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We have added the letter notes of Do You Hear The People Sing? – Les Miserables song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Do You Hear The People Sing? – Les Miserables piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Do You Hear The People Sing? – Les Miserables Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

A__ G__F__ G__A-Bb_^C
Do you hear the people sing?

A – G__ F__ E__D_ E-F_ C
Singing the song of angry men?

D C .Bb .A-C_E_ F_ G-F#
It is the music of the people

G___ E__ F_ E__ E__ F-G
Who will not be slaves again!

A____ G__ F-G_ A_ Bb_ ^C
When the beating of your heart

A – G__ F__ E – D_ E_ F__ C
Echoes the beating of the drums

D__ C .Bb .A_ C-F_A_ G
There is a life about to start

F#____G-Bb-E___ F
When tomorrow comes!

E___ E__A_G# A_ B-^C
Will you join in our crusade?

B___ A_^C__B___ A__ G__ A__B
Who will be strong and stand with me?

Beyond the barricade

^C_B_^D_^C__B__A_ B_^C
Is there a world you long to see?

^C__ ^C_B_ A_^C
Then join in the fight

B___ A_ ^C__B_ A_ ^C_ B ^C ^D
That will give you the right to be free!

Do you hear the people sing?

^E-^D_ ^C_ B_ A_ B-^C_ G
Singing the song of angry men?

A_G_ F_ E-G_^C ^E ^D-^C#
It is the music of the people

^D__ A_^C_ B__ B_ ^C-^D
Who will not be slaves again!

^E__ ^D_^C-^D_^E_^F_^G
When the beating of your heart

^E-^D ^C_ B – A__B_^C__G
Echoes the beating of the drums

A__ G_F_ E_G-^C ^E ^D
There is a life about to start

^C#_ ^D-^F-^D_ ^C
When tomorrow comes!

E___ E__A_ G#_A_ B_ ^C
Will you give all you can give

B__ A_^C__B-A__ G___A-B
So that our banner may advance?

B__ ^C_ ^D_^C__B_ ^C_^D
Some will fall and some will live

^C__B_ ^D_^C
Will you stand up

B___ A__ B__ ^C
And take your chance?

A__ ^C_ B_ A_ ^C-B
The blood of the martyrs

A__ ^C-B__A__^C-B_ ^C_ ^D
Will water the meadows of France!

Do you hear the people sing?

^E-^D_ ^C_ B_ A_ B-^C_ G
Singing the song of angry men?

A_G_ F_ E-G_^C ^E ^D-^C#
It is the music of the people

^D__ A_^C_ B__ B_ ^C-^D
Who will not be slaves again!

^E__ ^D_^C-^D_^E_^F_^G
When the beating of your heart

^E-^D ^C_ B – A__B_^C__G
Echoes the beating of the drums

A__ G_F_ E_G-^C ^E ^D
There is a life about to start

^C#_ ^D-^F-^D_ ^C
When tomorrow comes!

Do You Hear The People Sing? – Les Miserables Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

La__ Sol__Fa__ Sol__La-Sib_^Do
Do you hear the people sing?

La – Sol__ Fa__ Mi__Re_ Mi-Fa_ Do
Singing the song of angry men?

Re Do .Sib .La-Do_Mi_ Fa_ Sol-Fa#
It is the music of the people

Sol___ Mi__ Fa_ Mi__ Mi__ Fa-Sol
Who will not be slaves again!

La____ Sol__ Fa-Sol_ La_ Sib_ ^Do
When the beating of your heart

La – Sol__ Fa__ Mi – Re_ Mi_ Fa__ Do
Echoes the beating of the drums

Re__ Do .Sib .La_ Do-Fa_La_ Sol
There is a life about to start

Fa#____Sol-Sib-Mi___ Fa
When tomorrow comes!

Mi___ Mi__La_Sol# La_ Si-^Do
Will you join in our crusade?

Si___ La_^Do__Si___ La__ Sol__ La__Si
Who will be strong and stand with me?

Beyond the barricade

^Do_Si_^Re_^Do__Si__La_ Si_^Do
Is there a world you long to see?

^Do__ ^Do_Si_ La_^Do
Then join in the fight

Si___ La_ ^Do__Si_ La_ ^Do_ Si ^Do ^Re
That will give you the right to be free!

Do you hear the people sing?

^Mi-^Re_ ^Do_ Si_ La_ Si-^Do_ Sol
Singing the song of angry men?

La_Sol_ Fa_ Mi-Sol_^Do ^Mi ^Re-^Do#
It is the music of the people

^Re__ La_^Do_ Si__ Si_ ^Do-^Re
Who will not be slaves again!

^Mi__ ^Re_^Do-^Re_^Mi_^Fa_^Sol
When the beating of your heart

^Mi-^Re ^Do_ Si – La__Si_^Do__Sol
Echoes the beating of the drums

La__ Sol_Fa_ Mi_Sol-^Do ^Mi ^Re
There is a life about to start

^Do#_ ^Re-^Fa-^Re_ ^Do
When tomorrow comes!

Mi___ Mi__La_ Sol#_La_ Si_ ^Do
Will you give all you can give

Si__ La_^Do__Si-La__ Sol___La-Si
So that our banner may advance?

Si__ ^Do_ ^Re_^Do__Si_ ^Do_^Re
Some will fall and some will live

^Do__Si_ ^Re_^Do
Will you stand up

Si___ La__ Si__ ^Do
And take your chance?

La__ ^Do_ Si_ La_ ^Do-Si
The blood of the martyrs

La__ ^Do-Si__La__^Do-Si_ ^Do_ ^Re
Will water the meadows of France!

Do you hear the people sing?

^Mi-^Re_ ^Do_ Si_ La_ Si-^Do_ Sol
Singing the song of angry men?

La_Sol_ Fa_ Mi-Sol_^Do ^Mi ^Re-^Do#
It is the music of the people

^Re__ La_^Do_ Si__ Si_ ^Do-^Re
Who will not be slaves again!

^Mi__ ^Re_^Do-^Re_^Mi_^Fa_^Sol
When the beating of your heart

^Mi-^Re ^Do_ Si – La__Si_^Do__Sol
Echoes the beating of the drums

La__ Sol_Fa_ Mi_Sol-^Do ^Mi ^Re
There is a life about to start

^Do#_ ^Re-^Fa-^Re_ ^Do
When tomorrow comes!