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We have added the letter notes of Frosty the Snowman – Traditional song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Frosty the Snowman – Traditional piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Frosty the Snowman – Traditional Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

G – E___ F___G_- ^C__ B_^C ^D-^C_B-A_ G
Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul

B___^C_^D-^C___B___A_ A__G-^C__ E
With a corncob pipe and a button nose

E_____A___ G____F____E__ D__G
And two eyes made out of coal!

G – E___ F___ G -^C__B ^C_^D-^C-B_ A_ G
Frosty the snowman is a fairytale they say

B__ ^C__^D__^C__ B___A___A__ G – ^C____E
He was made of snow but the children know

E_____A___G__ F__ E__ D__ C
How he came to life one day

E_______G____G___^C___ ^C___B-G__ G__E
There must have been some magic in that

E____A__ G___ F____E
Old silk hat they found

E____ D____ D_____G__ G_ B__B__^D
For when they placed it on his head

B_ ^C-^D_^C__ B___ A – G
He began to dance around!

G – E___ F___G – ^C
Frosty the snowman

B__^C-^D_^C_B__A__ G
Was alive as he could be

B___^C_ ^D_^C_ B_ A___ A____ G___^C___E
And the kids all say he could laugh and play

E____ A___ G___F__ E__ D__ C
Just the same as you and me!

Frosty the Snowman – Traditional Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Sol – Mi___ Fa___Sol_- ^Do__ Si_^Do ^Re-^Do_Si-La_ Sol
Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul

Si___^Do_^Re-^Do___Si___La_ La__Sol-^Do__ Mi
With a corncob pipe and a button nose

Mi_____La___ Sol____Fa____Mi__ Re__Sol
And two eyes made out of coal!

Sol – Mi___ Fa___ Sol -^Do__Si ^Do_^Re-^Do-Si_ La_ Sol
Frosty the snowman is a fairytale they say

Si__ ^Do__^Re__^Do__ Si___La___La__ Sol – ^Do____Mi
He was made of snow but the children know

Mi_____La___Sol__ Fa__ Mi__ Re__ Do
How he came to life one day

Mi_______Sol____Sol___^Do___ ^Do___Si-Sol__ Sol__Mi
There must have been some magic in that

Mi____La__ Sol___ Fa____Mi
Old silk hat they found

Mi____ Re____ Re_____Sol__ Sol_ Si__Si__^Re
For when they placed it on his head

Si_ ^Do-^Re_^Do__ Si___ La – Sol
He began to dance around!

Sol – Mi___ Fa___Sol – ^Do
Frosty the snowman

Si__^Do-^Re_^Do_Si__La__ Sol
Was alive as he could be

Si___^Do_ ^Re_^Do_ Si_ La___ La____ Sol___^Do___Mi
And the kids all say he could laugh and play

Mi____ La___ Sol___Fa__ Mi__ Re__ Do
Just the same as you and me!