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We have added the letter notes of Fairytale of New York – The Pogues song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Fairytale of New York – The Pogues piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Fairytale of New York – The Pogues Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

D__D___ G – F#___ A___G
It was Christmas Eve babe

^G ^F#_^F#_^E
In the drunk tank

^E_^F# ^G_ ^D_ B_ B
An old man said to me

G_____^C__ B-B-A__ A
Won’t see another one

D____ G__ F#__A__G__G
And then he sang a song

^G__^G_ ^F#_^F#-^E__^E
The rare old mountain tune

^E_^F# ^G_ ^D__B-B
I turned my face away

G_____ ^C______B – A___G
And dreamed about you

D___G_F# A-G__G
Got on a lucky one

^G__ ^G_^F#-^F# ^E ^E
Came in eighteen to one

^E_^F# ^G ^D-B
I’ve got a feeling

G____ ^C___ B__ B___A__ A
This year’s for me and you

D__G-F#___A – G
So happy Christmas

^G ^G ^F# ^F#-^E
I love you baby

^E ^E ^F# ^G ^D-B B
I can see a better time

G_____^C__ B____A____ G____G
When all our dreams come true…

G_______G____G__ A__B__A
They’ve got cars big as bars

G_______A___B-A__ G__E
They’ve got rivers of gold

G___ G___G___ A____B____^D____ B
But the wind goes right through you

It’s no place for the old

^D___ ^D__^D___B___ G___A
When you first took my hand

G__A_ B____ A – G____ E
On a cold Christmas Eve

G____ G – A____B
You promised me

^D – B_____ G___A – B___A__G
Broadway was waiting for me

^D__^D___^D – ^E
You were handsome

^D__^D__ B-G
You were pretty

^D____^D__B___G__ A-G
Queen of New York City

G_____ A___ B___ A – G___ E – C
When the band finished playing

E______ D_____E__ F#__ G
They howled out for more

B-^D-^E_^D__B – G
Sinatra was swinging,

^D_^D_ ^D___ B____ G___ A – G
All the drunks they were singing

A_____B___ A_ G__E – C
We kissed on a corner

E_______ D______E_____F#___G
Then danced through the night

^D__^E_ ^E ^E ^E-^F#-^G-^G ^F#
The boys of the N.Y.P.D. choir

^E___^D-B_____G-F#__ E
Were singing “Galway Bay”

G____A___ B___ G___^C – B___A
And the bells were ringing out

G_____ B – A____ G
For Christmas day

^D__ ^D__^D
You’re a bum

^E__^D__ B
You’re a punk

^D___^D_ ^D__B__G__ A
You’re an old slut on junk

G – A___ B___ A – G___E
Lying there almost dead

D_ E__D__E__F#_ G
On a drip in that bed

B___ ^D-^E___ ^D__ B-G
You scumbag, you maggot

^D__ ^D___B-G__ A-G
You cheap lousy faggot

A – B_____A – G____ E___C
Happy Christmas you arse

E__D__ D__ E__ F#__G
I pray God it’s our last

^D__^E_ ^E ^E ^E-^F#-^G-^G ^F#
The boys of the N.Y.P.D. choir

^E___^D-B_____G-F#__ E
Still singing “Galway Bay”

G____A___ B___ G___^C – B___A
And the bells were ringing out

G_____ B – A____G
For Christmas day

D_ A___ F#___A___ G – G
I could have been someone

^D_ ^D_ ^E__^D-^C-^C
Well so could anyone

You took my dreams from me

G____A__G__ G-F#__F#
When I first found you

D_ A___F#___A___G__ G
I kept them with me babe

^D ^G ^F# ^F#_^E_^E
I put them with my own

^E__ ^F# ^G_^D_B-B
Can’t make it all alone

A___ B_____A___^C___ B-A___ G
I’ve built my dreams around you

^D__^E_ ^E ^E ^E-^F#-^G-^G ^F#
The boys of the N.Y.P.D. choir

^E___^D-B_____G-F#__ E
Were singing “Galway Bay”

G____A___ B___ G__ ^C – B___A
And the bells were ringing out

G_____ B – A____G
For Christmas day

Fairytale of New York – The Pogues Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Re__Re___ Sol – Fa#___ La___Sol
It was Christmas Eve babe

