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The Hanging Tree – Jennifer Lawrence / The Hunger Games song letter notes for piano The Hanging Tree – Jennifer Lawrence / The Hunger Games ABC and do re mi version.

The Hanging Tree Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

G_ A_ ^C ^D
Are you, are you

A – A_ A_G_ E
Coming to the tree?

G__A_ A ^C ^D
They strung up a man

G_ A_ A_A – G_ A
They say who murdered three

^E__ ^D_ ^C_^D-^C_A
Strange things did happen here

G_ A – A_A_ G_E
No stranger would it be

G_G_A ^C ^D-G
If we met at midnight

A_ A_ A – G_ A
In the hanging tree

G_A_^C ^D
Are you, are you

^E -^E ^D ^C A
Coming to the tree?

G__ A_ A_ ^C ^D
Where dead man called out

^E ^E ^D ^C A
For his love to flee

^E__ ^G_ ^E_ ^D-^C_A
Strange things did happen here

G_ A – A_ A_ G_E
No stranger would it be

If we met, at midnight

A_ A_ A – G_ A
In the hanging tree

G_A_^C ^D
Are you, are you

A – A_ A_G_ E
Coming to the tree?

G_G_ A_ A ^C ^D
Where I told you to run

G_ A_ A_ G_ E
So we’d both be free

^E__ ^D_ ^C_^D-^C_ A
Strange things did happen here

G_ A – A_ A_ G_E
No stranger would it be

G G A ^C_ ^D-G
If we met at midnight

A_ A_ A – G_ A
In the hanging tree

G_A ^C ^D
Are you, are you

^E-^E ^D ^C A
Coming to the tree?

G_G_A – A_^C ^D
Wear a necklace of hope

^E_^E ^D ^C_A
Side by side with me

Strange things did happen here

G_ A – A_ A_G_ E
No stranger would it be

G G_A ^C_^D – G
If we met, at midnight

A_ A_ A – G_ A
In the hanging tree

G_ A_ ^C ^D
Are you, are you

A – A_ A_G_ E
Coming to the tree

G_ G_A_ A ^C ^D
Where I told you to run

G_ A_ A_ G_ E
So we’d both be free

^E__ ^D_ ^C_^D-^C_ A
Strange things did happen here

G_ A – A_A_ G_E
No stranger would it be

G G_A ^C ^D – G
If we met at midnight

A_ A_ A – G_ A
In the hanging tree

G_ A_^C ^D
Are you, are you

A – A_ A_G_ E
Coming to the tree?

G__A_A ^C ^D
They strung up a man

G_ A_ A_ A – G_ A
They say who murdered three

^E__^D ^C ^D-^C_ A
Strange things did happen here

G_ A – A_ A_ G_E
No stranger would it be

G G A ^C_^D – G
If we met at midnight

A_A_ A – G_ A
In the hanging tree

G_ A_^C ^D
Are you, are you

^E-^E ^D ^C_A
Coming to the tree?

G__A_A_ ^C_^D
Where dead men called out

^E ^E ^D ^C A
For his love to flee

^E__ ^G_ ^E_^D-^C_ A
Strange things did happen here

G_ A – A_ A_ G_E
No stranger would it be

G G_ A ^C_^D-G
If we met at midnight

A_A_ A – G_ A
In the hanging tree…

The Hanging Tree Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Sol_ La_ ^Do ^Re
Are you, are you

La – La_ La_Sol-Mi
Coming to the tree?

Sol__La_ La ^Do ^Re
They strung up a man

Sol_ La_ La_La – Sol_ La
They say who murdered three

^Mi__ ^Re_ ^Do_^Re-^Do_La
Strange things did happen here

Sol_ La – La_La_ Sol_Mi
No stranger would it be

Sol_Sol_La ^Do ^Re-Sol
If we met at midnight

La_ La_ La – Sol_ La
In the hanging tree

Sol_La_^Do ^Re
Are you, are you

^Mi -^Mi ^Re ^Do La
Coming to the tree?

Sol__ La_ La_ ^Do ^Re
Where dead man called out

^Mi ^Mi ^Re ^Do La
For his love to flee

^Mi__ ^Sol_ ^Mi_ ^Re-^Do_La
Strange things did happen here

Sol_ La – La_ La_ Sol_Mi
No stranger would it be

If we met, at midnight

La_ La_ La – Sol_ La
In the hanging tree

Sol_La_^Do ^Re
Are you, are you

La – La_ La_Sol_ Mi
Coming to the tree?

Sol_Sol_ La_ La ^Do ^Re
Where I told you to run

Sol_ La_ La_ Sol_ Mi
So we’d both be free

^Mi__ ^Re_ ^Do_^Re-^Do_ La
Strange things did happen here

Sol_ La – La_ La_ Sol_Mi
No stranger would it be

Sol Sol La ^Do_ ^Re-Sol
If we met at midnight

La_ La_ La – Sol_ La
In the hanging tree

Sol_La ^Do ^Re
Are you, are you

^Mi-^Mi ^Re ^Do La
Coming to the tree?

Sol_Sol_La – La_^Do ^Re
Wear a necklace of hope

^Mi_^Mi ^Re ^Do_La
Side by side with me

Strange things did happen here

Sol_ La – La_ La_Sol_ Mi
No stranger would it be

Sol Sol_La ^Do_^Re – Sol
If we met, at midnight

La_ La_ La – Sol_ La
In the hanging tree

Sol_ La_ ^Do ^Re
Are you, are you

La – La_ La_Sol_ Mi
Coming to the tree

Sol_ Sol_La_ La ^Do ^Re
Where I told you to run

Sol_ La_ La_ Sol_ Mi
So we’d both be free

^Mi__ ^Re_ ^Do_^Re-^Do_ La
Strange things did happen here

Sol_ La – La_La_ Sol_Mi
No stranger would it be

Sol Sol_La ^Do ^Re – Sol
If we met at midnight

La_ La_ La – Sol_ La
In the hanging tree

Sol_ La_^Do ^Re
Are you, are you

La – La_ La_Sol_ Mi
Coming to the tree?

Sol__La_La ^Do ^Re
They strung up a man

Sol_ La_ La_ La – Sol_ La
They say who murdered three

^Mi__^Re ^Do ^Re-^Do_ La
Strange things did happen here

Sol_ La – La_ La_ Sol_Mi
No stranger would it be

Sol Sol La ^Do_^Re – Sol
If we met at midnight

La_La_ La – Sol_ La
In the hanging tree

Sol_ La_^Do ^Re
Are you, are you

^Mi-^Mi ^Re ^Do_La
Coming to the tree?

Sol__La_La_ ^Do_^Re
Where dead men called out

^Mi ^Mi ^Re ^Do La
For his love to flee

^Mi__ ^Sol_ ^Mi_^Re-^Do_ La
Strange things did happen here

Sol_ La – La_ La_ Sol_Mi
No stranger would it be

Sol Sol_ La ^Do_^Re-Sol
If we met at midnight

La_La_ La – Sol_ La
In the hanging tree…