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We have added the letter notes of Sleeping Satellite – Tasmin Archer song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Sleeping Satellite – Tasmin Archer piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Sleeping Satellite – Tasmin Archer Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

E___B___ A__ G__ G__ G – A___A
I blame you for the moonlit sky

E____ E____ G____ A___ A___ E___ E__ G – A___ B
And the dream that died with the eagles’ flight

E__ B____A__ G__ G___G – A____A
I blame you for the moonlit nights

E_____E__G – A___ A___E__ E___G___ A__ B
When I wonder why are the seas still dry?

E_______B_____A___G – G___G-G-D
Don’t blame this sleeping satellite…

A___A__G_ A__G___ A____A___A
Did we fly to the moon too soon

A___ A___G_-_A___ G____ A____A__G__ A__ A__G__ A
Did we squander the chance in the rush of the race

G___ A – A__ G___ A___ A_ A__A_ B-A-G
The reason we chase is lost in romance

And still we_try_~

A_ A-G-A__A___A
To justify the waste

A__G__ A__ A__G-A_ ^D-^C_^C-B-A-G-A
For a taste of man’s greatest adventure…

Sleeping Satellite – Tasmin Archer Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Mi___Si___ La__ Sol__ Sol__ Sol – La___La
I blame you for the moonlit sky

Mi____ Mi____ Sol____ La___ La___ Mi___ Mi__ Sol – La___ Si
And the dream that died with the eagles’ flight

Mi__ Si____La__ Sol__ Sol___Sol – La____La
I blame you for the moonlit nights

Mi_____Mi__Sol – La___ La___Mi__ Mi___Sol___ La__ Si
When I wonder why are the seas still dry?

Mi_______Si_____La___Sol – Sol___Sol-Sol-Re
Don’t blame this sleeping satellite…

La___La__Sol_ La__Sol___ La____La___La
Did we fly to the moon too soon

La___ La___Sol_-_La___ Sol____ La____La__Sol__ La__ La__Sol__ La
Did we squander the chance in the rush of the race

Sol___ La – La__ Sol___ La___ La_ La__La_ Si-La-Sol
The reason we chase is lost in romance

And still we_try_~

La_ La-Sol-La__La___La
To justify the waste

La__Sol__ La__ La__Sol-La_ ^Re-^Do_^Do-Si-La-Sol-La
For a taste of man’s greatest adventure…