We have added the letter notes of Dying In LA – Panic! at the Disco song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Dying In LA – Panic! at the Disco piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …
Dying In LA – Panic! at the Disco Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes
F#__B – B__ B_ _D-_D
The moment you arrived
A___ B_ _D__D
They built you up
A_ _D__D _D _E__E
The sun was in your eyes
You couldn’t
_D-_D-_E-_F#-_A-_F# _E-_G-_F#-_E-_D
Believe_____ ~_____ ~______~
B – B_ B__D-_D
Riches all around
_F__ _E-_D
You’re walking
_D_ _D _D__E_ _E
Stars are on the ground
_F#__E _D
You start to
_D-_D-_E-_F#-_A-_F# _E-_G-_F#-_E-_D
Believe_____ ~_____ ~______~
_D-_F# _F#
_F#-_G _F# _E-_D-_E-_F#
Along__ the_ boulevard
_D _D _F#-_F# _A_ A_ A-B
_F#_ _F# _F# _F#
You looked at death
_G _F# _E-_D _E-_F#
_D_ _D__F#-_E
And you saw ~
_F#_ _F#__A_ A_A-B
What you had to do
B__D-_D-_D_ _F# _D _G
But nobody knows you now
_D___D_ _B-_A__F#__F# _F#
When you’re dying_ in__ L A
B _D-_D-_D _F# _D _G
And nobody owes you now
_D_ _D___B-_A _F#__F# _F#
When you’re dying in___L A
_D_ _D_ *D-_D _D__D-D
When you’re dying in_ L A
_D_ _D_ *D-_D__D__D-_E-_F#
When you’re dying in__ L A ~
_D _D-_D__D _D-_D__D _D-B
The power, the power, the power
A__A__D-_D__D__D-_D _D _D-_E-_F#
Oh the power, the power, the power ~
Of___L._____ A.__ ~__~
Dying In LA – Panic! at the Disco Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes
Fa#__Si – Si__ Si_ _Re-_Re
The moment you arrived
La___ Si_ _Re__Re
They built you up
La_ _Re__Re _Re _Mi__Mi
The sun was in your eyes
You couldn’t
_Re-_Re-_Mi-_Fa#-_La-_Fa# _Mi-_Sol-_Fa#-_Mi-_Re
Believe_____ ~_____ ~______~
Si – Si_ Si__Re-_Re
Riches all around
_Fa__ _Mi-_Re
You’re walking
_Re_ _Re _Re__Mi_ _Mi
Stars are on the ground
_Fa#__Mi _Re
You start to
_Re-_Re-_Mi-_Fa#-_La-_Fa# _Mi-_Sol-_Fa#-_Mi-_Re
Believe_____ ~_____ ~______~
_Re-_Fa# _Fa#
_Fa#-_Sol _Fa# _Mi-_Re-_Mi-_Fa#
Along__ the_ boulevard
_Re _Re _Fa#-_Fa# _La_ La_ La-Si
_Fa#_ _Fa# _Fa# _Fa#
You looked at death
_Sol _Fa# _Mi-_Re _Mi-_Fa#
_Re_ _Re__Fa#-_Mi
And you saw ~
_Fa#_ _Fa#__La_ La_La-Si
What you had to do
Si__Re-_Re-_Re_ _Fa# _Re _Sol
But nobody knows you now
_Re___Re_ _Si-_La__Fa#__Fa# _Fa#
When you’re dying_ in__ L A
Si _Re-_Re-_Re _Fa# _Re _Sol
And nobody owes you now
_Re_ _Re___Si-_La _Fa#__Fa# _Fa#
When you’re dying in___L A
_Re_ _Re_ *Re-_Re _Re__Re-Re
When you’re dying in_ L A
_Re_ _Re_ *Re-_Re__Re__Re-_Mi-_Fa#
When you’re dying in__ L A ~
_Re _Re-_Re__Re _Re-_Re__Re _Re-Si
The power, the power, the power
La__La__Re-_Re__Re__Re-_Re _Re _Re-_Mi-_Fa#
Oh the power, the power, the power ~
Of___L._____ A.__ ~__~