What’s This? – The Nightmare Before Christmas Easy Letter Notes
What’s This? – The Nightmare Before Christmas song letter notes for piano What’s This? – The Nightmare Before Christmas ABC and do re mi version.
What’s This? Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes
E_______ G_____E______G
What’s this? What’s this?
E_______ G – A____B-^C-B
There’s colour everywhere
D#____ F#
What’s this?
D#_______F#____G___ A__B_ G
There’s white things in the air!
E_______ G
What’s this?
E__G___A – B__^C__B
I can’t believe my eyes
G__B__G___B – G
I must be dreaming
B_____G___ B__ G__ B-G__B
Wake up, Jack this isn’t fair!
B______ ^C
What’s this?
E_______G_____E______ G
What’s this? What’s this?
E________G_-_A____ B-^C___B
There’s something very wrong
D#_____ F#
What’s this?
D#_____F#-G___ A – B____G
There’s people singing songs
E_______ G
What’s this?
The streets are lined
^C___B-G___ B – G_____B – G
With little creatures laughing
B – G – B – G___B__ G__B-G
Everybody seems so happy
B___ G__B-G-B___G__ B-G
Have I possibly gone daffy?
B___ G__ A
What is this?
B______ ^C
What’s this?
^C________ ^C – B____ A – B____ ^C – B
There’re children throwing snowballs
^C – B__A___ G – A____ B
Instead of throwing heads
E______^C-B__ A – B___^C
They’re busy building toys
B___ A-^C-B-A___ G – A____B
And absolutely no-one’s dead!
E______^D_ ^C_ Bb-^C_^D-^C
There’s frost on every window
Bb ^D ^C# ^C-Bb_^C ^C#
Oh, I can’t believe my eyes
E__ ^C#_B__ A__B_ ^C#_ B__^C#
And in my bones I feel the warmth
That’s coming from inside…
^C__^C#___ F____ G#
Oh, look! What’s this?
F_______G#-Bb_ ^C-^C#-^C
They’re hanging mistletoe
They kiss?
E_____G___G#__Bb_ ^C-G#__ F – G#
Why that looks so unique, inspired!
F______ G#-Bb-^C
They’re gathering
^C#-^C_G#_^C_ G#_^C-G#
Around_ to_ hear_ a_ story
^C-G#___^C – G#_ ^C G# ^C
Roasting chestnuts on a fire!
^C___ ^C#
What’s this?
F______ G#
What’s this?
F__ G#___F___G#_Bb ^C-^C# ^C
In here they’ve got a little tree
E______ G
How queer!
E____ G___G#__Bb-^C_ G#__F__ G#
And who could ever think, and why?
F____ G#-Bb_ ^C_^C#_^C-G#_^C-G#_^C
They’re covering it with tiny little things
G#_____^C_ G#-^C-G#_ ^C_ G#_ ^C
They’ve got electric lights on strings
G#__^C__G#_ ^C__G#_^C-G#-^C
And there’s a smile on everyone
G#_^C_G#-^C#_Bb ^C# Bb ^C#
So now, correct me if I’m wrong
^C_ ^C#_ ^D#_^F_^D#_^C#_^D#_^F
This looks like fun! This looks like fun!
^D# ^C# ^D# ^F ^D# ^C# ^D#_^F
Oh,_ could_ it_ be_ I_ got_ my_ wish?
What’s this?!
F___G#__ F___G#
Oh my, what now?
The children are asleep
E___ G_____ E_____ G-G#___Bb-^C-G#
But look, there’s nothing underneath
F___ G#____F__ G#-Bb__^C_^C#_ ^C
No ghouls, no witches here to scream
G#__ ^C__ G#_ ^C__G#-^C__ G#
And scare them or ensnare them
^C-G# ^C-G# ^C-G# ^C
Only_ little_ cozy_ things
G#-^C_ G#-^C__G#__ ^C_- G#
Secure_ inside_ their_ dreamland…
What’s this?
