Letter Notes

Dirty Diana – Michael Jackson Easy Letter Notes

We have added the letter notes of Dirty Diana – Michael Jackson song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Dirty Diana – Michael Jackson piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Dirty Diana – Michael Jackson Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

E_____ G – E___ G____E___A
You’ll never make me stay

G__A____A____ E_____ D__C_ C
So take your weight off of me

E__G____E___G – E___ A
I know your every move

G__ A____ A___E__ D__C__C
So won’t you just let me be?

E____G____ E____ G___ E_ – A
I’ve been here times before

G__A__A__ E___ D__ C_ C
But I was too blind to see

E___ G____E – G___G – E__ A
That you seduce every man

G____A____A____ E____D – C___ C
This time you won’t seduce me

G____ A – A__ ^C__ A-A
She’s sayin’ that’s okay

G___ A-A_ ^C__ A___ G____ A
Hey baby do what you please

G_ A___A__^C___ A___ G___ A
I have the stuff_that you want

G_ A_ A__^C___ A___G___ A
I am the thing that you need

G_____A____ A__^C__ A__ G__ A
She looked me deep in the eyes

G_____ A – A__ ^C__A_ G__A
She’s touchin’ me so to start

A___ B_____ A____ B__ B – A___ B
She says there’s no turning back

^C____^D__ ^C_^D_^C__^E
She trapped me_in_her heart…





^E ^D ^D
Let me be!

E____G___ E___ G___G__E___A
She likes the boys in the band

G____ A______A____E____ D___ C__C
She knows when they come to town

E-G____ E-G-E____A__
Every musician’s fan

G-A__ A___ E-D____ C______ C__
After the curtain comes down

E____G____E__ G_____ E_____A
She waits at back stage doors

G___ A____A____ E___ D-C
For those who have prestige

E_____ G – E____G – G____ E___A
Who promise fortune and fame

G_ A___A___ E__ D_ -_C
A life that’s so carefree

She’s sayin’ that’s okay

G___A-A__^C__A___G___ A
Hey baby do what you want

G_ A__ A__ ^C___ A -G___A
I’ll be your night lovin’ thing

G__A__A__ ^C___A___G___ A
I’ll be the freak you can taunt

A__A__ ^C____A___ G__ A I don’t care what you say

G_A___A ^C_ A__ A
I want to_go too far

A__B__ A____B – B – B
I’ll be your everything

^D_^C_ ^D_^D ^C_^E
If_ you make me_a_star

G-A__A-^D-^C__ A

G-A__A-^D-^C__ A

G-A__A-^D-^C__ A


^E ^D ^D
Let me be!

Dirty Diana – Michael Jackson Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Mi_____ Sol – Mi___ Sol____Mi___La
You’ll never make me stay

Sol__La____La____ Mi_____ Re__Do_ Do
So take your weight off of me

Mi__Sol____Mi___Sol – Mi___ La
I know your every move

Sol__ La____ La___Mi__ Re__Do__Do
So won’t you just let me be?

Mi____Sol____ Mi____ Sol___ Mi_ – La
I’ve been here times before

Sol__La__La__ Mi___ Re__ Do_ Do
But I was too blind to see

Mi___ Sol____Mi – Sol___Sol – Mi__ La
That you seduce every man

Sol____La____La____ Mi____Re – Do___ Do
This time you won’t seduce me

Sol____ La – La__ ^Do__ La-La
She’s sayin’ that’s okay

Sol___ La-La_ ^Do__ La___ Sol____ La
Hey baby do what you please

Sol_ La___La__^Do___ La___ Sol___ La
I have the stuff_that you want

Sol_ La_ La__^Do___ La___Sol___ La
I am the thing that you need

Sol_____La____ La__^Do__ La__ Sol__ La
She looked me deep in the eyes

Sol_____ La – La__ ^Do__La_ Sol__La
She’s touchin’ me so to start

La___ Si_____ La____ Si__ Si – La___ Si
She says there’s no turning back

^Do____^Re__ ^Do_^Re_^Do__^Mi
She trapped me_in_her heart…





^Mi ^Re ^Re
Let me be!

Mi____Sol___ Mi___ Sol___Sol__Mi___La
She likes the boys in the band

Sol____ La______La____Mi____ Re___ Do__Do
She knows when they come to town

Mi-Sol____ Mi-Sol-Mi____La__
Every musician’s fan

Sol-La__ La___ Mi-Re____ Do______ Do__
After the curtain comes down

Mi____Sol____Mi__ Sol_____ Mi_____La
She waits at back stage doors

Sol___ La____La____ Mi___ Re-Do
For those who have prestige

Mi_____ Sol – Mi____Sol – Sol____ Mi___La
Who promise fortune and fame

Sol_ La___La___ Mi__ Re_ -_Do
A life that’s so carefree

She’s sayin’ that’s okay

Sol___La-La__^Do__La___Sol___ La
Hey baby do what you want

Sol_ La__ La__ ^Do___ La -Sol___La
I’ll be your night lovin’ thing

Sol__La__La__ ^Do___La___Sol___ La
I’ll be the freak you can taunt

La__La__ ^Do____La___ Sol__ La I don’t care what you say

Sol_La___La ^Do_ La__ La
I want to_go too far

La__Si__ La____Si – Si – Si
I’ll be your everything

^Re_^Do_ ^Re_^Re ^Do_^Mi
If_ you make me_a_star

Sol-La__La-^Re-^Do__ La

Sol-La__La-^Re-^Do__ La

Sol-La__La-^Re-^Do__ La


^Mi ^Re ^Re
Let me be!

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