Letter Notes

The First Noel – Traditional Easy Letter Notes

We have added the letter notes of The First Noel – Traditional song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of The First Noel – Traditional piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

The First Noel – Traditional Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

The First Noel

A-B_ ^C-B__ A__ G
The Angels did say

Was to certain poor

G_ -_ A_____B__^C__ G__ F__ E
Shepherds in fields as they lay

E-D_C-D___E_____F__ G
In fields where they lay

A-B-^C-B__A___ G
Keeping their sheep

A__B_^C__ B – A___ G-A
On a cold winter’s night

B___^C-G_ F__ E
That was so deep…

E-D-C_ E-F-G
Noel,_ Noel,

^C-B-A_ A-G

^C__ B__A_ G-A_ B_^C-G-F-E
Born is the King of Israel!

The First Noel – Traditional Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

The First Noel

La-Si_ ^Do-Si__ La__ Sol
The Angels did say

Was to certain poor

Sol_ -_ La_____Si__^Do__ Sol__ Fa__ Mi
Shepherds in fields as they lay

Mi-Re_Do-Re___Mi_____Fa__ Sol
In fields where they lay

La-Si-^Do-Si__La___ Sol
Keeping their sheep

La__Si_^Do__ Si – La___ Sol-La
On a cold winter’s night

Si___^Do-Sol_ Fa__ Mi
That was so deep…

Mi-Re-Do_ Mi-Fa-Sol
Noel,_ Noel,

^Do-Si-La_ La-Sol

^Do__ Si__La_ Sol-La_ Si_^Do-Sol-Fa-Mi
Born is the King of Israel!

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