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We have added the letter notes of How You Remind Me – Nickelback song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of How You Remind Me – Nickelback piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

How You Remind Me – Nickelback Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

_C#-_C# B____B B A_A___B
Never made it as a wise man

F# _C#-_C#_B_ B B_B A___ A___F#-F#
I_couldn’t cut it as a poor man stealing

_C#__ _C# B – B_B__A A___B
Tired of living like a blind man

F#__C#__C# B___B – B___ B A____A_F#-F#
I’m sick of sight without a sense of feeling

E___E__ _C#_B_ _C#__B – B_ A
And this is how you remind me

_C#_ B_B___C#__B – B__A
This is how you remind me

Of what I really am

_C#_ B_B___C#__B – B__A
This is how you remind me

A__A__ _D _C#-A_B
Of what I really am

A__ _D__C#__D_A A__ _E-_D
It’s not like you to say sorry

_E_E _E-_E__E _E_ A – B____E-_D
I was waiting on a different story

_D__C#___D_A – _E-_D
This time I’m mistaken

_E__E -_E___E___E_ A__ B_____E-_D
For handing you a heart worth breaking

_D__D_ _A___ _E_____ _D____A____E
And I’ve been wrong, I’ve been down,

_F#_F#_F#-_F#_F# A-B _E_D
To the bottom of every bottle

A_____A__ _E-_D _D _C# _C#
These five words in my head

A_______A__ A_ _D-_C#__C# _C#B
Scream “are we having fun yet?”

_D_C# A_D_C# A_D_C# A_ F#
Yeah,_ yeah,__yeah,__no, no

_D_C# A_D_C# A_D_C# A_ F#
Yeah,_ yeah,__yeah,__no, no

How You Remind Me – Nickelback Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

^Do#-^Do# Si____Si Si La_La___Si
Never made it as a wise man

Fa# ^Do#-^Do#_Si_ Si Si_Si La___ La___Fa#-Fa#
I_couldn’t cut it as a poor man stealing

^Do#__ ^Do# Si – Si_Si__La La___Si
Tired of living like a blind man

Fa#_^Do#_^Do# Si___Si – Si___ Si La____La_Fa#-Fa#
I’m sick of sight without a sense of feeling

Mi___Mi__ ^Do#_Si_ ^Do#__Si – Si_ La
And this is how you remind me

^Do#_ Si_Si__^Do#__Si – Si__La
This is how you remind me

Of what I really am

^Do#_ Si_Si__^Do#__Si – Si__La
This is how you remind me

La__La__ ^Re ^Do#-La_Si
Of what I really am

La__ ^Re_^Do#_^Re_La La__ ^Mi-^Re
It’s not like you to say sorry

^Mi^Mi ^Mi-^Mi_^Mi ^Mi_ La – Si___^Mi-^Re
I was waiting on a different story

^Re_^Do#__^Re_La – ^Mi-^Re
This time I’m mistaken

^Mi_^Mi -^Mi__^Mi__^Mi_ La__ Si____^Mi-^Re
For handing you a heart worth breaking

^Re_^Re_ ^La___ ^Mi_____ ^Re___^La___^Mi
And I’ve been wrong, I’ve been down,

^Fa#^Fa#^Fa#-^Fa#^Fa# La-Si ^Mi^Re
To the bottom of every bottle

La_____La__ ^Mi-^Re ^Re ^Do# ^Do#
These five words in my head

La_______La__ La_ ^Re-^Do#_^Do# ^Do#Si
Scream “are we having fun yet?”

^Re^Do# La^Re^Do# La^Re^Do# La_ Fa#
Yeah,_ yeah,__yeah,__no, no

^Re^Do# La^Re^Do# La^Re^Do# La_ Fa#
Yeah,_ yeah,__yeah,__no, no