La Isla Bonita – Madonna Piano Letter Notes
We have added the letter notes of La Isla Bonita – Madonna song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of La Isla Bonita – Madonna piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …
La Isla Bonita – Madonna Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes
Last night
C# _D#_ G#__D#__E-_D#-_E
I_dreamt_ of_ San_ Pedro_~
_E__ _E_ _G#_ _G#-E_ _E
Just_ like_ I’d_ never_ gone,
_G# _F#__D# _D#
I_ knew_the_song…
_C# _C#_ G#
A__ young girl
With_eyes_like_ the__ desert_~
_E__E___E__ _G#_ _G#-_E-_E
It_ all_seems_ like_ yesterday,
_G#_ _F#_ _D#-_D#
Not___far___ away…
_E-_E-_E _E__E-_D# _D#
Tropical__the_ island breeze
_F# _F# _F#-_F# _F#_ _E_ _E
All___of__ nature__wild and free
_D# _D#__D#__D# _D# _C# _C#
This__is__where_ I__ long__to__ be
_C#__C#-_C#_ _C#-_D#-_E-_D#-_E
La______isla____ bonita_ ~__~
And when the_samba played
_F# _F# _F#___F# _E__E
The sun would set_ so high
_E____ _D#_ _D# _D#
Ring through my_ears
And_sting my_ eyes
_C#_ _F#-_E_B-B-_C#
Your Spanish_lullaby…
La Isla Bonita – Madonna Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes
Last night
Do# _Re#_ Sol#__Re#__Mi-_Re#-_Mi
I_dreamt_ of_ San_ Pedro_~
_Mi__ _Mi_ _Sol#_ _Sol#-Mi_ _Mi
Just_ like_ I’d_ never_ gone,
_Sol# _Fa#__Re# _Re#
I_ knew_the_song…
_Do# _Do#_ Sol#
A__ young girl
With_eyes_like_ the__ desert_~
_Mi__Mi___Mi__ _Sol#_ _Sol#-_Mi-_Mi
It_ all_seems_ like_ yesterday,
_Sol#_ _Fa#_ _Re#-_Re#
Not___far___ away…
_Mi-_Mi-_Mi _Mi__Mi-_Re# _Re#
Tropical__the_ island breeze
_Fa# _Fa# _Fa#-_Fa# _Fa#_ _Mi_ _Mi
All___of__ nature__wild and free
_Re# _Re#__Re#__Re# _Re# _Do# _Do#
This__is__where_ I__ long__to__ be
_Do#__Do#-_Do#_ _Do#-_Re#-_Mi-_Re#-_Mi
La______isla____ bonita_ ~__~
And when the_samba played
_Fa# _Fa# _Fa#___Fa# _Mi__Mi
The sun would set_ so high
_Mi____ _Re#_ _Re# _Re#
Ring through my_ears
And_sting my_ eyes
_Do#_ _Fa#-_Mi_Si-Si-_Do#
Your Spanish_lullaby…