Letter Notes

The Christmas Song – Nat King Cole Easy Letter Notes

We have added the letter notes of The Christmas Song – Nat King Cole song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of The Christmas Song – Nat King Cole piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

The Christmas Song – Nat King Cole Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

C – *C___ B – A__ G_ F_ E-E_ E
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire

C___ A___G – F_ E_ D__ C
Jack Frost nipping at your nose

C – C___D-D__C-D__E_ G_A_ B
Yule-tide carols being sung by a choir

A___G#__ G#__Bb_ G#_G-F-G
And folks dressed up like Eskimos

G – F – E – D_ C
Everybody knows

*C_ B – A_ G__F__E – E – E
A turkey and some mistletoe

C___A__G__ F__E – D__ C
Help to make the season bright

C-C_ D__ C__ D__ E_ G__A-B
Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow

A___G_ E_ A_ G__F__ .B-C
Will find it hard to sleep tonight

C____.B__ C__Bb-A_ G_F#_ G
They know that Santa’s on his way

C__ .B – C_ Bb_A_ B
He’s loaded lots of toys

A__ B – A__G_ F__ G
And goodies on his sleigh

C__ .B-C_ G# – G__G#_ G_ F-D#_ F
And every mother’s child is gonna spy

D#_F D#_ D-D_ D – D__D__D_ D_ D
To see if reindeer really know how to fly

E__C_*C_ B-A-G_ F__ E – E__ E
And so I’m offering this simple phrase

E__C__ A__ G_ F__ E – D – C
To kids from one to ninety-two

.B – C__ .B__C__ D__C – D__ E
Although it’s been said many times

G – A_ B
Many ways…

*C – A__ G – C__D__C
“Merry Christmas to you”

The Christmas Song – Nat King Cole Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Do – ^Do___ Si – La__ Sol_ Fa_ Mi-Mi_ Mi
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire

Do___ La___Sol – Fa_ Mi_ Re__ Do
Jack Frost nipping at your nose

Do – Do___Re-Re__Do-Re__Mi_ Sol_La_ Si
Yule-tide carols being sung by a choir

La___Sol#__ Sol#__Sib_ Sol#_Sol-Fa-Sol
And folks dressed up like Eskimos

Sol – Fa – Mi – Re_ Do
Everybody knows

^Do_ Si – La_ Sol__Fa__Mi – Mi – Mi
A turkey and some mistletoe

Do___La__Sol__ Fa__Mi – Re__ Do
Help to make the season bright

Do-Do_ Re__ Do__ Re__ Mi_ Sol__La-Si
Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow

La___Sol_ Mi_ La_ Sol__Fa__ .Si-Do
Will find it hard to sleep tonight

Do____.Si__ Do__Sib-La_ Sol_Fa#_ Sol
They know that Santa’s on his way

Do__ .Si – Do_ Sib_La_ Si
He’s loaded lots of toys

La__ Si – La__Sol_ Fa__ Sol
And goodies on his sleigh

Do__ .Si-Do_ Sol# – Sol__Sol#_ Sol_ Fa-Re#_ Fa
And every mother’s child is gonna spy

Re#_Fa Re#_ Re-Re_ Re – Re__Re__Re_ Re_ Re
To see if reindeer really know how to fly

Mi__Do_^Do_ Si-La-Sol_ Fa__ Mi – Mi__ Mi
And so I’m offering this simple phrase

Mi__Do__ La__ Sol_ Fa__ Mi – Re – Do
To kids from one to ninety-two

.Si – Do__ .Si__Do__ Re__Do – Re__ Mi
Although it’s been said many times

Sol – La_ Si
Many ways…

^Do – La__ Sol – Do__Re__Do
“Merry Christmas to you”

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