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Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! – ABBA song letter notes for piano Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! – ABBA ABC and do re mi version.

Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

Half past twelve

G_F_ G – G_ F_ G_ A
And I’m watching the late show

In my flat all alone

D_ F_G G_ G
How I hate to spend

A_G – F_ D_C_D
The evening on my own…

Autumn winds

G – F_ G – G_ F_ G – A
blowin’ outside the window

D F G_ G – G_F_ G
As I look around the room

D_ F_ G_G G_ A – G
And it makes me so depressed

F_D_C_ D
To see the gloom…

E__ E_E_E_F_ G
There’s not a soul out there

E – E_ E_E_ F_G
No-one to hear my prayer…

D – F_ D-F_ D-F
Gimme, gimme, gimme

A G F-D_ F – D
A man after midnight

G__G-F-D_ F_ D
Won’t somebody help me

D_ D_C – .A_ E-D
Chase the shadows away

D – F_ D-F_D-F
Gimme, gimme, gimme

A G_F-D_ F-D
A man after midnight

G_ G_ F_ D_F-D
Take me through the darkness

D D_ C_ .A E_D
To the break of the day!

Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

^Re ^Do_ La
Half past twelve

Sol_ Fa_Sol – Sol_ Fa_Sol_La
And I’m watching the late show

Re Fa Sol Sol Fa-Sol
In my flat all alone

Re_Fa Sol Sol_Sol
How I hate to spend

La_ Sol – Fa_Re Do Re
The evening on my own…

^Re-^Do_ La
Autumn winds

Sol – Fa_ Sol – Sol_Fa_Sol – La
blowin’ outside the window

Re Fa Sol_Sol – Sol Fa_Sol
As I look around the room

Re_Fa_Sol_ Sol Sol_La – Sol
And it makes me so depressed

Fa Re Do_Re
To see the gloom…

Mi__ Mi Mi Mi Fa_Sol
There’s not a soul out there

Mi – Mi_ Mi Mi_Fa_ Sol
No-one to hear my prayer…

Re – Fa_ Re-Fa_Re-Fa
Gimme, gimme, gimme

La Sol Fa-Re_Fa – Re
A man after midnight

Sol__Sol-Fa-Re_ Fa_Re
Won’t somebody help me

Re_ Re_ Do – .La_Mi-Re
Chase the shadows away

Re – Fa_ Re-Fa_ Re-Fa
Gimme, gimme, gimme

La Sol Fa-Re_Fa-Re
A man after midnight

Sol_ Sol_ Fa_ Re_ Fa-Re
Take me through the darkness

Re Re_Do_.La Mi Re
To the break of the day!