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We have added the letter notes of Hey Jude – The Beatles song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Hey Jude – The Beatles piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Hey Jude – The Beatles Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

^C____A____ A___ ^C_ ^D__G
Hey Jude, don’t make it bad

Take a sad song and make it better_ ~

^C-^D-^D_^D ^G_^F_^E-^F_^D_ ^C

F_____ G__A_ ^D-^C_^C_ Bb_ A__E-F
Then you can start to make it better

^C___ A____A__ ^C_ ^D-G
Hey Jude, don’t be afraid

G____ A___ Bb__^F_^F_^E_ ^C_^D-C-Bb-A
You were made to go out and get her_~

^C_ ^D-^D_ ^D_^G_ ^F_ ^E-^F__^D_ ^C

F____G_ A-^D -^C_^C_ Bb_ A__E-F

F_ ^F-^D-^D_^C_^C_ Bb_^D
And anytime you feel the pain,

^F__ ^D__^F-Bb
Hey Jude, refrain

^F__^D-^C_ Bb__^C_^D-^C__Bb__ A-G-F
Don’t carry the world upon your shoulders….

F___^F__ ^D__^D__^C_^C_ Bb_^D
For well you know that it’s a fool

^F___^D_ ^F__Bb
Who plays it cool

^F_^D-^C_ Bb_^C_^D_^C-Bb__ A-G-F
By making his world a little colder….

(repeat melodies as necessary – here’s the catchy bit!)

F______ A__^C__
Nah… nah nah

^G – ^F__ ^G – ^F_
Nah -nah nah-nah

^G – ^F__ ^G – ^F_
Nah -nah nah-nah,

^D__ ^C

Hey Jude – The Beatles Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

^Do____La____ La___ ^Do_ ^Re__Sol
Hey Jude, don’t make it bad

Take a sad song and make it better_ ~

^Do-^Re-^Re_^Re ^Sol_^Fa_^Mi-^Fa_^Re_ ^Do

Fa_____ Sol__La_ ^Re-^Do_^Do_ Sib_ La__Mi-Fa
Then you can start to make it better

^Do___ La____La__ ^Do_ ^Re-Sol
Hey Jude, don’t be afraid

Sol____ La___ Sib__^Fa_^Fa_^Mi_ ^Do_^Re-Do-Sib-La
You were made to go out and get her_~

^Do_ ^Re-^Re_ ^Re_^Sol_ ^Fa_ ^Mi-^Fa__^Re_ ^Do

Fa____Sol_ La-^Re -^Do_^Do_ Sib_ La__Mi-Fa

Fa_ ^Fa-^Re-^Re_^Do_^Do_ Sib_^Re
And anytime you feel the pain,

^Fa__ ^Re__^Fa-Sib
Hey Jude, refrain

^Fa__^Re-^Do_ Sib__^Do_^Re-^Do__Sib__ La-Sol-Fa
Don’t carry the world upon your shoulders….

Fa___^Fa__ ^Re__^Re__^Do_^Do_ Sib_^Re
For well you know that it’s a fool

^Fa___^Re_ ^Fa__Sib
Who plays it cool

^Fa_^Re-^Do_ Sib_^Do_^Re_^Do-Sib__ La-Sol-Fa
By making his world a little colder….

(repeat melodies as necessary – here’s the catchy bit!)

Fa______ La__^Do__
Nah… nah nah

^Sol – ^Fa__ ^Sol – ^Fa_
Nah -nah nah-nah

^Sol – ^Fa__ ^Sol – ^Fa_
Nah -nah nah-nah,

^Re__ ^Do