Film MusicLetter Notes

Shallow – Lady Gaga ft. Bradley Cooper Easy Letter Notes

Shallow – Lady Gaga ft. Bradley Cooper song letter notes for piano Shallow – Lady Gaga ft. Bradley Cooper ABC and do re mi version.

Shallow Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

A_ A_ A – G__ E
Tell me somethin’ girl

F__ F_ F – F_F_ F_ F – E__ D
Are you happy in this modern world?

A_A_ A_ G__ E
Or do you need more?

F_ F__ F – F__ F
Is there somethin’ else

F___ F – E__ D
You’re searchin’ for?

C_ D-D
I’m falling

G G_ G_ G__ E
In all the good times

E D_E – D_ C-C_ D_ D – E
I find myself longin’ for change

G_ G_G_ G__F_ E_D_ E-D
And in the bad times I fear myself

A_ A_ A – G__ E
Tell me something boy

C___ F__F_ F-F_ F_F_ E_ D
Aren’t you tired tryin’ to fill that void?

C_ A_A_ G_ E-D-C
Or do you need more?

C__ F_ F_ F – F_ F_F_ E – D
Ain’t it hard keeping it so hardcore?

C_ D-E
I’m falling

G G_G_ G__ F
In all the good times

E D_ D-D_ D – C_G_E-D-C
I find myself longing for change

G_ G_G_ G_ F_ E_D_ D-D
And in the bad times I fear myself

^F ^F ^F_^F ^E
I’m off the deep end

^D_^D ^E ^D ^C
Watch as I dive in

^E ^E-^E ^G ^C ^C-^D-^E
I’ll never meet the ground

^F___ ^F__^F_^F-^E
Crash through the surface

^D__ ^D_ ^E_ ^D ^C
Where they can’t hurt us

G__ ^E_^E_^E ^G-^C ^C-^D-^E
We’re far from the shallow now ~

^C ^C ^C-^C_B-B-^C-B
In the shallow, shallow ~

^C ^C ^C-B-B ^B-A-A
In the shallow, shallow

^C ^C ^C-^C B-B-^C-B
In the shallow, shallow ~

G__ ^C_^C_^C ^C-^G_ E
We’re far from the shallow now!

Shallow Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

La_ La_ La – Sol__ Mi
Tell me somethin’ girl

Fa__ Fa_ Fa – Fa_Fa_ Fa_ Fa – Mi__ Re
Are you happy in this modern world?

La_La_ La_ Sol__ Mi
Or do you need more?

Fa_ Fa__ Fa – Fa__ Fa
Is there somethin’ else

Fa___ Fa – Mi__ Re
You’re searchin’ for?

Do_ Re-Re
I’m falling

Sol Sol_ Sol_ Sol__ Mi
In all the good times

Mi Re_Mi – Re_ Do-Do_ Re_ Re – Mi
I find myself longin’ for change

Sol_ Sol_Sol_ Sol__Fa_ Mi_Re_ Mi-Re
And in the bad times I fear myself

La_ La_ La – Sol__ Mi
Tell me something boy

Do___ Fa__Fa_ Fa-Fa_ Fa_Fa_ Mi_ Re
Aren’t you tired tryin’ to fill that void?

Do_ La_La_ Sol_ Mi-Re-Do
Or do you need more?

Do__ Fa_ Fa_ Fa – Fa_ Fa_Fa_ Mi – Re
Ain’t it hard keeping it so hardcore?

Do_ Re-Mi
I’m falling

Sol Sol_Sol_ Sol__ Fa
In all the good times

Mi Re_ Re-Re_ Re – Do_Sol_Mi-Re-Do
I find myself longing for change

Sol_ Sol_Sol_ Sol_ Fa_ Mi_Re_ Re-Re
And in the bad times I fear myself

^Fa ^Fa ^Fa_^Fa ^Mi
I’m off the deep end

^Re_^Re ^Mi ^Re ^Do
Watch as I dive in

^Mi ^Mi-^Mi ^Sol ^Do ^Do-^Re-^Mi
I’ll never meet the ground

^Fa___ ^Fa__^Fa_^Fa-^Mi
Crash through the surface

^Re__ ^Re_ ^Mi_ ^Re ^Do
Where they can’t hurt us

Sol__ ^Mi_^Mi_^Mi ^Sol-^Do ^Do-^Re-^Mi
We’re far from the shallow now ~

^Do ^Do ^Do-^Do_Si-Si-^Do-Si
In the shallow, shallow ~

^Do ^Do ^Do-Si-Si ^Si-La-La
In the shallow, shallow

^Do ^Do ^Do-^Do Si-Si-^Do-Si
In the shallow, shallow ~

Sol__ ^Do_^Do_^Do ^Do-^Sol_ Mi
We’re far from the shallow now

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