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We have added the letter notes of This Is Me – The Greatest Showman song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of This Is Me – The Greatest Showman piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

This Is Me – The Greatest Showman Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

E_F#_F#_F#_F#-D_ E__F#__F#
I am not a stranger to the dark

F#_A-G__F#_ F#
Hide away, they say

D__ D__E-F#__ F#_ E_E – D__ C#
‘Cause we don’t want your broken parts

.A__ D-E__F#_ F#_ F#-F#
I’ve learned to be ashamed

D__A_ F#_ F#
Of all my scars

F#__ A-G_F#__F#
Run away, they say

D-E-F#__F#-E__E__E_ D-E_ E
No-one’ll love you as you are…

E__.B__F#__F#__ E
But I won’t let them

E__F#_ E__ F#_ .B
Break me down to dust

F#_ F#-E_ E_E__ G#__E__F#_ .A
I know that there’s a place for us

For we are glorious!

F#___ A__ B-B___A
When the sharpest words

F#-F#__F#__A_ F#-E-D
Wanna cut me down ~

D_E-A__B__ B__ A
I’m gonna send a flood,

F#-F#_ F#___A__ F#-E-D
Gonna drown them out_ ~

D_ A__F#__D_ A_F#
I am brave, I am bruised

D_ A__F#_ F#__F#__E__ E
I am who I’m meant to be,

D__ D__D
This is me!

B___A__ F#__ F#_A_F#-E-D
Look out ’cause here I come_~

F#_A__B – B_ A
And I’m marching on

F#__F#_ F#_ A__F#
To the beat I drum

D__ A__F#__ D__A__F#
I’m not scared to be seen

D__ A__F#__F#-F#-E-E
I make no apologies,

D__ D__D
This is me!




Oh ~

Oh ~

F# E
Oh oh

D-E-F#_ F#__F#__F#-E
Another round of bullets

E__F#_ F#
Hits my skin

D__ F#-G__A-G_ A_G-F#
Well, fire away ’cause today,

D_ F#__F#__E__ E__ D-C__C
I won’t let the shame sink in…

F#__ A_B – A___A
We are bursting through

F#_ F#-E-D
The barricades

D__^D-^C#_ B__A__F#
And reaching for the sun

_ F#_A ^D-^D-^D
(We are warriors)

B___ B___ A__A_F#-A-A
Yeah, that’s what we’ve become

_F#__F#__ E___E__ D-.B
(Yeah, that’s what we’ve become)

.B_ F#__F#_E__E_ F#_E_F#_ .B
I won’t let them break me down to dust

F#_F#-E__E_E_F#__ E__F#_ .A
I know that there’s a place for us

For we are glorious!

F#___ A_ B – B__ A
When the sharpest words

F#-F#__F#__A_ F#-E-D
Wanna cut me down

D_F#-A_B__B__ A
I’m gonna send a flood

Gonna drown them out_~

D_ A__F#__ D_ A__ F#
I am brave, I am bruised

D# A_F#__F#__ F#_ E__E
I am who I’m meant to be,

D__D__ D
This is me!

Look out ’cause here I come

F#_A_B – B_ A
And I’m marching on

F#_F#__F#_A_ F#-E-D
To the beat I drum

D_A__F#__ D__A__F#
I’m not scared to be seen

D__A__ F#_ F#-F#-E-E
I make no apologies

D__ D__D
This is me!




Oh ~__ Oh ~

F# E
Oh oh

This is me!

F#_ A__ B
And I know

A__ A__F#-F#__ A__ F#-E
That I deserve your love

__ F#-G-B-A


G____ A__ A-B
‘Cause there’s nothing

^D ^E_^F#-^E-^D_^D-B
I’m_ not__worthy__of

(Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh)

__ D-A-F__F# E
(oh-oh-oh, oh, oh)

F#___A__B – B__A
When the sharpest words

Wanna cut me down

D_ E-A_ B__B_A
I’m gonna send a flood,

F#-F#_ F#__A__F#-E-D
Gonna drown them out

This is brave, this is proof

D_A__F#__F#__ F#__E__E
This is who I’m meant to be,

D__ D__D
This is me!

B___A__ F#_F#_ A__F#-E-D
Look out ’cause here I come_~

F#_A_ B-B_ A
And I’m marching on

F#_ F#_ F#_ A_ F#-E-D
To the beat I drum

D__ A_F#_ D__ A__F#
I’m not scared to be seen

D_ A_ F#__F#-F#-E-E
I make no apologies,

D__D__ D
This is me!

D___D-E__F#__ F#
When ever the words

F#-E__E__ D__D
Wanna cut me down

D_ E_ F#__F#
I’ll send a flood,

D__ B___A_F#
To drown them out..

__ D-A-F#__ D-A-F#
(Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh)

_D-A-F__ F# E
(oh-oh-oh, oh, oh)

This is me!

This Is Me – The Greatest Showman Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Mi_Fa#_Fa#_Fa#_Fa#-Re_ Mi__Fa#__Fa#
I am not a stranger to the dark

Fa#_La-Sol__Fa#_ Fa#
Hide away, they say

Re__ Re__Mi-Fa#__ Fa#_ Mi_Mi – Re__ Do#
‘Cause we don’t want your broken parts

.La__ Re-Mi__Fa#_ Fa#_ Fa#-Fa#
I’ve learned to be ashamed

Re__La_ Fa#_ Fa#
Of all my scars

Fa#__ La-Sol_Fa#__Fa#
Run away, they say

Re-Mi-Fa#__Fa#-Mi__Mi__Mi_ Re-Mi_ Mi
No-one’ll love you as you are…

Mi__.Si__Fa#__Fa#__ Mi
But I won’t let them

Mi__Fa#_ Mi__ Fa#_ .Si
Break me down to dust

Fa#_ Fa#-Mi_ Mi_Mi__ Sol#__Mi__Fa#_ .La
I know that there’s a place for us

For we are glorious!

