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We have added the letter notes of Woman in Love – Barbra Streisand song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Woman in Love – Barbra Streisand piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Woman in Love – Barbra Streisand Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

^E_^E ^E_^D-^C_ B__A
Life_is_ a_moment in space

^C____^C___B____G__E___A__A_ G-A-G__D-E
When the dream is gone it’s a lonelier place

G_ G__G___ G – B____A – F#
I_kiss the morning goodbye

E____ E____F#-F#__G___ G___ G__ G-G___ B___A-F#
But down inside, you know we never know why…

^E__^E_ ^E ^D-^C__B__ A
The road is narrow and long

^C_____B____ G____ E___ A___A__ G-A__ G__D-E
When eyes meet eyes and the feeling is strong

A_ A__ A-A__ B__ ^C_ B-A-G
I turn away from the wall

E_ A – B__^C_ B-A-G
I stumble and fall

E__ E__A__B_^C_B-^C
But I give you it__all….

E_E_E_ D#-E_ F#_ G___G__G_ F#_ G-F#-E
I am a woman in love and I’d do anything

G__G__G_ F#-G_ A___B____ B___ A___B_ ^C – B
To get you into my world and hold you within

A__B_^D_^C_ B-^C
It’s a right_ I_defend…

^C-B_ A_ ^C-B_ A-B
Over and over again

A____ B ^C_B
What do I do?

Woman in Love – Barbra Streisand Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

^Mi_^Mi ^Mi_^Re-^Do_ Si__La
Life_is_ a_moment in space

^Do____^Do___Si____Sol__Mi___La__La_ Sol-La-Sol__Re-Mi
When the dream is gone it’s a lonelier place

Sol_ Sol__Sol___ Sol – Si____La – Fa#
I_kiss the morning goodbye

Mi____ Mi____Fa#-Fa#__Sol___ Sol___ Sol__ Sol-Sol___ Si___La-Fa#
But down inside, you know we never know why…

^Mi__^Mi_ ^Mi ^Re-^Do__Si__ La
The road is narrow and long

^Do_____Si____ Sol____ Mi___ La___La__ Sol-La__ Sol__Re-Mi
When eyes meet eyes and the feeling is strong

La_ La__ La-La__ Si__ ^Do_ Si-La-Sol
I turn away from the wall

Mi_ La – Si__^Do_ Si-La-Sol
I stumble and fall

Mi__ Mi__La__Si_^Do_Si-^Do
But I give you it__all….

Mi_Mi_Mi_ Re#-Mi_ Fa#_ Sol___Sol__Sol_ Fa#_ Sol-Fa#-Mi
I am a woman in love and I’d do anything

Sol__Sol__Sol_ Fa#-Sol_ La___Si____ Si___ La___Si_ ^Do – Si
To get you into my world and hold you within

La__Si_^Re_^Do_ Si-^Do
It’s a right_ I_defend…

^Do-Si_ La_ ^Do-Si_ La-Si
Over and over again

La____ Si ^Do_Si
What do I do?