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We have added the letter notes of Do They Know It’s Christmas? – Band Aid song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Do They Know It’s Christmas? – Band Aid piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Do They Know It’s Christmas? – Band Aid Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

C____ C_-_A____A
It’s Christmas time

A_______G__ G__ F__G__G-GA
There’s no need to be afraid

At Christmas time

We let in light

F____ F__ G-G___G-A
And we banish shade

G___ A_ ^C__^D__^C_ ^E-^D-^C
And in our world of plenty_~

A___ G__ ^C__ ^C_ ^D_ ^C_ A-G-F
We can spread a smile of joy_~

A______^C___^D__ ^C-^C__ ^D__ ^E
Throw your arms around the world

At Christmas time

^E_ ^D_^C__^C
But say a prayer

^D__^D_ ^C_^D-^E_ ^E-^D-^C
Pray for the other ones_~

^C__^C – ^D___ ^C
At Christmas time,

^C__ ^C__ ^D_ ^D___^C___^D-^E__^E
It’s hard, but when you’re having fun

^E___ ^D__^C__ ^C – ^C__^D___B-A-G
There’s a world outside your window

^C__ ^C_^C_ ^C__^D__ ^C___ G__ A
And it’s a world of dread and fear

^C____ ^C_ ^C-^C_ ^C-^D__ B-A
Where the only water flowing

G__ G_ ^C-^D__ ^C__G__ A
Is the bitter sting of tears

^C___^C___^C_-_ ^C___^C
And the Christmas bells

^C____B___ A-G
That ring there

^C__ ^C__ ^C-^D___ ^C____G___A
Are the clanging chimes of doom

^F___ ^F-^F___^F__ ^F__^F_ ^D
Well, tonight, thank God it’s them

^E-^F_ ^E_ ^E
Instead of you

A_____ B___^C__ ^C__^C__^C_ B-A-G
And there won’t be snow in Africa

A______A – G_____G
This Christmas time

G___ ^C – ^C___^C
The greatest gift

^D_____ B___A__ G__ A__G
They’ll get this year is life


^C______^C – ^C__ ^C-^D__ B
Where nothing ever grows

^C__^C_^D_ ^C-G__ A
No rain or rivers flow

^F_ ^E___ ^C___G
Do they know it’s

^F – ^E_____^C_ ^D_C
Christmas time at all?

^E___ ^E_ ^E
Here’s to you

^D__^C_ ^D_ ^E__^D-^C-B
Raise a glass for everyone

^E___ ^E__^E
Here’s to them

^D – ^C – ^D__^E__^D-^C__ B
Underneath that burning sun

^F_ ^E___ ^C___G
Do they know it’s

^F – ^E_____^C__^D_ ^C
Christmas time at all?

^G___ ^C__^F-^E-^C
Feed the world_~

^A__^G__ ^F__^E___^F-^E__ ^D
Let them know it’s Christmas time

^C__ ^G__ ^C__^F-^E-^C
And feed the world_~

^A__^G___^F__ ^E__ ^F-^E___^D
Let them know it’s Christmas time…

Do They Know It’s Christmas? – Band Aid Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Do____ Do_-_La____La
It’s Christmas time

La_______Sol__ Sol__ Fa__Sol__Sol-SolLa
There’s no need to be afraid

At Christmas time

We let in light

Fa____ Fa__ Sol-Sol___Sol-La
And we banish shade

Sol___ La_ ^Do__^Re__^Do_ ^Mi-^Re-^Do
And in our world of plenty_~

La___ Sol__ ^Do__ ^Do_ ^Re_ ^Do_ La-Sol-Fa
We can spread a smile of joy_~

La______^Do___^Re__ ^Do-^Do__ ^Re__ ^Mi
Throw your arms around the world

At Christmas time

^Mi_ ^Re_^Do__^Do
But say a prayer

^Re__^Re_ ^Do_^Re-^Mi_ ^Mi-^Re-^Do
Pray for the other ones_~

^Do__^Do – ^Re___ ^Do
At Christmas time,

^Do__ ^Do__ ^Re_ ^Re___^Do___^Re-^Mi__^Mi
It’s hard, but when you’re having fun

^Mi___ ^Re__^Do__ ^Do – ^Do__^Re___Si-La-Sol
There’s a world outside your window

^Do__ ^Do_^Do_ ^Do__^Re__ ^Do___ Sol__ La
And it’s a world of dread and fear

^Do____ ^Do_ ^Do-^Do_ ^Do-^Re__ Si-La
Where the only water flowing

Sol__ Sol_ ^Do-^Re__ ^Do__Sol__ La
Is the bitter sting of tears

^Do___^Do___^Do_-_ ^Do___^Do
And the Christmas bells

^Do____Si___ La-Sol
That ring there

^Do__ ^Do__ ^Do-^Re___ ^Do____Sol___La
Are the clanging chimes of doom

^Fa___ ^Fa-^Fa___^Fa__ ^Fa__^Fa_ ^Re
Well, tonight, thank God it’s them

^Mi-^Fa_ ^Mi_ ^Mi
Instead of you

La_____ Si___^Do__ ^Do__^Do__^Do_ Si-La-Sol
And there won’t be snow in Africa

La______La – Sol_____Sol
This Christmas time

Sol___ ^Do – ^Do___^Do
The greatest gift

^Re_____ Si___La__ Sol__ La__Sol
They’ll get this year is life


^Do______^Do – ^Do__ ^Do-^Re__ Si
Where nothing ever grows

^Do__^Do_^Re_ ^Do-Sol__ La
No rain or rivers flow

^Fa_ ^Mi___ ^Do___Sol
Do they know it’s

^Fa – ^Mi_____^Do_ ^Re_Do
Christmas time at all?