^Sol ^Fa#_^Fa#_^Mi
In the drunk tank

^Mi_^Fa# ^Sol_ ^Re_ Si_ Si
An old man said to me

Sol_____^Do__ Si-Si-La__ La
Won’t see another one

Re____ Sol__ Fa#__La__Sol__Sol
And then he sang a song

^Sol__^Sol_ ^Fa#_^Fa#-^Mi__^Mi
The rare old mountain tune

^Mi_^Fa# ^Sol_ ^Re__Si-Si
I turned my face away

Sol_____ ^Do______Si – La___Sol
And dreamed about you

Re___Sol_Fa# La-Sol__Sol
Got on a lucky one

^Sol__ ^Sol_^Fa#-^Fa# ^Mi ^Mi
Came in eighteen to one

^Mi_^Fa# ^Sol ^Re-Si
I’ve got a feeling

Sol____ ^Do___ Si__ Si___La__ La
This year’s for me and you

Re__Sol-Fa#___La – Sol
So happy Christmas

^Sol ^Sol ^Fa# ^Fa#-^Mi
I love you baby

^Mi ^Mi ^Fa# ^Sol ^Re-Si Si
I can see a better time

Sol_____^Do__ Si____La____ Sol____Sol
When all our dreams come true…

Sol_______Sol____Sol__ La__Si__La
They’ve got cars big as bars

Sol_______La___Si-La__ Sol__Mi
They’ve got rivers of gold

Sol___ Sol___Sol___ La____Si____^Re____ Si
But the wind goes right through you

It’s no place for the old

^Re___ ^Re__^Re___Si___ Sol___La
When you first took my hand

Sol__La_ Si____ La – Sol____ Mi
On a cold Christmas Eve

Sol____ Sol – La____Si
You promised me

^Re – Si_____ Sol___La – Si___La__Sol
Broadway was waiting for me

^Re__^Re___^Re – ^Mi
You were handsome

^Re__^Re__ Si-Sol
You were pretty

^Re____^Re__Si___Sol__ La-Sol
Queen of New York City

Sol_____ La___ Si___ La – Sol___ Mi – Do
When the band finished playing

Mi______ Re_____Mi__ Fa#__ Sol
They howled out for more

Si-^Re-^Mi_^Re__Si – Sol
Sinatra was swinging,

^Re_^Re_ ^Re___ Si____ Sol___ La – Sol
All the drunks they were singing

La_____Si___ La_ Sol__Mi – Do
We kissed on a corner

Mi_______ Re______Mi_____Fa#___Sol
Then danced through the night

^Re__^Mi_ ^Mi ^Mi ^Mi-^Fa#-^Sol-^Sol ^Fa#
The boys of the N.Y.P.D. choir

^Mi___^Re-Si_____Sol-Fa#__ Mi
Were singing “Galway Bay”

Sol____La___ Si___ Sol___^Do – Si___La
And the bells were ringing out

Sol_____ Si – La____ Sol
For Christmas day

^Re__ ^Re__^Re
You’re a bum

^Mi__^Re__ Si
You’re a punk

^Re___^Re_ ^Re__Si__Sol__ La
You’re an old slut on junk

Sol – La___ Si___ La – Sol___Mi
Lying there almost dead

Re_ Mi__Re__Mi__Fa#_ Sol
On a drip in that bed

Si___ ^Re-^Mi___ ^Re__ Si-Sol
You scumbag, you maggot

^Re__ ^Re___Si-Sol__ La-Sol
You cheap lousy faggot

La – Si_____La – Sol____ Mi___Do
Happy Christmas you arse

Mi__Re__ Re__ Mi__ Fa#__Sol
I pray God it’s our last

^Re__^Mi_ ^Mi ^Mi ^Mi-^Fa#-^Sol-^Sol ^Fa#
The boys of the N.Y.P.D. choir

^Mi___^Re-Si_____Sol-Fa#__ Mi
Still singing “Galway Bay”

Sol____La___ Si___ Sol___^Do – Si___La
And the bells were ringing out

Sol_____ Si – La____Sol
For Christmas day

Re_ La___ Fa#___La___ Sol – Sol
I could have been someone

^Re_ ^Re_ ^Mi__^Re-^Do-^Do
Well so could anyone

You took my dreams from me

Sol____La__Sol__ Sol-Fa#__Fa#
When I first found you

Re_ La___Fa#___La___Sol__ Sol
I kept them with me babe

^Re ^Sol ^Fa# ^Fa#_^Mi_^Mi
I put them with my own

^Mi__ ^Fa# ^Sol_^Re_Si-Si
Can’t make it all alone

La___ Si_____La___^Do___ Si-La___ Sol
I’ve built my dreams around you

^Re__^Mi_ ^Mi ^Mi ^Mi-^Fa#-^Sol-^Sol ^Fa#
The boys of the N.Y.P.D. choir

^Mi___^Re-Si_____Sol-Fa#__ Mi
Were singing “Galway Bay”

Sol____La___ Si___ Sol__ ^Do – Si___La
And the bells were ringing out

Sol_____ Si – La____Sol
For Christmas day