Bb_ ^C#-^C_ Bb_^C_^C#-^C
The monsters are all missing
Bb_ ^C#_ ^C – Bb___ G# Bb ^C
And the nightmares can’t be found
Bb ^C# ^C Bb ^C ^C# ^C Bb ^C#
And in their place there seems to be good
^C# ^C – Bb__G#_Bb-^C
Good feelings all around!
Instead_ of_ screams_ I_ swear
^C# ^C ^D# ^D-^C# B ^C# ^D
I_ can_ hear_ music_ in_ the_ air
^C#_ ^D_ ^C__Bb_ ^C_ ^D
The smell of cakes and pies
^C_^D-^E-^F-^E_ ^D-^F-^E
Are_ absolutely_ everywhere…
^C#_ ^D__F#____A
The sights, the sounds
F#____A-B-^C#__ ^D_ ^C#_ F#-G#
They’re everywhere and all around
F#__G#-A_ B_ ^C#_A__ F#-A
I’ve never felt so good before
F#__ A-B__ ^C#_ ^D-^C#_A_^C#
Is_ filling_up
A ^C#-A_^C#-A_ ^C#__ A-^C#
I_ simply_ cannot_ get_ enough
A_^C#_A_ ^C#_A_^C#_ A
I_ want_it,_ oh,_ I_ want_ it
^C# A_^D ^C#_B_^C# ^D
^C# ^D ^E_^F#_ ^E ^D_^E_^F#
I’ve got to know, I’ve got to know
^E_ ^D_ ^E_ ^F#_ ^E_^D_^E__^F#
What is this place that I have found?
^D__ ^E__^G#
What’s This? Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes
Mi_______ Sol_____Mi______Sol
What’s this? What’s this?
Mi_______ Sol – La____Si-^Do-Si
There’s colour everywhere
Re#____ Fa#
What’s this?
Re#_______Fa#____Sol___ La__Si_ Sol
There’s white things in the air!
Mi_______ Sol
What’s this?
Mi__Sol___La – Si__^Do__Si
I can’t believe my eyes
Sol__Si__Sol___Si – Sol
I must be dreaming
Si_____Sol___ Si__ Sol__ Si-Sol__Si
Wake up, Jack this isn’t fair!
Si______ ^Do
What’s this?
Mi_______Sol_____Mi______ Sol
What’s this? What’s this?
Mi________Sol_-_La____ Si-^Do___Si
There’s something very wrong
Re#_____ Fa#
What’s this?
Re#_____Fa#-Sol___ La – Si____Sol
There’s people singing songs
Mi_______ Sol
What’s this?
The streets are lined
^Do___Si-Sol___ Si – Sol_____Si – Sol
With little creatures laughing
Si – Sol – Si – Sol___Si__ Sol__Si-Sol
Everybody seems so happy
Si___ Sol__Si-Sol-Si___Sol__ Si-Sol
Have I possibly gone daffy?
Si___ Sol__ La
What is this?
Si______ ^Do
What’s this?
^Do________ ^Do – Si____ La – Si____ ^Do – Si
There’re children throwing snowballs
^Do – Si__La___ Sol – La____ Si
Instead of throwing heads
Mi______^Do-Si__ La – Si___^Do
They’re busy building toys
Si___ La-^Do-Si-La___ Sol – La____Si
And absolutely no-one’s dead!
Mi______^Re_ ^Do_ Sib-^Do_^Re-^Do
There’s frost on every window
Sib ^Re ^Do# ^Do-Sib_^Do ^Do#
Oh, I can’t believe my eyes
Mi__ ^Do#_Si__ La__Si_ ^Do#_ Si__^Do#
And in my bones I feel the warmth
That’s coming from inside…
^Do__^Do#___ Fa____ Sol#
Oh, look! What’s this?
Fa_______Sol#-Sib_ ^Do-^Do#-^Do
They’re hanging mistletoe
Mi Sol
They kiss?
Mi_____Sol___Sol#__Sib_ ^Do-Sol#__ Fa – Sol#
Why that looks so unique, inspired!
