Right Here Waiting For You – Richard Marx Easy Letter Notes
We have added the letter notes of Right Here Waiting For You – Richard Marx song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Right Here Waiting For You – Richard Marx piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …
Right Here Waiting For You – Richard Marx Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes
G-^C_ ^D-^D^E
Oceans apart
Day after day
A__ B_^C-^D_ B_ G-G
And I slowly go insane
G_^C_ ^D_^D-^E
I hear your voice
^E_^C_ ^D-^C-A
On the line
A__ B_^C-^D__ B__ ^C_ ^C
But it doesn’t stop the pain…
^C^C^D ^E ^F ^E ^C-^D-^C-A
If I see you next to never_ ~
How can we say forever?
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
^C ^C ^D_^E_^D__^C-B___A__G
I will be right here waiting for you
^G-^G-^F ^E ^D
Whatever it takes
^D_^D_ ^E__^F__^E-^D-^C
Or how my heart breaks
^C ^D ^E ^F_ ^E__^D-^C__B_ ^C
I will be right here waiting for you…
Right Here Waiting For You – Richard Marx Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes
Sol-^Do_ ^Re-^Re^Mi
Oceans apart
Day after day
La__ Si_^Do-^Re_ Si_ Sol-Sol
And I slowly go insane
Sol_^Do_ ^Re_^Re-^Mi
I hear your voice
^Mi_^Do_ ^Re-^Do-La
On the line
La__ Si_^Do-^Re__ Si__ ^Do_ ^Do
But it doesn’t stop the pain…
^Do^Do^Re ^Mi ^Fa ^Mi ^Do-^Re-^Do-La
If I see you next to never_ ~
How can we say forever?
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
^Do ^Do ^Re_^Mi_^Re__^Do-Si___La__Sol
I will be right here waiting for you
^Sol-^Sol-^Fa ^Mi ^Re
Whatever it takes
^Re_^Re_ ^Mi__^Fa__^Mi-^Re-^Do
Or how my heart breaks
^Do ^Re ^Mi ^Fa_ ^Mi__^Re-^Do__Si_ ^Do
I will be right here waiting for you…