Riptide – Vance Joy Easy Letter Notes
We have added the letter notes of Riptide – Vance Joy song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Riptide – Vance Joy piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …
Riptide – Vance Joy Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes
.Bb C_ C__D__ F-Bb_G__F_ F
I was scared of dentists and the dark
.Bb C_C_ D_ F-Bb G_
I was scared of pretty girls
D__ F-D__ F-D_-F-G_
And starting conversations
Oh ~
F_ F__ F__ F_ F-D__ F
All my friends are turning green
F___ D_ F_-D_-F D_-F-D_
You’re the magicians assistant
In their dreams ~
Bb-G_ F
G_ G_ Bb G_-Bb-G_
And they come unstuck
F – F_ F – F_ G_ D_ D_ D_-C_
Lady, running down to the riptide
F – F_F-G_ D_ D_ F_F
Taken away to the dark side
F_F – F G_ D_ C_ C_ C_
I wanna be your left hand man
D_ F F
I love you
D___ F__ G_-D__D_ D_ C_
When you’re singing that song and
F_F F_G_ D_ D__ F_ F
I got a lump in my throat cause
F___ F – F_ G_ D__D__ C_
You’re gonna sing the words wrong
Riptide – Vance Joy Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes
.Sib Do_ Do__ Re__ Fa-Sib_ Sol__ Fa_ Fa
I was scared of dentists and the dark
.Sib Do_ Do__Re__Fa-Sib_Sol_
I was scared of pretty girls
Re___Fa-Re__ Fa-Re_-Fa-Sol_
And starting conversations
Oh ~
Fa__Fa___Fa___ Fa__Fa-Re___Fa
All my friends are turning green
Fa____ Re__Fa_-Re_-Fa_Re_-Fa-Re_
You’re the magicians assistant
Fa_ Re__ Fa-Re_-Do_
In their dreams ~
Sib-Sol_ Fa
Sol_ Sol_ Sib Sol_-Sib-Sol_
And they come unstuck
Fa – Fa__ Fa – Fa_ Sol__Re_ Re__Re_-Do_
Lady, running down to the riptide
Fa – Fa_ Fa-Sol__Re__Re__Fa_ Fa
Taken away to the dark side
Fa_ Fa – Fa_Sol__Re__Do__Do__Do_
I wanna be your left hand man
I love you
Re____ Fa___Sol_-Re__ Re__Re__Do_
When you’re singing that song and
Fa_ Fa Fa_ Sol__Re__Re__ Fa__Fa
I got a lump in my throat cause
Fa____ Fa – Fa__Sol__Re__ Re___Do_
You’re gonna sing the words wrong