Letter Notes

Fever – Peggy Lee Easy Letter Notes

We have added the letter notes of Fever – Peggy Lee song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Fever – Peggy Lee piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Fever – Peggy Lee Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

G – F____ G____F_____G_ D__F___G
Never know how much I love you

G – F____ G____ F___ G__ F__D
Never know how much I care

G______ F___G___ F____G____D-F___G
When you put your arms around me

D_D D_ G-F__ G___F__ G-F_ D__D
I get a fever that’s so hard to bear

D____ D__ D__F-D
You give me fever…

G#_____F___ G__ F
When you kiss me

G – F____G___ F__ G-F__D__ D
Fever when you hold me tight

^C#-^D__G__F__ G-F
Fever_ ~_in the morning

G-F__G#__ G – F___D__ D
Fever all through the night…

G#___ G___G__ D__ F – G
Sun lights up the daytime

G#_____ G____F__ D___D
Moon lights up the night

Bb_G_G___D___ D___F__ G__ D
I light up when you call my name

D____ D___ G___ F___ G-F___G___ D___D
And you know I’m gonna treat you right

D___ D___D__ F-D
You give me fever…

When you kiss me

G-F____ G____ F__G-F_ D___D
Fever when you hold me tight

^C#-^D__G__F__ G-F
Fever_ ~_in the morning

Fever all through the night…

F-D-D-C____ D__ C__ D-F
Everybody’s got the fever,

F____D___ D – C____D___C__ D
That is something you all know

F – D__D-C__D__C__ D___F
Fever isn’t such a new thing,

G-F___ G – F__ G-F_ D-D
Fever started long ago…

Fever – Peggy Lee Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Sol – Fa____ Sol____Fa_____Sol_ Re__Fa___Sol
Never know how much I love you

Sol – Fa____ Sol____ Fa___ Sol__ Fa__Re
Never know how much I care

Sol______ Fa___Sol___ Fa____Sol____Re-Fa___Sol
When you put your arms around me

Re_Re Re_ Sol-Fa__ Sol___Fa__ Sol-Fa_ Re__Re
I get a fever that’s so hard to bear

Re____ Re__ Re__Fa-Re
You give me fever…

Sol#_____Fa___ Sol__ Fa
When you kiss me

Sol – Fa____Sol___ Fa__ Sol-Fa__Re__ Re
Fever when you hold me tight

^Do#-^Re__Sol__Fa__ Sol-Fa
Fever_ ~_in the morning

Sol-Fa__Sol#__ Sol – Fa___Re__ Re
Fever all through the night…

Sol#___ Sol___Sol__ Re__ Fa – Sol
Sun lights up the daytime

Sol#_____ Sol____Fa__ Re___Re
Moon lights up the night

Sib_Sol_Sol___Re___ Re___Fa__ Sol__ Re
I light up when you call my name

Re____ Re___ Sol___ Fa___ Sol-Fa___Sol___ Re___Re
And you know I’m gonna treat you right

Re___ Re___Re__ Fa-Re
You give me fever…

When you kiss me

Sol-Fa____ Sol____ Fa__Sol-Fa_ Re___Re
Fever when you hold me tight

^Do#-^Re__Sol__Fa__ Sol-Fa
Fever_ ~_in the morning

Fever all through the night…

Fa-Re-Re-Do____ Re__ Do__ Re-Fa
Everybody’s got the fever,

Fa____Re___ Re – Do____Re___Do__ Re
That is something you all know

Fa – Re__Re-Do__Re__Do__ Re___Fa
Fever isn’t such a new thing,

Sol-Fa___ Sol – Fa__ Sol-Fa_ Re-Re
Fever started long ago…

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