sol___ Sol – La__ Sol – Re^
You better believe!

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