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We have added the letter notes of Feed the Birds – Mary Poppins (Disney) song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Feed the Birds – Mary Poppins (Disney) piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Feed the Birds – Mary Poppins (Disney) Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

^D-^D# ^D ^C

Bb_ A___G___A__ Bb___A
To the steps of Saint Paul’s

A___ G-A_ Bb__ A___G-F#__ G
The little old bird woman comes…

Bb ^C_^D_^D#-^D_^C
In her own special way

Bb_ A__ G-A__ Bb__ A
To the people she calls

G_______A__ G__ F#__ D__A___ G
Come, buy my bags full of crumbs.

F_____^D# ^D# ^D-^F ^D#
Come feed the little birds,

^D#___^D__^C#_ ^D
Show them you care

F___ ^D# ^D# ^D# ^F ^D# ^D
And you’ll be glad if you do…

^D____ ^D__ ^D#_^D_^C-Bb
Their young ones are hungry

A_____ G____ A_ Bb__A
Their nests are so bare

Bb_ A__G__ G__ F#-D____A___G -F
All it takes is tuppence from you….

Bb____D___F_____ G-Bb__ G__F
Feed the birds, tuppence a bag,

G – Bb_____ ^D – Bb____Bb – A__Bb_^C
Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag

Bb_____D___F_____ G____Bb___ G__ F
“Feed the birds”, that’s what she cries

G______Bb-G-F___Bb__A___Bb_^C_ Bb
While overhead, her birds fill the skies

Bb__ A-G__ F#__ G-^D-^C
All around the cathedral

A____ G____F#__ G-A-D
The saints and apostles

D______G___F#_ G__^D__A___Bb
Look down as she sells her wares…

Bb – Bb___ A__ Bb__^F_^D#
Although you can’t see it

^C___ Bb___ A__ Bb_ ^C-F
You know they are smiling

^C___ ^D__^D#-^D__ ^C___ Bb__A__G-F
Each time someone shows that he cares…

Bb______ D____ F____ F__ G-Bb__ G___F
Though her words are simple and few

G-Bb_ ^D-Bb_ Bb__Bb-A_ Bb_^C
Listen, listen, she’s calling to you

Bb_____D___F_____G – Bb__^C ^D
“Feed the birds, tuppence a bag

^D – Bb____^D – Bb___^D – Bb_ ^C_Bb
Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag

Feed the Birds – Mary Poppins (Disney) Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

^Re-^Re# ^Re ^Do

Sib_ La___Sol___La__ Sib___La
To the steps of Saint Paul’s

La___ Sol-La_ Sib__ La___Sol-Fa#__ Sol
The little old bird woman comes…

Sib ^Do_^Re_^Re#-^Re_^Do
In her own special way

Sib_ La__ Sol-La__ Sib__ La
To the people she calls

Sol_______La__ Sol__ Fa#__ Re__La___ Sol
Come, buy my bags full of crumbs.

Fa_____^Re# ^Re# ^Re-^Fa ^Re#
Come feed the little birds,

^Re#___^Re__^Do#_ ^Re
Show them you care

Fa___ ^Re# ^Re# ^Re# ^Fa ^Re# ^Re
And you’ll be glad if you do…

^Re____ ^Re__ ^Re#_^Re_^Do-Sib
Their young ones are hungry

La_____ Sol____ La_ Sib__La
Their nests are so bare

Sib_ La__Sol__ Sol__ Fa#-Re____La___Sol -Fa
All it takes is tuppence from you….

Sib____Re___Fa_____ Sol-Sib__ Sol__Fa
Feed the birds, tuppence a bag,

Sol – Sib_____ ^Re – Sib____Sib – La__Sib_^Do
Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag

Sib_____Re___Fa_____ Sol____Sib___ Sol__ Fa
“Feed the birds”, that’s what she cries

Sol______Sib-Sol-Fa___Sib__La___Sib_^Do_ Sib
While overhead, her birds fill the skies

Sib__ La-Sol__ Fa#__ Sol-^Re-^Do
All around the cathedral

La____ Sol____Fa#__ Sol-La-Re
The saints and apostles

Re______Sol___Fa#_ Sol__^Re__La___Sib
Look down as she sells her wares…

Sib – Sib___ La__ Sib__^Fa_^Re#
Although you can’t see it

^Do___ Sib___ La__ Sib_ ^Do-Fa
You know they are smiling

^Do___ ^Re__^Re#-^Re__ ^Do___ Sib__La__Sol-Fa
Each time someone shows that he cares…

Sib______ Re____ Fa____ Fa__ Sol-Sib__ Sol___Fa
Though her words are simple and few

Sol-Sib_ ^Re-Sib_ Sib__Sib-La_ Sib_^Do
Listen, listen, she’s calling to you

Sib_____Re___Fa_____Sol – Sib__^Do ^Re
“Feed the birds, tuppence a bag

^Re – Sib____^Re – Sib___^Re – Sib_ ^Do_Sib
Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag…”