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We have added the letter notes of Eleanor Rigby – The Beatlessong in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Eleanor Rigby – The Beatles piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Eleanor Rigby – The Beatles Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

^E_ ^F# ^G_^A_ ^G_^F#-^E_ B-G
Ah,_look_at_ all__the_ lonely_people…


^E_^F# ^G ^A_^G ^F#-^E_B-G
Ah, look at_ all_the lonely_ people…


A-A-B___G-E___ G___ A__B__^D
Eleanor Rigby, picks up the rice

^C_B__ ^C______B____A_B – A____ G__ A
In_the church where a wedding has been

G____ A B ^C-B____A___ A_ B___G – E
Lives in a dream, waits at the window

G_-_A____B__ ^D_ ^C___B__ ^C___B_A B_ A__G__A
Wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door

G___ A B ^C-B
Who is it_for?

A__ G__ A-B___ G-E_____ B__ ^D__ B___ A__ G____ E
All the lonely people, where do they all come from?

A__G___A-B___G-E_____ B___ ^E__ B___A_ B – G
All the lonely people, where do they all belong?

^E_ ^F# ^G_^A_ ^G_^F#-^E_ B-G
Ah,_look_at_ all__the_ lonely_people…


^E_^F# ^G ^A_^G ^F#-^E_B-G
Ah, look at_ all_the lonely_ people…


Eleanor Rigby – The Beatles Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

^Mi_ ^Fa# ^Sol_^La_ ^Sol_^Fa#-^Mi_ Si-Sol
Ah,_look_at_ all__the_ lonely_people…

(LaSi Fa# SiLaSi Sol SiLaSi)

^Mi_^Fa# ^Sol ^La_^Sol ^Fa#-^Mi_Si-Sol
Ah, look at_ all_the lonely_ people…

(LaSi Fa# SiLaSi Sol SiLaSi)

La-La-Si___Sol-Mi___ Sol___ La__Si__^Re
Eleanor Rigby, picks up the rice

^Do_Si__ ^Do______Si____La_Si – La____ Sol__ La
In_the church where a wedding has been

Sol____ La Si ^Do-Si____La___ La_ Si___Sol – Mi
Lives in a dream, waits at the window

Sol_-_La____Si__ ^Re_ ^Do___Si__ ^Do___Si_La Si_ La__Sol__La
Wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door

Sol___ La Si ^Do-Si
Who is it_for?

La__ Sol__ La-Si___ Sol-Mi_____ Si__ ^Re__ Si___ La__ Sol____ Mi
All the lonely people, where do they all come from?

La__Sol___La-Si___Sol-Mi_____ Si___ ^Mi__ Si___La_ Si – Sol
All the lonely people, where do they all belong?

^Mi_ ^Fa# ^Sol_^La_ ^Sol_^Fa#-^Mi_ Si-Sol
Ah,_look_at_ all__the_ lonely_people…

(LaSi Fa# SiLaSi Sol SiLaSi)

^Mi_^Fa# ^Sol ^La_^Sol ^Fa#-^Mi_Si-Sol
Ah, look at_ all_the lonely_ people…

(LaSi Fa# SiLaSi Sol SiLaSi)