Like a Prayer – Madonna Easy Letter Notes
We have added the letter notes of Like a Prayer – Madonna song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Like a Prayer – Madonna piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …
Like a Prayer – Madonna Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes
F__ F_ F_ E-G-F
Life is a mystery
F – F – F_____F_____E___ G – F
Everyone must stand alone
A__A__ A__ G__Bb__ A
I hear you call my name
F___ F__ A___G___F-D
And it feels like home….
A______ A___F___ F___E
When you call my name
E__ G_ G__G-G___F
It’s like a little prayer
D____ G___G__G___ F
I’m down on my knees,
D_ G – F__ A___G___ F
I wanna take you there!
G__ G___G_- G____F
In the midnight hour
G__G__ A___F____F
I can feel your power,
G___ G__ G___F
Just like a prayer
A_____F____F___A___G___ F
You know I’ll take you there!
E__E___ G____G
I hear your voice
A___A__G__B-G__ E-G
It’s like an angel sighing
E__E__ G___G___ B__ A___ A___G-A
I have no choice, I hear your voice
A_____B___G – A
Feels like flying…
E__ E___G__ G
I close my eyes….
A___ A__G__B__ G__ E – G
Oh God I think I’m falling
E___ E__G__G__B__ A___A__G-A
Out of the sky, I close my eyes
A_-_B___ ^C__ B
Heaven help me!
Like a Prayer – Madonna Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes
Fa__ Fa_ Fa_ Mi-Sol-Fa
Life is a mystery
Fa – Fa – Fa_____Fa_____Mi___ Sol – Fa
Everyone must stand alone
La__La__ La__ Sol__Sib__ La
I hear you call my name
Fa___ Fa__ La___Sol___Fa-Re
And it feels like home….
La______ La___Fa___ Fa___Mi
When you call my name
Mi__ Sol_ Sol__Sol-Sol___Fa
It’s like a little prayer
Re____ Sol___Sol__Sol___ Fa
I’m down on my knees,
Re_ Sol – Fa__ La___Sol___ Fa
I wanna take you there!
Sol__ Sol___Sol_- Sol____Fa
In the midnight hour
Sol__Sol__ La___Fa____Fa
I can feel your power,
Sol___ Sol__ Sol___Fa
Just like a prayer
La_____Fa____Fa___La___Sol___ Fa
You know I’ll take you there!
Mi__Mi___ Sol____Sol
I hear your voice
La___La__Sol__Si-Sol__ Mi-Sol
It’s like an angel sighing
Mi__Mi__ Sol___Sol___ Si__ La___ La___Sol-La
I have no choice, I hear your voice
La_____Si___Sol – La
Feels like flying…
Mi__ Mi___Sol__ Sol
I close my eyes….
La___ La__Sol__Si__ Sol__ Mi – Sol
Oh God I think I’m falling
Mi___ Mi__Sol__Sol__Si__ La___La__Sol-La
Out of the sky, I close my eyes
La_-_Si___ ^Do__ Si
Heaven help me!