Letter Notes

Love Story – Taylor Swift Easy Letter Notes

We have added the letter notes of Love Story – Taylor Swift song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Love Story – Taylor Swift piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Love Story – Taylor Swift Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

E___F___F___ F___F__ E__F_ G__F
We were both young when I first saw you

F__E__F__ F__F__ F__ E – F___ G
I close my eyes and the flashback starts

F__ E – F___ D
I’m standing there

F_F_F – E – E_C_ C – C_ D
On a balcony in summer air

E__ F___F___F_ F_ E – F
See the lights, see the party

F__ G___F
The ball gowns

E___F__ F___ F__ F___ E____F__ G
See you make your way through the crowd

F__ E__F-D
And say hello

F – E_ C_C_ D
Little did I know

F___ E__ F__ F-F-F
That you were Romeo

F___ F___ E – F___ G – F
You were throwing pebbles

F__ F__F – F_ G
And my daddy said

F___ F – F_ F_ ^C-Bb-A
“Stay away from Juliet”

G_ A_ G_ A – G_A_ A__A – F
And I was crying on the staircase

G – G__ G___ G___F__ A-Bb-A
Begging you, please, don’t go_~

A_ A_ F__F-F-Bb
And I said “Romeo

A___F__ F – G___ G__F_ A_ F-G
Take me somewhere we can be alone

F_ G_ A – G
I’ll be waiting

F__ G__ G_ F_A_F_G
All that’s left to do is run

F___ G_ F__ A
You’ll be the prince

G__ F_G_ F__A – G
And I’ll be the princess

F_ F_G_ A-G-A-G
It’s a love story_~

A-G_ A_ A-G_F
Baby just say yes”

Love Story – Taylor Swift Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Mi___Fa___Fa___ Fa___Fa__ Mi__Fa_ Sol__Fa
We were both young when I first saw you

Fa__Mi__Fa__ Fa__Fa__ Fa__ Mi – Fa___ Sol
I close my eyes and the flashback starts

Fa__ Mi – Fa___ Re
I’m standing there

Fa_Fa_Fa – Mi – Mi_Do_ Do – Do_ Re
On a balcony in summer air

Mi__ Fa___Fa___Fa_ Fa_ Mi – Fa
See the lights, see the party

Fa__ Sol___Fa
The ball gowns

Mi___Fa__ Fa___ Fa__ Fa___ Mi____Fa__ Sol
See you make your way through the crowd

Fa__ Mi__Fa-Re
And say hello

Fa – Mi_ Do_Do_ Re
Little did I know

Fa___ Mi__ Fa__ Fa-Fa-Fa
That you were Romeo

Fa___ Fa___ Mi – Fa___ Sol – Fa
You were throwing pebbles

Fa__ Fa__Fa – Fa_ Sol
And my daddy said

Fa___ Fa – Fa_ Fa_ ^Do-Sib-La
“Stay away from Juliet”

Sol_ La_ Sol_ La – Sol_La_ La__La – Fa
And I was crying on the staircase

Sol – Sol__ Sol___ Sol___Fa__ La-Sib-La
Begging you, please, don’t go_~

La_ La_ Fa__Fa-Fa-Sib
And I said “Romeo

La___Fa__ Fa – Sol___ Sol__Fa_ La_ Fa-Sol
Take me somewhere we can be alone

Fa_ Sol_ La – Sol
I’ll be waiting

Fa__ Sol__ Sol_ Fa_La_Fa_Sol
All that’s left to do is run

Fa___ Sol_ Fa__ La
You’ll be the prince

Sol__ Fa_Sol_ Fa__La – Sol
And I’ll be the princess

Fa_ Fa_Sol_ La-Sol-La-Sol
It’s a love story_~

La-Sol_ La_ La-Sol_Fa
Baby just say yes”

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