Sweet Caroline – Neil Diamond Easy Letter Notes
We have added the letter notes of Sweet Caroline – Neil Diamond song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Sweet Caroline – Neil Diamond piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …
Sweet Caroline – Neil Diamond Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes
_E__ _F__G-_G
Where it began
_D _E _F-_F _F__E-_D
I can’t begin to knowing
_C_ _D__E__E
But then I know
It’s growing strong…
_E_ _F__G_ _G
Was in the spring
_D____ _E____F-_F___F___E-_D
Then spring became the summer
Who’d have believed
_E____ _D_ _C-G
You’d come along…
G________ A – A_____A
Hands, touching hands
B_-_B____ B
Reaching out
_C – _C_ _C
Touching me
_C – _D_ _D
Touching you…
_E_____ G-A-A
Sweet Caroline
A______ _F
Good times
_F-_E____D___C__ G
Never seemed so good
_E_ G__A – A
I’d be inclined
A__ _F-_F___E_ _D-_C_ _D
To believe they never would…
But now I
Look at the night
_D__E__F_ _F_ _F__E-_D
And it don’t seem so lonely
We filled it up with only two…
_E__ _F__G__G
And when I hurt
_D-_E____F_ _F__F___E-_D
Hurting runs off my shoulders
_C___D__E__E__E___D-_C_ _D
How can I hurt when holding you?
Sweet Caroline – Neil Diamond Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes
_Mi__ _Fa__Sol-_Sol
Where it began
_Re _Mi _Fa-_Fa _Fa__Mi-_Re
I can’t begin to knowing
_Do_ _Re__Mi__Mi
But then I know
It’s growing strong…
_Mi_ _Fa__Sol_ _Sol
Was in the spring
_Re____ _Mi____Fa-_Fa___Fa___Mi-_Re
Then spring became the summer
Who’d have believed
_Mi____ _Re_ _Do-Sol
You’d come along…
Sol________ La – La_____La
Hands, touching hands
Si_-_Si____ Si
Reaching out
_Do – _Do_ _Do
Touching me
_Do – _Re_ _Re
Touching you…
_Mi_____ Sol-La-La
Sweet Caroline
La______ _Fa
Good times
_Fa-_Mi____Re___Do__ Sol
Never seemed so good
_Mi_ Sol__La – La
I’d be inclined
La__ _Fa-_Fa___Mi_ _Re-_Do_ _Re
To believe they never would…
But now I
Look at the night
_Re__Mi__Fa_ _Fa_ _Fa__Mi-_Re
And it don’t seem so lonely
We filled it up with only two…
_Mi__ _Fa__Sol__Sol
And when I hurt
_Re-_Mi____Fa_ _Fa__Fa___Mi-_Re
Hurting runs off my shoulders
_Do___Re__Mi__Mi__Mi___Re-_Do_ _Re
How can I hurt when holding you?