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We have added the letter notes of Gabriel – Lamb song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Gabriel – Lamb piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Gabriel – Lamb Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

^D A ^D-^C# ~ ^C# B A~G F#~ED ED
I can fly__~__ ~__ ~__ ~__ ~

G__ F# G___A__ F#
But I want his wings

^F# ^D ^D-^C# ^C#-B_ B__A__ ^D-A
I____ can_ shine____even_in the darkness

G__F#_G___A__ ^D___A__ ^D_ AGF#~ED
But I crave the light that he brings__~

G-F#_G_ A___^D___A__ ^D_ AGF#~ED
Revel in the songs that he sings___~

G__ A-F#_F#-E-ED
My angel Gabriel

^D A ^D-^C# ~ ^C# B A~G F#~ED ED
I can love___~___~___~___ ~

G__ F# G___A__ F#
But I need his heart

^F# ^D ^D-^C# ^C#-B_B_A_^D-A
I____am_ strong__ even_on my own

G___ F#__ G_ A_^D-A_ ^D__A_ AGF#ED
But from him I never want to part_ ~

G-F#_G_ A_ ^D___A__ ^D_AGF#~EDED
He’s been there since the very start_ ~

G__ A-F#_F#-E-ED
My angel Gabriel

G__ A-F#_F#-E-ED
My angel Gabriel

Bless the day__~___he came to be

^(E-F#) BC#BA_~_A – G__A__ D^ A
Angel’s wings_ ~_ carried him to me

A -D^-A

I can fly__~__ ~__ ~__ ~__ ~

G__ F# G___A__ F#
But I want his wings

^(F# D DC#_C#)B_B_ A_ D^-A
I can shine even in the darkness

But I crave the light that he brings__~

G-F#_G_ A__D^___A__ D^_AGF#~EDED
Revel in the songs that he sings___~

G__ A-F#_F#-E-ED
My angel Gabriel

G__ A-F#_F#-E-ED
My angel Gabriel

G__ A-F#_F#-E-ED
My angel Gabriel

Gabriel – Lamb Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

^Re La ^Re-^Do# ~ ^Do# Si La~Sol Fa#~MiRe MiRe
I can fly__~__ ~__ ~__ ~__ ~

Sol__ Fa# Sol___La__ Fa#
But I want his wings

^Fa# ^Re ^Re-^Do# ^Do#-Si_ Si__La__ ^Re-La
I____ can_ shine____even_in the darkness

Sol__Fa#_Sol___La__ ^Re___La__ ^Re_ LaSolFa#~MiRe
But I crave the light that he brings__~

Sol-Fa#_Sol_ La___^Re___La__ ^Re_ LaSolFa#~MiRe
Revel in the songs that he sings___~

Sol__ La-Fa#_Fa#-Mi-MiRe
My angel Gabriel

^Re La ^Re-^Do# ~ ^Do# Si La~Sol Fa#~MiRe MiRe
I can love___~___~___~___ ~

Sol__ Fa# Sol___La__ Fa#
But I need his heart

^Fa# ^Re ^Re-^Do# ^Do#-Si_Si_La_^Re-La
I____am_ strong__ even_on my own

Sol___ Fa#__ Sol_ La_^Re-La_ ^Re__La_ LaSolFa#MiRe
But from him I never want to part_ ~

Sol-Fa#_Sol_ La_ ^Re___La__ ^Re_LaSolFa#~MiReMiRe
He’s been there since the very start_ ~

Sol__ La-Fa#_Fa#-Mi-MiRe
My angel Gabriel

Sol__ La-Fa#_Fa#-Mi-MiRe
My angel Gabriel

Bless the day__~___he came to be

^(Mi-Fa#) SiDo#SiLa_~_La – Sol__La__ Re^ La
Angel’s wings_ ~_ carried him to me

La -Re^-La

Re^ La Re^Do#~Do#SiLa~SolFa#~MiReMiRe
I can fly__~__ ~__ ~__ ~__ ~

Sol__ Fa# Sol___La__ Fa#
But I want his wings

^(Fa# Re ReDo#_Do#)Si_Si_ La_ Re^-La
I can shine even in the darkness

But I crave the light that he brings__~

Sol-Fa#_Sol_ La__Re^___La__ Re^_LaSolFa#~MiReMiRe
Revel in the songs that he sings___~

Sol__ La-Fa#_Fa#-Mi-MiRe
My angel Gabriel

Sol__ La-Fa#_Fa#-Mi-MiRe
My angel Gabriel

Sol__ La-Fa#_Fa#-Mi-MiRe
My angel Gabriel