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We have added the letter notes of Unspoken – Lacuna Coil song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Unspoken – Lacuna Coil piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …


Unspoken – Lacuna Coil Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

A___ B_ ^C-B__ A-^C
And it doesn’t matter

B_____G___G__G-E_ ^C-B -A_^C_B
How you feel now, anything at all

A_____ B_ ^C__B_ A-^C__ B__G_ G-G-E
Seems to be your only way, so vicious

G-A-A___ G-A-B
Heavenly apart

A_______ B__^C-B__ A_^C__B__G_ G-GE
When your envy’s on a piece of paper

^C_ B__ A -^C__B
Let me sweetly smile

A______B -^C-B__ A__^C_____B___ G__G -_GE
You’re devouring all the crumbs I’m leaving

G______ A__A__G__ A-B
Caught up in your lies…

^C – ^C__B__A__B
Clawing up my eyes

^C_^C-B___ A___^D__^C-^C__B
I’m feeling your arms around me

B__^C__B – G__ E
On the other side

^C___B__A_ B_ ^C_ ^C – B___ A__ ^D___^C-^C___ B
It’s time to go, I’m hearing your voice without words

B__ ^C__B-G__ A
On the other side…

Unspoken – Lacuna Coil Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

La___ Si_ ^Do-Si__ La-^Do
And it doesn’t matter

Si_____Sol___Sol__Sol-Mi_ ^Do-Si -La_^Do_Si
How you feel now, anything at all

La_____ Si_ ^Do__Si_ La-^Do__ Si__Sol_ Sol-Sol-Mi
Seems to be your only way, so vicious

Sol-La-La___ Sol-La-Si
Heavenly apart

La_______ Si__^Do-Si__ La_^Do__Si__Sol_ Sol-SolMi
When your envy’s on a piece of paper

^Do_ Si__ La -^Do__Si
Let me sweetly smile

La______Si -^Do-Si__ La__^Do_____Si___ Sol__Sol -_SolMi
You’re devouring all the crumbs I’m leaving

Sol______ La__La__Sol__ La-Si
Caught up in your lies…

^Do – ^Do__Si__La__Si
Clawing up my eyes

^Do_^Do-Si___ La___^Re__^Do-^Do__Si
I’m feeling your arms around me

Si__^Do__Si – Sol__ Mi
On the other side

^Do___Si__La_ Si_ ^Do_ ^Do – Si___ La__ ^Re___^Do-^Do___ Si
It’s time to go, I’m hearing your voice without words

Si__ ^Do__Si-Sol__ La
On the other side…