^Mi___ ^Mi_ ^Mi
Here’s to you

^Re__^Do_ ^Re_ ^Mi__^Re-^Do-Si
Raise a glass for everyone

^Mi___ ^Mi__^Mi
Here’s to them

^Re – ^Do – ^Re__^Mi__^Re-^Do__ Si
Underneath that burning sun

^Fa_ ^Mi___ ^Do___Sol
Do they know it’s

^Fa – ^Mi_____^Do__^Re_ ^Do
Christmas time at all?

^Sol___ ^Do__^Fa-^Mi-^Do
Feed the world_~

^La__^Sol__ ^Fa__^Mi___^Fa-^Mi__ ^Re
Let them know it’s Christmas time

^Do__ ^Sol__ ^Do__^Fa-^Mi-^Do
And feed the world_~

^La__^Sol___^Fa__ ^Mi__ ^Fa-^Mi___^Re
Let them know it’s Christmas time…Do____ Do_-_La____La
It’s Christmas time

La_______Sol__ Sol__ Fa__Sol__Sol-SolLa
There’s no need to be afraid

At Christmas time

We let in light

Fa____ Fa__ Sol-Sol___Sol-La
And we banish shade

Sol___ La_ ^Do__^Re__^Do_ ^Mi-^Re-^Do
And in our world of plenty_~

La___ Sol__ ^Do__ ^Do_ ^Re_ ^Do_ La-Sol-Fa
We can spread a smile of joy_~

La______^Do___^Re__ ^Do-^Do__ ^Re__ ^Mi
Throw your arms around the world

At Christmas time

^Mi_ ^Re_^Do__^Do
But say a prayer

^Re__^Re_ ^Do_^Re-^Mi_ ^Mi-^Re-^Do
Pray for the other ones_~

^Do__^Do – ^Re___ ^Do
At Christmas time,

^Do__ ^Do__ ^Re_ ^Re___^Do___^Re-^Mi__^Mi
It’s hard, but when you’re having fun

^Mi___ ^Re__^Do__ ^Do – ^Do__^Re___Si-La-Sol
There’s a world outside your window

^Do__ ^Do_^Do_ ^Do__^Re__ ^Do___ Sol__ La
And it’s a world of dread and fear

^Do____ ^Do_ ^Do-^Do_ ^Do-^Re__ Si-La
Where the only water flowing

Sol__ Sol_ ^Do-^Re__ ^Do__Sol__ La
Is the bitter sting of tears

^Do___^Do___^Do_-_ ^Do___^Do
And the Christmas bells

^Do____Si___ La-Sol
That ring there

^Do__ ^Do__ ^Do-^Re___ ^Do____Sol___La
Are the clanging chimes of doom

^Fa___ ^Fa-^Fa___^Fa__ ^Fa__^Fa_ ^Re
Well, tonight, thank God it’s them

^Mi-^Fa_ ^Mi_ ^Mi
Instead of you

La_____ Si___^Do__ ^Do__^Do__^Do_ Si-La-Sol
And there won’t be snow in Africa

La______La – Sol_____Sol
This Christmas time

Sol___ ^Do – ^Do___^Do
The greatest gift

^Re_____ Si___La__ Sol__ La__Sol
They’ll get this year is life


^Do______^Do – ^Do__ ^Do-^Re__ Si
Where nothing ever grows

^Do__^Do_^Re_ ^Do-Sol__ La
No rain or rivers flow

^Fa_ ^Mi___ ^Do___Sol
Do they know it’s

^Fa – ^Mi_____^Do_ ^Re_Do
Christmas time at all?

^Mi___ ^Mi_ ^Mi
Here’s to you

^Re__^Do_ ^Re_ ^Mi__^Re-^Do-Si
Raise a glass for everyone

^Mi___ ^Mi__^Mi
Here’s to them

^Re – ^Do – ^Re__^Mi__^Re-^Do__ Si
Underneath that burning sun

^Fa_ ^Mi___ ^Do___Sol
Do they know it’s

^Fa – ^Mi_____^Do__^Re_ ^Do
Christmas time at all?

^Sol___ ^Do__^Fa-^Mi-^Do
Feed the world_~

^La__^Sol__ ^Fa__^Mi___^Fa-^Mi__ ^Re
Let them know it’s Christmas time

^Do__ ^Sol__ ^Do__^Fa-^Mi-^Do
And feed the world_~

^La__^Sol___^Fa__ ^Mi__ ^Fa-^Mi___^Re
Let them know it’s Christmas time…