Fa#___ La__ Si-Si___La
When the sharpest words

Fa#-Fa#__Fa#__La_ Fa#-Mi-Re
Wanna cut me down ~

Re_Mi-La__Si__ Si__ La
I’m gonna send a flood,

Fa#-Fa#_ Fa#___La__ Fa#-Mi-Re
Gonna drown them out_ ~

Re_ La__Fa#__Re_ La_Fa#
I am brave, I am bruised

Re_ La__Fa#_ Fa#__Fa#__Mi__ Mi
I am who I’m meant to be,

Re__ Re__Re
This is me!

Si___La__ Fa#__ Fa#_La_Fa#-Mi-Re
Look out ’cause here I come_~

Fa#_La__Si – Si_ La
And I’m marching on

Fa#__Fa#_ Fa#_ La__Fa#
To the beat I drum

Re__ La__Fa#__ Re__La__Fa#
I’m not scared to be seen

Re__ La__Fa#__Fa#-Fa#-Mi-Mi
I make no apologies,

Re__ Re__Re
This is me!




Oh ~

Oh ~

Fa# Mi
Oh oh

Re-Mi-Fa#_ Fa#__Fa#__Fa#-Mi
Another round of bullets

Mi__Fa#_ Fa#
Hits my skin

Re__ Fa#-Sol__La-Sol_ La_Sol-Fa#
Well, fire away ’cause today,

Re_ Fa#__Fa#__Mi__ Mi__ Re-Do__Do
I won’t let the shame sink in…

Fa#__ La_Si – La___La
We are bursting through

Fa#_ Fa#-Mi-Re
The barricades

Re__^Re-^Do#_ Si__La__Fa#
And reaching for the sun

_ Fa#_La ^Re-^Re-^Re
(We are warriors)

Si___ Si___ La__La_Fa#-La-La
Yeah, that’s what we’ve become

_Fa#__Fa#__ Mi___Mi__ Re-.Si
(Yeah, that’s what we’ve become)

.Si_ Fa#__Fa#_Mi__Mi_ Fa#_Mi_Fa#_ .Si
I won’t let them break me down to dust

Fa#_Fa#-Mi__Mi_Mi_Fa#__ Mi__Fa#_ .La
I know that there’s a place for us

For we are glorious!

Fa#___ La_ Si – Si__ La
When the sharpest words

Fa#-Fa#__Fa#__La_ Fa#-Mi-Re
Wanna cut me down

Re_Fa#-La_Si__Si__ La
I’m gonna send a flood

Gonna drown them out_~

Re_ La__Fa#__ Re_ La__ Fa#
I am brave, I am bruised

Re# La_Fa#__Fa#__ Fa#_ Mi__Mi
I am who I’m meant to be,

Re__Re__ Re
This is me!

Look out ’cause here I come

Fa#_La_Si – Si_ La
And I’m marching on

Fa#_Fa#__Fa#_La_ Fa#-Mi-Re
To the beat I drum

Re_La__Fa#__ Re__La__Fa#
I’m not scared to be seen

Re__La__ Fa#_ Fa#-Fa#-Mi-Mi
I make no apologies

Re__ Re__Re
This is me!




Oh ~__ Oh ~

Fa# Mi
Oh oh

Re Re Re
This is me!

Fa#_ La__ Si
And I know

La__ La__Fa#-Fa#__ La__ Fa#-Mi
That I deserve your love

__ Fa#-Sol-Si-La


Sol____ La__ La-Si
‘Cause there’s nothing

^Re ^Mi_^Fa#-^Mi-^Re_^Re-Si
I’m_ not__worthy__of

(Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh)

__ Re-La-Fa__Fa# Mi
(oh-oh-oh, oh, oh)

Fa#___La__Si – Si__La
When the sharpest words

Wanna cut me down

Re_ Mi-La_ Si__Si_La
I’m gonna send a flood,

Fa#-Fa#_ Fa#__La__Fa#-Mi-Re
Gonna drown them out

This is brave, this is proof

Re_La__Fa#__Fa#__ Fa#__Mi__Mi
This is who I’m meant to be,

Re__ Re__Re
This is me!

Si___La__ Fa#_Fa#_ La__Fa#-Mi-Re
Look out ’cause here I come_~

Fa#_La_ Si-Si_ La
And I’m marching on

Fa#_ Fa#_ Fa#_ La_ Fa#-Mi-Re
To the beat I drum

Re__ La_Fa#_ Re__ La__Fa#
I’m not scared to be seen

Re_ La_ Fa#__Fa#-Fa#-Mi-Mi
I make no apologies,

Re__Re__ Re
This is me!

Re___Re-Mi__Fa#__ Fa#
When ever the words

Fa#-Mi__Mi__ Re__Re
Wanna cut me down

Re_ Mi_ Fa#__Fa#
I’ll send a flood,

Re__ Si___La_Fa#
To drown them out..

__ Re-La-Fa#__ Re-La-Fa#
(Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh)

_Re-La-Fa__ Fa# Mi
(oh-oh-oh, oh, oh)

This is me!