Film MusicLetter Notes

You’re the One That I Want – Grease Easy Letter Notes

We have added the letter notes of You’re the One That I Want – Grease song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of You’re the One That I Want – Grease piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

You’re the One That I Want – Grease Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

E_ G_ A
I got chills

They’re multiplying

E__ G_ A-G_ G-G-E
And I’m losing control

E___ G__ A-A__ E___F-E-C
Cause the power you’re supplying…

It’s electrifying!

C__ E-E__ G__ G
You better shape up

E__ G_ A_ B_G
Cause I need a man

^C_ ^C_ ^C_ B_ A_G_A-G-F
And my heart is set on you_ ~

E__ E-E__G_ A-G
You better shape up

E__ G-E__A-B-A-G
You better understand

^C_ ^C ^C_ B_ A_ G_A
To my heart I must be true

^A-^A_ ^A
Nothing left

^A-^A_ ^A_ ^G_^G_^F ^F
Nothing left for me to do…

^C__^C_ ^C_ ^C_^C ^C
You’re the one that I want

G__G_ G_ A_ A_^C
You are the one I want

^E_ ^D_^C_ A-^C
Ooh ooh ooh, honey!

^C__^C_ ^C_ ^C_^C ^C
You’re the one that I want

G__G_ G_ A_ A_^C
You are the one I want

^E_ ^D_^C_ A-^C
Ooh ooh ooh, honey!

^C_ ^C_^C_^C_^C
The one that I want

G__ G_ G_ A_ A_^C
You are the one I want

^E_ ^D_ ^C
Ooh ooh ooh

^C_ ^C_A_B
The one I need

B ^C ^D-^D-^C-B
Oh, yes indeed!

If you’re filled with affection

E___ G_A_G_G-E
You’re to shy to convey

E – G__ G#_E__C-D-C
Better take my direction

E__ .A__.A
Feel your way…


C_E-E__ G__G
I better shape up

E____G__ A_ B_ G
Cause you need a man

^A ^A ^B ^G
I need a man!

^C_ ^C_^C__B_A-G-A-G-F?
Who can keep you satisfied

C_E-E__ G_A-G
I better shape up

E_G_ A-B__ G
If I’m gonna prove

_^A_^A-^B_ ^G
You’d better prove!

^C_^C_ ^C_B_A-G-A
That my faith is justified…

^A_^A_ ^A
Are you sure?

^A_ ^A_ ^A_^G_ ^G_^F-^F
Yes I’m sure down deep inside!

You’re the One That I Want – Grease Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Mi_ Sol_ La
I got chills

They’re multiplying

Mi__ Sol_ La-Sol_ Sol-Sol-Mi
And I’m losing control

Mi___ Sol__ La-La__ Mi___Fa-Mi-Do
Cause the power you’re supplying…

It’s electrifying!

Do__ Mi-Mi__ Sol__ Sol
You better shape up

Mi__ Sol_ La_ Si_Sol
Cause I need a man

^Do_ ^Do_ ^Do_ Si_ La_Sol_La-Sol-Fa
And my heart is set on you_ ~

Mi__ Mi-Mi__Sol_ La-Sol
You better shape up

Mi__ Sol-Mi__La-Si-La-Sol
You better understand

^Do_ ^Do ^Do_ Si_ La_ Sol_La
To my heart I must be true

^La-^La_ ^La
Nothing left

^La-^La_ ^La_ ^Sol_^Sol_^Fa ^Fa
Nothing left for me to do…

^Do__^Do_ ^Do_ ^Do_^Do ^Do
You’re the one that I want

Sol__Sol_ Sol_ La_ La_^Do
You are the one I want

^Mi_ ^Re_^Do_ La-^Do
Ooh ooh ooh, honey!

^Do__^Do_ ^Do_ ^Do_^Do ^Do
You’re the one that I want

Sol__Sol_ Sol_ La_ La_^Do
You are the one I want

^Mi_ ^Re_^Do_ La-^Do
Ooh ooh ooh, honey!

^Do_ ^Do_^Do_^Do_^Do
The one that I want

Sol__ Sol_ Sol_ La_ La_^Do
You are the one I want

^Mi_ ^Re_ ^Do
Ooh ooh ooh

^Do_ ^Do_La_Si
The one I need

Si ^Do ^Re-^Re-^Do-Si
Oh, yes indeed!

If you’re filled with affection

Mi___ Sol_La_Sol_Sol-Mi
You’re to shy to convey

Mi – Sol__ Sol#_Mi__Do-Re-Do
Better take my direction

Mi__ .La__.La
Feel your way…


Do_Mi-Mi__ Sol__Sol
I better shape up

Mi____Sol__ La_ Si_ Sol
Cause you need a man

^La ^La ^Si ^Sol
I need a man!

^C_ ^C_^C__B_A-G-A-G-F?
Who can keep you satisfied

Do_Mi-Mi__ Sol_La-Sol
I better shape up

Mi_Sol_ La-Si__ Sol
If I’m gonna prove

_^La_^La-^Si_ ^Sol
You’d better prove!

^Do_^Do_ ^Do_Si_La-Sol-La
That my faith is justified…

^La_^La_ ^La
Are you sure?

^La_ ^La_ ^La_^Sol_ ^Sol_^Fa-^Fa
Yes I’m sure down deep inside!

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