Letter Notes

Tears in Heaven – Eric Clapton Easy Letter Notes

We have added the letter notes of Tears in Heaven – Eric Clapton song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Tears in Heaven – Eric Clapton piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Tears in Heaven – Eric Clapton Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

Would you know my name_~

^D ^D ^C#__B__ A__ ^C#-B
If__I__ saw__you_ in_ heaven?

^C#__ A_^E_ B_^C#-B-A
Would it be the same_~

^D ^D ^C#_ B_ A__^C#-B
If_ I_ saw_ you_ in_ heaven?

A__A__B___ G#
I must be strong

And carry on

B___^C#_ ^D
‘Cause I know

B__B__ A-G#-F#-E
I don’t belong__~

^C#__B__B – A
Here in heaven…

^C#____A__ ^E__ ^E__^C#-B-A
Would you hold my hand_ ~

^D ^D ^C#_ B_ A__^C#-B
If_ I_ saw_ you_ in_ heaven

^C#____A__^E_ ^F#_ ^C#-B-A
Would you help me stand_~

^D ^D ^C#_B__A_ ^C#-B
If_ I_ saw_ you_ in_ heaven?

A__ A__ B__ G#
I’ll find my way

G_________ G___ A___F#
Through night and day

B___^C#_ ^D
‘Cause I know

^D_B_ A__ G#-F#-E
I just can’t stay_ ~

^C#_ B__B – A
Here in heaven…

Time can bring you down

^C____A___^D___A____ B
Time can bend your knees

^E___ ^E__ ^D__ ^D_ ^C-B-A
Time can break your heart_~

^C____A__ ^D-^D____B
Have you begging please

Begging please_ ~

Tears in Heaven – Eric Clapton Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Would you know my name_~

^Re ^Re ^Do#__Si__ La__ ^Do#-Si
If__I__ saw__you_ in_ heaven?

^Do#__ La_^Mi_ Si_^Do#-Si-La
Would it be the same_~

^Re ^Re ^Do#_ Si_ La__^Do#-Si
If_ I_ saw_ you_ in_ heaven?

La__La__Si___ Sol#
I must be strong

And carry on

Si___^Do#_ ^Re
‘Cause I know

Si__Si__ La-Sol#-Fa#-Mi
I don’t belong__~

^Do#__Si__Si – La
Here in heaven…

^Do#____La__ ^Mi__ ^Mi__^Do#-Si-La
Would you hold my hand_ ~

^Re ^Re ^Do#_ Si_ La__^Do#-Si
If_ I_ saw_ you_ in_ heaven

^Do#____La__^Mi_ ^Fa#_ ^Do#-Si-La
Would you help me stand_~

^Re ^Re ^Do#_Si__La_ ^Do#-Si
If_ I_ saw_ you_ in_ heaven?

La__ La__ Si__ Sol#
I’ll find my way

Sol_________ Sol___ La___Fa#
Through night and day

Si___^Do#_ ^Re
‘Cause I know

^Re_Si_ La__ Sol#-Fa#-Mi
I just can’t stay_ ~

^Do#_ Si__Si – La
Here in heaven…

Time can bring you down

^Do____La___^Re___La____ Si
Time can bend your knees

^Mi___ ^Mi__ ^Re__ ^Re_ ^Do-Si-La
Time can break your heart_~

^Do____La__ ^Re-^Re____Si
Have you begging please

Begging please_ ~

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