I’m A Little Teapot – Traditional Easy Letter Notes
We have added the letter notes of I’m A Little Teapot – Traditional song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of I’m A Little Teapot – Traditional piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …
I’m A Little Teapot – Traditional Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes
C_D_E-F_ G-^C
I’m a little teapot
A___ ^C__G
Short and stout
F__ F_ F__E-E
Here is my handle
D__ D_ D__C
Here is my spout
C___D_ E_ F___G__ ^C
When I get all steamed up
A__ ^C__G
Hear me shout
^C_ A_G-G
“Tip me over
F___ E__ D_ C
And pour me out!”
I’m A Little Teapot – Traditional Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes
Do_Re_Mi-Fa_ Sol-^Do
I’m a little teapot
La___ ^Do__Sol
Short and stout
Fa__ Fa_ Fa__Mi-Mi
Here is my handle
Re__ Re_ Re__Do
Here is my spout
Do___Re_ Mi_ Fa___Sol__ ^Do
When I get all steamed up
La__ ^Do__Sol
Hear me shout
^Do_ La_Sol-Sol
“Tip me over
Fa___ Mi__ Re_ Do
And pour me out!”