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We have added the letter notes of In Bloom – Nirvana song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of In Bloom – Nirvana piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

In Bloom – Nirvana Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

A____D___F__ C__ D
Sell the kids for food

A_ -_D_____ F – C____ D
Weather changes moods

A______F__Bb__ G-B
Spring is here again

A_-_F_- Bb_____ G-B
Reproductive glands…

(all upper octave, if you’re up for a challenge! …I play lower :P)

He’s the one

_E____D__A_ _A_ _A-B___F#
Who likes all our pretty songs

_E_ _D__A__A__A__B-_F#
And he likes to sing along

_E__D_ _A__A_ _A___B_ _F#
And he likes to shoot his gun…

_E__D__E___ _E___ _E___D__ _F
But he don’t know what it means

_E____ _E____E___D___F
Don’t know what it means

And I say…

_A___B_ _F#
He’s the one

_E__ _D__A__A__A-_B__F#
Who like all our pretty songs

_E_ _D__A_ _A _A_ _B-F#
And he likes to sing along

_E_ _D_ _A__A_ _A_ _B__F#
And he likes to shoot his gun…

_E__D___E____E____E_ _D___F
But he don’t know what it means

_E______E____E_ _D_ _F
Don’t know what it means

When I say yeah….

In Bloom – Nirvana Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

La____Re___Fa__ Do__ Re
Sell the kids for food

La_ -_Re_____ Fa – Do____ Re
Weather changes moods

La______Fa__Sib__ Sol-Si
Spring is here again

La_-_Fa_- Sib_____ Sol-Si
Reproductive glands…

(all upper octave, if you’re up for a challenge! …I play lower :P)

He’s the one

_Mi____Re__La_ _La_ _La-Si___Fa#
Who likes all our pretty songs

_Mi_ _Re__La__La__La__Si-_Fa#
And he likes to sing along

_Mi__Re_ _La__La_ _La___Si_ _Fa#
And he likes to shoot his gun…

_Mi__Re__Mi___ _Mi___ _Mi___Re__ _Fa
But he don’t know what it means

_Mi____ _Mi____Mi___Re___Fa
Don’t know what it means

And I say…

_La___Si_ _Fa#
He’s the one

_Mi__ _Re__La__La__La-_Si__Fa#
Who like all our pretty songs

_Mi_ _Re__La_ _La _La_ _Si-Fa#
And he likes to sing along

_Mi_ _Re_ _La__La_ _La_ _Si__Fa#
And he likes to shoot his gun…

_Mi__Re___Mi____Mi____Mi_ _Re___Fa
But he don’t know what it means

_Mi______Mi____Mi_ _Re_ _Fa
Don’t know what it means

When I say yeah….