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We have added the letter notes of Running to the Sea – Royksopp song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Running to the Sea – Royksopp piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Running to the Sea – Royksopp Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

A__G#__ A___ G#___B-^C#__A__G#-A
I could hear them howling from afar

G#_G#_ A__ B-^C#_ A__G#__A-G#-F#
I saw them rushing to your car_~

A_ G#_ A-G#__B__^C#___A-G#___ A
In a moment all went screaming wild

G#-G#_A_ B-^C#__ A___G#__A-G#-F#
Until the darkness killed the light_ ~

A_ G#-A-G#__B-^C#_A_ G#_A
I remember running to the sea

G#__ G#-A__ B-^C#__A__G#_ A-G#-F#
The burning houses and the trees

A_ G#-A-G#_ B-^C#_A_G#_A
I remember running to the sea

G#-G#_ A_ B-^C#_ A_ G#_A-G#-F#
Alone and blinded by the fear_ ~

B____ A__B-A___ B____ A – B___ A__ ^C#
And the river flows beneath your skin

A_____B-A____B-A___B___ A-A-F#
Like savage horses kept within

A____B_ A__B-A__B__A__^C#
And all is wasted in the sand

G#___ G#-A____ B-^C#___ A___ G#__A-G#-F#
Like breaking diamonds with your hand_ ~

A_ G#-A-G#__B-^C#_A_ G#_A
I remember running to the sea

G#-A-G#__B-^C#_ A_G#_ A-G#-F#
Remember falling to my knees_~

A_G#-A-G#_ B-^C#_A_ G#_ A-B-A
I remember gliding off the shore

G#-G#_A_ B__^C#_ A-G#_ A-G#-F#
Until I touched the ocean floor_~

B____ A__B-A___ B____ A – B___ A__ ^C#
And the river flows beneath your skin

A_____B-A____B-A___B___ A-A-F#
Like savage horses kept within

A____B_ A__B-A__B__A__^C#
And all is wasted in the sand

G#___ G#-A____ B-^C#___ A___ G#__A-G#-F#
Like breaking diamonds with your hand_ ~

A____G#_A-G#__B___ B-B__A__A
And the river grows inside of me (x3)

A__ G#_A-G#_B_^C#-^C#_^C# ^C#
And the river grows inside of me

A____G#_A-G#__B___ B-B__A__A
And the river grows inside of me…

Running to the Sea – Royksopp Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

La__Sol#__ La___ Sol#___Si-^Do#__La__Sol#-La
I could hear them howling from afar

Sol#_Sol#_ La__ Si-^Do#_ La__Sol#__La-Sol#-Fa#
I saw them rushing to your car_~

La_ Sol#_ La-Sol#__Si__^Do#___La-Sol#___ La
In a moment all went screaming wild

Sol#-Sol#_La_ Si-^Do#__ La___Sol#__La-Sol#-Fa#
Until the darkness killed the light_ ~

La_ Sol#-La-Sol#__Si-^Do#_La_ Sol#_La
I remember running to the sea

Sol#__ Sol#-La__ Si-^Do#__La__Sol#_ La-Sol#-Fa#
The burning houses and the trees

La_ Sol#-La-Sol#_ Si-^Do#_La_Sol#_La
I remember running to the sea

Sol#-Sol#_ La_ Si-^Do#_ La_ Sol#_La-Sol#-Fa#
Alone and blinded by the fear_ ~

Si____ La__Si-La___ Si____ La – Si___ La__ ^Do#
And the river flows beneath your skin

La_____Si-La____Si-La___Si___ La-La-Fa#
Like savage horses kept within

La____Si_ La__Si-La__Si__La__^Do#
And all is wasted in the sand

Sol#___ Sol#-La____ Si-^Do#___ La___ Sol#__La-Sol#-Fa#
Like breaking diamonds with your hand_ ~

La_ Sol#-La-Sol#__Si-^Do#_La_ Sol#_La
I remember running to the sea

Sol#-La-Sol#__Si-^Do#_ La_Sol#_ La-Sol#-Fa#
Remember falling to my knees_~

La_Sol#-La-Sol#_ Si-^Do#_La_ Sol#_ La-Si-La
I remember gliding off the shore

Sol#-Sol#_La_ Si__^Do#_ La-Sol#_ La-Sol#-Fa#
Until I touched the ocean floor_~

Si____ La__Si-La___ Si____ La – Si___ La__ ^Do#
And the river flows beneath your skin

La_____Si-La____Si-La___Si___ La-La-Fa#
Like savage horses kept within

La____Si_ La__Si-La__Si__La__^Do#
And all is wasted in the sand

Sol#___ Sol#-La____ Si-^Do#___ La___ Sol#__La-Sol#-Fa#
Like breaking diamonds with your hand_ ~

La____Sol#_La-Sol#__Si___ Si-Si__La__La
And the river grows inside of me (x3)

La__ Sol#_La-Sol#_Si_^Do#-^Do#_^Do# ^Do#
And the river grows inside of me

La____Sol#_La-Sol#__Si___ Si-Si__La__La
And the river grows inside of me…