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We have added the letter notes of Face of Melinda – Opeth song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Face of Melinda – Opeth piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Face of Melinda – Opeth Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

E___G__ A_-_ B___^C – B__G__G-G__ E
By the turnstile beckons a damsel fair

E___^C_^C_^C-^C-B__A_____ A_-_B___ A-B
The face of Melinda neath blackened hair

A__ A____B___ ^C-B__G__ A__ E
No joy would flicker in her eyes

E_ ^C – ^C__^C_-_B___A___A_ B_ A-B
A brooding sadness came to a rise….

^E______B-A__ G – E_ G__A – F#
Words would falter to atone

E_-_E___ E_____E_____E___ E_-_F#___F#
Failure had passed the stepping stone

E______^E___B-A__ G__ G__A-G-F#
She’d sworn her vows to another

G___ G___G__ G – F#__ E__ E-EF#
This is when no-one will bother

E____G – A – B__ ^C__G___ G – A____ E
And conceded pain in crumbling mirth

E_^C-^C_^C ^C_ B- A__B_ A-B
A harlot of God upon the earth

A________ A____ B__ ^C-B -G___A___ E
Found where she sacrificed her ways

^C_ ^C-^C_^C-B_ A_ B_ A-B
That hollow love in her face

^E_ B-A_ G___E__ G___A___F#
Still I plotted to have her back

E_ -_ E_ -_ E____ E_____E____E__ F#__F#
Contentment that would fill the crack

E___^E___B-A-G__G___A_-_G__ F#
My soul released a fluttering sigh

G____G__ G_____G – F#__ E – F#-F
This day fell, darkness nigh_ ~

A__A__ A_ B_ ^C_^D#_^D_^C
I took her by the hand to say

^C_^C_^C-^C-^C_ B__A____ ^C___ B – AB
All faith forever has been washed away

A__A_-_A__ A__B__^C_ ^D#_^D-^C
I returned for you in great dismay

^C____^C__^C_ B_ A-^C_ B-A-B_ ~_A
Come with me, far away to__ ~__ stay

A – A -A__ A – A__B_ ^C-^D#-^D ^C
Endlessly gazing in nocturnal prime

B___ ^C__^C_^C__^C__^C___ B___ A__ ^C-B-A-B
She spoke of her vices and broke the rhyme_ ~

A_-_A__ A_-_A__ B__^C_^D#-^D_^C
Baffled herself with the final line

B__ ^C -^C_ ^C_^C___B__ A_ ^C_ BAB__ A
My promise is made but my heart is thine….

Face of Melinda – Opeth Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Mi___Sol__ La_-_ Si___^Do – Si__Sol__Sol-Sol__ Mi
By the turnstile beckons a damsel fair

Mi___^Do_^Do_^Do-^Do-Si__La_____ La_-_Si___ La-Si
The face of Melinda neath blackened hair

La__ La____Si___ ^Do-Si__Sol__ La__ Mi
No joy would flicker in her eyes

Mi_ ^Do – ^Do__^Do_-_Si___La___La_ Si_ La-Si
A brooding sadness came to a rise….

^Mi______Si-La__ Sol – Mi_ Sol__La – Fa#
Words would falter to atone

Mi_-_Mi___ Mi_____Mi_____Mi___ Mi_-_Fa#___Fa#
Failure had passed the stepping stone

Mi______^Mi___Si-La__ Sol__ Sol__La-Sol-Fa#
She’d sworn her vows to another

Sol___ Sol___Sol__ Sol – Fa#__ Mi__ Mi-MiFa#
This is when no-one will bother

Mi____Sol – La – Si__ ^Do__Sol___ Sol – La____ Mi
And conceded pain in crumbling mirth

Mi_^Do-^Do_^Do ^Do_ Si- La__Si_ La-Si
A harlot of God upon the earth

La________ La____ Si__ ^Do-Si -Sol___La___ Mi
Found where she sacrificed her ways

^Do_ ^Do-^Do_^Do-Si_ La_ Si_ La-Si
That hollow love in her face

^Mi_ Si-La_ Sol___Mi__ Sol___La___Fa#
Still I plotted to have her back

Mi_ -_ Mi_ -_ Mi____ Mi_____Mi____Mi__ Fa#__Fa#
Contentment that would fill the crack

Mi___^Mi___Si-La-Sol__Sol___La_-_Sol__ Fa#
My soul released a fluttering sigh

Sol____Sol__ Sol_____Sol – Fa#__ Mi – Fa#-Fa
This day fell, darkness nigh_ ~

La__La__ La_ Si_ ^Do_^Re#_^Re_^Do
I took her by the hand to say

^Do_^Do_^Do-^Do-^Do_ Si__La____ ^Do___ Si – LaSi
All faith forever has been washed away

La__La_-_La__ La__Si__^Do_ ^Re#_^Re-^Do
I returned for you in great dismay

^Do____^Do__^Do_ Si_ La-^Do_ Si-La-Si_ ~_La
Come with me, far away to__ ~__ stay

La – La -La__ La – La__Si_ ^Do-^Re#-^Re ^Do
Endlessly gazing in nocturnal prime

Si___ ^Do__^Do_^Do__^Do__^Do___ Si___ La__ ^Do-Si-La-Si
She spoke of her vices and broke the rhyme_ ~

La_-_La__ La_-_La__ Si__^Do_^Re#-^Re_^Do
Baffled herself with the final line

Si__ ^Do -^Do_ ^Do_^Do___Si__ La_ ^Do_ SiLaSi__ La
My promise is made but my heart is thine….