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We have added the letter notes of From Now On – The Greatest Showman song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of From Now On – The Greatest Showman piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

From Now On – The Greatest Showman Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

I saw the sun begin to dim

E___ A__A__A-G#_ A
And felt that winter wind

G#__ G#
Blow cold…

E_ G#__G#__F#_ F#_ E__E__E
A man learns who is there for him

E_____E__A-A__ A
When the glitter fades

E___E___A___B__ G#
And the walls won’t hold…

B____ ^C#__B_ G#-F#
‘Cause from that rubble

C#___ E-G#
What remains

Can only be what’s true

B ^C#_B_G#
If all was lost

E_ C#_A_G#
Is more I gain

F#___G#_A_G#_ F#_E_ E
‘Cause it led me back to you…

^E_ ^D#_^C#
From now on

^E__^E_^D# ^D# ^C#
These eyes will not be

^C#-B__B_ G#_G#
Blinded by the lights…

^E_ ^D# ^C#
From now on

^E__ ^E-^D#_^D#_^C#-^C#-B
What’s waited till tomorrow

^C#_ G#-G#
Starts tonight


Let this promise in me start

^E_^F#_^F#-^E_^F# ^G# ^E
Like an anthem in my heart

^E_^D# ^C#
From now on

^E_ ^F# ^F#
From now on!

I drank champagne

With kings and queens

E___A-A-A-G#__ A__G#__G#
The politicians praised my name

E___G#__G#__G#-F#_ F#-E__ E
But those are someone else’s dreams

The pitfalls of the man I became_~

For years and years

E__A___ A___G#
I chased their cheers

B_ ^C#-B__B
The crazy speed

Of always needing more

But when I stop and see you here

^E ^E-^A-^A ^G# ^F# ^E ^D# ^E
I remember who all this was for!

E__ ^E_^D#_^C#
And from now on

^E__^E_^D#_^D#_^C# ^C#-B_B_G#_G#
These eyes will not be blinded by the lights

^E_^D# ^C#-B
From now on

What’s waited till tomorrow

Starts tonight

It starts tonight!

And let this promise in me start

^E_^F#_^F#-^E ^F#_^G#_^E
Like an anthem in my heart

From now on…

^E_^E-^F# ^F#
From now on…

^E_^F# ^G#
From now on!

^E_ ^E_^F#_^F#_^D#_^E
And we will come back home

And we will come back home

Home, again!

^E ^D# ^E
From now on!

^E_^E_^F#_^F#_^D#_ ^E
And we will come back home

B___B__B__^A__^A_ ^G#
And we will come back home

^G# ^F#-^F#
Home, again!

^E ^D#-^C# ^C#
From now on!

^E___^E_ ^D#_^D# ^C# ^C#-B B_G#_G#
These eyes will not be blinded by the lights!

^E_^D ^C#-B
From now on!

^E_ ^E-^D#_^D# ^C#-^C#-B
What’s waited till tomorrow

Starts tonight!

It starts tonight!

Let this promise in me start

^E ^F# ^F#-^E ^F# ^G# ^E
Like an anthem in my heart

^E_ ^D_^C#
From now on!

^E_ ^E_^F#
From now on!

From now on!


^E_^E_^E__^F#_ ^D#_^E
And we will come back home

B___ B__B__^A__^A__^G#
And we will come back home

^G#_ ^F#-^F#
Home, again!

From Now On – The Greatest Showman Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

I saw the sun begin to dim

Mi___ La__La__La-Sol#_ La
And felt that winter wind

Sol#__ Sol#
Blow cold…

Mi_ Sol#__Sol#__Fa#_ Fa#_ Mi__Mi__Mi
A man learns who is there for him

Mi_____Mi__La-La__ La
When the glitter fades

Mi___Mi___La___Si__ Sol#
And the walls won’t hold…

Si____ ^Do#__Si_ Sol#-Fa#
‘Cause from that rubble

Do#___ Mi-Sol#
What remains

Can only be what’s true

Si ^Do#_Si_Sol#
If all was lost

Mi_ Do#_La_Sol#
Is more I gain

Fa#___Sol#_La_Sol#_ Fa#_Mi_ Mi
‘Cause it led me back to you…

^Mi_ ^Re#_^Do#
From now on

^Mi__^Mi_^Re# ^Re# ^Do#
These eyes will not be

^Do#-Si__Si_ Sol#_Sol#
Blinded by the lights…

^Mi_ ^Re# ^Do#
From now on

^Mi__ ^Mi-^Re#_^Re#_^Do#-^Do#-Si
What’s waited till tomorrow

^Do#_ Sol#-Sol#
Starts tonight


Let this promise in me start

^Mi_^Fa#_^Fa#-^Mi_^Fa# ^Sol# ^Mi
Like an anthem in my heart

^Mi_^Re# ^Do#
From now on

^Mi_ ^Fa# ^Fa#
From now on!

I drank champagne

With kings and queens

Mi___La-La-La-Sol#__ La__Sol#__Sol#
The politicians praised my name

Mi___Sol#__Sol#__Sol#-Fa#_ Fa#-Mi__ Mi
But those are someone else’s dreams

The pitfalls of the man I became_~

For years and years

Mi__La___ La___Sol#
I chased their cheers

Si_ ^Do#-Si__Si
The crazy speed

Of always needing more

But when I stop and see you here

^Mi ^Mi-^La-^La ^Sol# ^Fa# ^Mi ^Re# ^Mi
I remember who all this was for!

Mi__ ^Mi_^Re#_^Do#
And from now on

^Mi__^Mi_^Re#_^Re#_^Do# ^Do#-Si_Si_Sol#_Sol#
These eyes will not be blinded by the lights

^Mi_^Re# ^Do#-Si
From now on

What’s waited till tomorrow

Starts tonight

It starts tonight!

And let this promise in me start

^Mi_^Fa#_^Fa#-^Mi ^Fa#_^Sol#_^Mi
Like an anthem in my heart

From now on…

^Mi_^Mi-^Fa# ^Fa#
From now on…

^Mi_^Fa# ^Sol#
From now on!

^Mi_ ^Mi_^Fa#_^Fa#_^Re#_^Mi
And we will come back home

And we will come back home

Home, again!

^Mi ^Re# ^Mi
From now on!

^Mi_^Mi_^Fa#_^Fa#_^Re#_ ^Mi
And we will come back home

Si___Si__Si__^La__^La_ ^Sol#
And we will come back home

^Sol# ^Fa#-^Fa#
Home, again!

^Mi ^Re#-^Do# ^Do#
From now on!

^Mi___^Mi_ ^Re#_^Re# ^Do# ^Do#-Si Si_Sol#_Sol#
These eyes will not be blinded by the lights!

^Mi_^Re ^Do#-Si
From now on!

^Mi_ ^Mi-^Re#_^Re# ^Do#-^Do#-Si
What’s waited till tomorrow

Starts tonight!

It starts tonight!

Let this promise in me start

^Mi ^Fa# ^Fa#-^Mi ^Fa# ^Sol# ^Mi
Like an anthem in my heart

^Mi_ ^Re_^Do#
From now on!

^Mi_ ^Mi_^Fa#
From now on!

From now on!


^Mi_^Mi_^Mi__^Fa#_ ^Re#_^Mi
And we will come back home

Si___ Si__Si__^La__^La__^Sol#
And we will come back home

^Sol#_ ^Fa#-^Fa#
Home, again!