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We have added the letter notes of Good Morning Baltimore – Hairspray song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Good Morning Baltimore – Hairspray piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Good Morning Baltimore – Hairspray Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

Oh, oh, oh

C#_ D_E-D
Woke up today

C#-D_ E_ D_E_F#-E_E
Feeling the way I always do

Oh, oh, oh

C#-D_E_ D – E
Hungry for something

F# F#_E_E
That I can’t eat

.B_ G_ F#_G_ F#
Then I hear the beat…

E_E – D_ C# – D
The rhythm uptown

D_ E – D_ C#_ D
Starts calling me down

E_ D C#_D – E_ F#
It’s like a message from

F#_ E-E-D
High above…

Oh, oh, oh

C#-D_ E_ D
Pulling me out

E_F#_ G_F#_E
To the smiles and the

D_ .B_ F# E
Streets that I love…

F#_ F#-G_ G-F#-F#
Good morning, Baltimore

F#-F# F#_ G_ A_A-G_G
Every day’s like an open door

G-G_ G_F# E G-F#-F#
Every night is a fantasy

F#-F#_ F#_ E_D_ F#-E-E
Every sound’s like a symphony…

F#_ F#-G_G-F#-F#
Good morning, Baltimore

F#_ F#-F#
And someday

G_A_ B_A_G_ G
When I take to the floor

D_ Bb_ A-G_ G_ F#_G_ A
The world’s gonna wake up and see

G-F#-E_ C#_D
Baltimore and me!

Good Morning Baltimore – Hairspray Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Oh, oh, oh

Do#_ Re_Mi-Re
Woke up today

Do#-Re_ Mi_ Re_Mi_Fa#-Mi_Mi
Feeling the way I always do

Oh, oh, oh

Do#-Re_Mi_ Re – Mi
Hungry for something

Fa# Fa#_Mi_Mi
That I can’t eat

.Si_ Sol_ Fa#_Sol_ Fa#
Then I hear the beat…

Mi_Mi – Re_ Do# – Re
The rhythm uptown

Re_ Mi – Re_ Do#_ Re
Starts calling me down

Mi_ Re Do#_Re – Mi_ Fa#
It’s like a message from

Fa#_ Mi-Mi-Re
High above…

Oh, oh, oh

Do#-Re_ Mi_ Re
Pulling me out

Mi_Fa#_ Sol_Fa#_Mi
To the smiles and the

Re_ .Si_ Fa# Mi
Streets that I love…

Fa#_ Fa#-Sol_ Sol-Fa#-Fa#
Good morning, Baltimore

Fa#-Fa# Fa#_ Sol_ La_La-Sol_Sol
Every day’s like an open door

Sol-Sol_ Sol_Fa# Mi Sol-Fa#-Fa#
Every night is a fantasy

Fa#-Fa#_ Fa#_ Mi_Re_ Fa#-Mi-Mi
Every sound’s like a symphony…

Fa#_ Fa#-Sol_Sol-Fa#-Fa#
Good morning, Baltimore

Fa#_ Fa#-Fa#
And someday

Sol_La_ Si_La_Sol_ Sol
When I take to the floor

Re_ Sib_ La-Sol_ Sol_ Fa#_Sol_ La
The world’s gonna wake up and see

Sol-Fa#-Mi_ Do#_Re
Baltimore and me!