Letter Notes

Just The Way You Are – Billy Joel Easy Letter Notes

We have added the letter notes of Just The Way You Are – Billy Joel song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Just The Way You Are – Billy Joel piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Just The Way You Are – Billy Joel Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

^C__ ^E__ ^C – A__ E__ A__^C___A___ G
Don’t go changing to try and please me

E____F-G___E__D___D___ C – E
You never let me down before

F – G_____ E-D-E
Mmmmm mmm

E_____ E-E-D___ C____ E__ G-B-^C
Don’t imagine you’re too familiar

E__ A__B__ ^C_ ^D_ B-A_B-A-G
And I don’t see you any more ~

^D_^D_ ^F#_ ^D__ B
I would not leave you

E___A__ ^C__ A-G
In times of trouble

E____F-G____F_____E___ D___ C___D-E
We never could have come this far

F – G_____ E-D-C
Mmmmm mmm

E__E__ C____D____ D-C
I took the good times

D___ E___G__ B___^C
I’ll take the bad times

A___A___B_ ^C__^E__ A__ B__^C
I’ll take you just the way you are

Just The Way You Are – Billy Joel Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

^Do__ ^Mi__ ^Do – La__ Mi__ La__^Do___La___ Sol
Don’t go changing to try and please me

Mi____Fa-Sol___Mi__Re___Re___ Do – Mi
You never let me down before

Fa – Sol_____ Mi-Re-Mi
Mmmmm mmm

Mi_____ Mi-Mi-Re___ Do____ Mi__ Sol-Si-^Do
Don’t imagine you’re too familiar

Mi__ La__Si__ ^Do_ ^Re_ Si-La_Si-La-Sol
And I don’t see you any more ~

^Re_^Re_ ^Fa#_ ^Re__ Si
I would not leave you

Mi___La__ ^Do__ La-Sol
In times of trouble

Mi____Fa-Sol____Fa_____Mi___ Re___ Do___Re-Mi
We never could have come this far

Fa – Sol_____ Mi-Re-Do
Mmmmm mmm

Mi__Mi__ Do____Re____ Re-Do
I took the good times

Re___ Mi___Sol__ Si___^Do
I’ll take the bad times

La___La___Si_ ^Do__^Mi__ La__ Si__^Do
I’ll take you just the way you are

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