Fa______ Sol#-Sib-^Do
They’re gathering
^Do#-^Do_Sol#_^Do_ Sol#_^Do-Sol#
Around_ to_ hear_ a_ story
^Do-Sol#___^Do – Sol#_ ^Do Sol# ^Do
Roasting chestnuts on a fire!
^Do___ ^Do#
What’s this?
Fa______ Sol#
What’s this?
Fa__ Sol#___Fa___Sol#_Sib ^Do-^Do# ^Do
In here they’ve got a little tree
Mi______ Sol
How queer!
Mi____ Sol___Sol#__Sib-^Do_ Sol#__Fa__ Sol#
And who could ever think, and why?
Fa____ Sol#-Sib_ ^Do_^Do#_^Do-Sol#_^Do-Sol#_^Do
They’re covering it with tiny little things
Sol#_____^Do_ Sol#-^Do-Sol#_ ^Do_ Sol#_ ^Do
They’ve got electric lights on strings
Sol#__^Do__Sol#_ ^Do__Sol#_^Do-Sol#-^Do
And there’s a smile on everyone
Sol#_^Do_Sol#-^Do#_Sib ^Do# Sib ^Do#
So now, correct me if I’m wrong
^Do_ ^Do#_ ^Re#_^Fa_^Re#_^Do#_^Re#_^Fa
This looks like fun! This looks like fun!
^Re# ^Do# ^Re# ^Fa ^Re# ^Do# ^Re#_^Fa
Oh,_ could_ it_ be_ I_ got_ my_ wish?
What’s this?!
Fa___Sol#__ Fa___Sol#
Oh my, what now?
The children are asleep
Mi___ Sol_____ Mi_____ Sol-Sol#___Sib-^Do-Sol#
But look, there’s nothing underneath
Fa___ Sol#____Fa__ Sol#-Sib__^Do_^Do#_ ^Do
No ghouls, no witches here to scream
Sol#__ ^Do__ Sol#_ ^Do__Sol#-^Do__ Sol#
And scare them or ensnare them
^Do-Sol# ^Do-Sol# ^Do-Sol# ^Do
Only_ little_ cozy_ things
Sol#-^Do_ Sol#-^Do__Sol#__ ^Do_- Sol#
Secure_ inside_ their_ dreamland…
What’s this?
Sib_ ^Do#-^Do_ Sib_^Do_^Do#-^Do
The monsters are all missing
Sib_ ^Do#_ ^Do – Sib___ Sol# Sib ^Do
And the nightmares can’t be found
Sib ^Do# ^Do Sib ^Do ^Do# ^Do Sib ^Do#
And in their place there seems to be good
^Do# ^Do – Sib__Sol#_Sib-^Do
Good feelings all around!
Instead_ of_ screams_ I_ swear
^Do# ^Do ^Re# ^Re-^Do# Si ^Do# ^Re
I_ can_ hear_ music_ in_ the_ air
^Do#_ ^Re_ ^Do__Sib_ ^Do_ ^Re
The smell of cakes and pies
^Do_^Re-^Mi-^Fa-^Mi_ ^Re-^Fa-^Mi
Are_ absolutely_ everywhere…
^Do#_ ^Re__Fa#____La
The sights, the sounds
Fa#____La-Si-^Do#__ ^Re_ ^Do#_ Fa#-Sol#
They’re everywhere and all around
Fa#__Sol#-La_ Si_ ^Do#_La__ Fa#-La
I’ve never felt so good before
Fa#__ La-Si__ ^Do#_ ^Re-^Do#_La_^Do#
Is_ filling_up
La ^Do#-La_^Do#-La_ ^Do#__ La-^Do#
I_ simply_ cannot_ get_ enough
La_^Do#_La_ ^Do#_La_^Do#_ La
I_ want_it,_ oh,_ I_ want_ it
^Do# La_^Re ^Do#_Si_^Do# ^Re
^Do# ^Re ^Mi_^Fa#_ ^Mi ^Re_^Mi_^Fa#
I’ve got to know, I’ve got to know
^Mi_ ^Re_ ^Mi_ ^Fa#_ ^Mi_^Re_^Mi__^Fa#
What is this place that I have found?
^Re__ ^Mi__^Sol#