Letter Notes

Jingle Bells – Traditional Piano Letter Notes

The piano notes of the jingle bells song are with you… An easy and wonderful Christmas song. We have added a few alternatives, easy and difficult, for you.

Only Right Hand! Jingle Bells Piano Notes with Letters

jingle bells

Jingle Bells – Traditional Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

(D^)_B – B__ B___ B – B__ B___B-^D_G__A__ B
(Oh) Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way

^C_ ^C__^C ^C ^C_B_ B
Oh what fun_it__is_to ride

B_B_ B___ A____A-B_ A-^D
In a one horse open sleigh

B – B___B___ B – B__ B___ B-^D G__A__ B
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way

^C_ ^C__^C ^C ^C_B__B
Oh what fun_it__is_ to ride

B_B ^D__ ^D__^C-A__ G
In a one horse open sleigh

D_-_B______ A_____G___ D___D D D____B____A-G___E
Dashing through the snow in a one horse open sleigh

E____ ^C___B___ A_ F#_^D-^D_^C_ A__ B
Over the fields we go laughing all the way

D____ B__A – G___D__ D_-_B__ A – G__ E
Bells on bobtail ring making spirits bright

E______E_^C_B A_ ^D_ ^D_ ^D ^D_^E-^D__ ^C___A_-_G
What fun_it_is to ride and sing_a_sleighing song tonight.

Jingle Bells – Traditional Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

(Re^)_Si – Si__ Si___ Si – Si__ Si___Si-^Re_Sol__La__ Si
(Oh) Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way

^Do_ ^Do__^Do ^Do ^Do_Si_ Si
Oh what fun_it__is_to ride

Si_Si_ Si___ La____La-Si_ La-^Re
In a one horse open sleigh

Si – Si___Si___ Si – Si__ Si___ Si-^Re Sol__La__ Si
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way

^Do_ ^Do__^Do ^Do ^Do_Si__Si
Oh what fun_it__is_ to ride

Si_Si ^Re__ ^Re__^Do-La__ Sol
In a one horse open sleigh

Re_-_Si______ La_____Sol___ Re___Re Re Re____Si____La-Sol___Mi
Dashing through the snow in a one horse open sleigh

Mi____ ^Do___Si___ La_ Fa#_^Re-^Re_^Do_ La__ Si
Over the fields we go laughing all the way

Re____ Si__La – Sol___Re__ Re_-_Si__ La – Sol__ Mi
Bells on bobtail ring making spirits bright

Mi______Mi_^Do_Si La_ ^Re_ ^Re_ ^Re ^Re_^Mi-^Re__ ^Do___La_-_Sol
What fun_it_is to ride and sing_a_sleighing song tonight.

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