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We have added the letter notes of Who Am I? – Les Miserables song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Who Am I? – Les Miserables piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Who Am I? – Les Miserables Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

F__ Bb_ Bb_^C#_^D# ^C-Bb
He thinks that man is me_ ~

F_ Bb__Bb_^C#_^D#_Bb
He knew him at a glance

F_ Bb-Bb_^C#_^C#_^C-Bb
That stranger he has found

This man could be my chance

Why should I save his hide?

F#__ B_ B__^D__^E_ B
Why should I right this wrong?

F#___B_ B_^D#_^D# ^C#-B
When I have come so far_~

F#___B – B_ ^D#_^E__B
And struggled for so long?

F_F__Bb_^C_^C#_ Bb-Bb
If I speak, I am condemned

F F_F_ Bb-Bb_^C# ^D ^D
If I stay silent, I am damned…

^D ^C# B ^D-^C#
I am the master

B_^D-^C#_ B_^D-C#
Of hundreds of workers

B__^C#_ F#_ F#_F#
They all look to me…

Can I abandon them,

^C#__B__ A__^C#
How would they live

A_ B_ E__E__E
If I am not free?

D#_D# F#_B_ B_F#-F#
If I speak, I am condemned

D# D#_F#__F#-F#_F#_ B_ B
If_I_stay_silent,_ I_ am damned…

B_Bb_ F#
Who am I?

F#_ B_ Bb-Bb_G#_ G#_F#_ G#-F#-D#
Can I condemn this man to slavery?

D#-G#_F#_F#_E_ E_D#_ E-D#-.B
Pretend I do not see his agony?

G# ^D#-^C#-^C#_ B__B_G#_ G#
This_ innocent_ who wears my face

F#__^D# ^C#_^C#-Bb_ Bb_ F#_ F#
Who goes to judgement in my place…

F#__B_ F#
Who am I?

F#_ B__Bb-Bb_G#-G#_F#_G#-F#-D#
Can I conceal myself for evermore?

D#-G#_ F#_ F#__E_ E__D#_ E__D#-.B
Pretend I’m not the man I was before?

G#_ ^D#_^C# ^C#_B-B_G#_G#
And must my name until I die

F# ^D# ^C# ^C#_Bb Bb-F#-F#
Be no more than an alibi?

Must I lie?

F#_B_Bb Bb-G# G# F#_G#-F#_D#
How can I ever face my fellow men?

D#_ G#_F#_F#-E_E__D#-E_ D#-.B
How can I ever face myself again?

G#_ ^D# ^C#-^C#_B_B_ G#_G#
My soul belongs to God, I know

F#_^D# ^C# ^C#-Bb_Bb_F#-F#
I made that bargain long ago

F_ ^E_ ^D# ^D#_ ^C#__^C#_ B__B
He gave me hope, when hope was gone

Bb__Bb_ ^C#__^C#_ ^B__B-Bb_B
He gave me strength to journey on

Who am I?

B__Bb_ F#
Who am I?

F#_ ^F#_ ^F#-B
I’m Jean Valjean!

D#_^E ^D#-^D#_^C# ^C# B B
And so Javert, you see it’s true

Bb__ Bb_ ^C#_^C#_ B_B_ Bb_B
That man bears no more guilt than you

B_Bb_ F#
Who am I?

^F#_ ^F#_^F#_^F#_^B

Who Am I? – Les Miserables Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Fa__ Sib_ Sib_^Do#_^Re# ^Do-Sib
He thinks that man is me_ ~

Fa_ Sib__Sib_^Do#_^Re#_Sib
He knew him at a glance

Fa_ Sib-Sib_^Do#_^Do#_^Do-Sib
That stranger he has found

This man could be my chance

Why should I save his hide?

Fa#__ Si_ Si__^Re__^Mi_ Si
Why should I right this wrong?

Fa#___Si_ Si_^Re#_^Re# ^Do#-Si
When I have come so far_~

Fa#___Si – Si_ ^Re#_^Mi__Si
And struggled for so long?

Fa_Fa__Sib_^Do_^Do#_ Sib-Sib
If I speak, I am condemned

Fa Fa_Fa_ Sib-Sib_^Do# ^Re ^Re
If I stay silent, I am damned…

^Re ^Do# Si ^Re-^Do#
I am the master

Si_^Re-^Do#_ Si_^Re-Do#
Of hundreds of workers

Si__^Do#_ Fa#_ Fa#_Fa#
They all look to me…

Can I abandon them,

^Do#__Si__ La__^Do#
How would they live

La_ Si_ Mi__Mi__Mi
If I am not free?

Re#_Re# Fa#_Si_ Si_Fa#-Fa#
If I speak, I am condemned

Re# Re#_Fa#__Fa#-Fa#_Fa#_ Si_ Si
If_I_stay_silent,_ I_ am damned…

Si_Sib_ Fa#
Who am I?

Fa#_ Si_ Sib-Sib_Sol#_ Sol#_Fa#_ Sol#-Fa#-Re#
Can I condemn this man to slavery?

Re#-Sol#_Fa#_Fa#_Mi_ Mi_Re#_ Mi-Re#-.Si
Pretend I do not see his agony?

Sol# ^Re#-^Do#-^Do#_ Si__Si_Sol#_ Sol#
This_ innocent_ who wears my face

Fa#__^Re# ^Do#_^Do#-Sib_ Sib_ Fa#_ Fa#
Who goes to judgement in my place…

Fa#__Si_ Fa#
Who am I?

Fa#_ Si__Sib-Sib_Sol#-Sol#_Fa#_Sol#-Fa#-Re#
Can I conceal myself for evermore?

Re#-Sol#_ Fa#_ Fa#__Mi_ Mi__Re#_ Mi__Re#-.Si
Pretend I’m not the man I was before?

Sol#_ ^Re#_^Do# ^Do#_Si-Si_Sol#_Sol#
And must my name until I die

Fa# ^Re# ^Do# ^Do#_Sib Sib-Fa#-Fa#
Be no more than an alibi?

Must I lie?

Fa#_Si_Sib Sib-Sol# Sol# Fa#_Sol#-Fa#_Re#
How can I ever face my fellow men?

Re#_ Sol#_Fa#_Fa#-Mi_Mi__Re#-Mi_ Re#-.Si
How can I ever face myself again?

Sol#_ ^Re# ^Do#-^Do#_Si_Si_ Sol#_Sol#
My soul belongs to God, I know

Fa#_^Re# ^Do# ^Do#-Sib_Sib_Fa#-Fa#
I made that bargain long ago

Fa_ ^Mi_ ^Re# ^Re#_ ^Do#__^Do#_ Si__Si
He gave me hope, when hope was gone

Sib__Sib_ ^Do#__^Do#_ ^Si__Si-Sib_Si
He gave me strength to journey on

Who am I?

Si__Sib_ Fa#
Who am I?

Fa#_ ^Fa#_ ^Fa#-Si
I’m Jean Valjean!

Re#_^Mi ^Re#-^Re#_^Do# ^Do# Si Si
And so Javert, you see it’s true

Sib__ Sib_ ^Do#_^Do#_ Si_Si_ Sib_Si
That man bears no more guilt than you

Si_Sib_ Fa#
Who am I?

^Fa#_ ^Fa#_^Fa#_^Fa#_^Si