Film MusicLetter Notes

Circle of Life – The Lion King (Disney) Easy Letter Notes

We have added the letter notes of Circle of Life – The Lion King (Disney) song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Circle of Life – The Lion King (Disney) piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Circle of Life – The Lion King (Disney) Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

D___ D#_ F_ F_ F – F_ F_ G_ F-D#
From the day we arrive on the planet

D__ D#-D#_D#_D#-G_F_ D
And blinking, step into the sun

F______Bb_ A_Bb_ G_A_Bb-^C ^D ^C
There’s more to see than can ever be seen

G__Bb ^C ^C_^D ^D#-^D Bb ^C
More to do than can ever be done…

D____ F__F___F__F_ G_ F_ D#
There’s far too much to take in here

C___ D_D#_D#_D# D#-G_F_ D
More to find than can ever be found

F__ F_ Bb_Bb-Bb_Bb
But the sun rolling high

G_____ A_Bb-^C-^D ^C
Through the sapphire sky

^C___ ^C_ ^C_ ^C
Keeps great and small

^C ^D ^D#-^D-Bb ^D-^C
On the endless round…

F_ F_^F-^D ^C ^D
It’s the Circle of Life

^D ^D ^D# ^F ^F-^D#
And it moves us all ~

^D___ ^D#-^F_^D_^C-Bb
Through despair and hope

Bb___ ^D#_^D_^C-^D-^F
Through faith and love…

^F ^F_^F ^D-^C ^D
Till we find our place

^D ^D ^D# ^F-^F-^D#
On the path unwinding

^G ^G ^F-^D-^C-Bb
In the Circle

Bb ^D#-D ^C Bb
The Circle of Life…

F_ F_^F-^D ^C ^D
It’s the Circle of Life

^D ^D ^D# ^F ^F-^D#
And it moves us all_~

^D___ ^D#-^F_^D ^C-Bb
Through despair and hope

Bb____ ^D#_^F_^G-^F
Through faith and love…

^F_^F_^F_^G_ ^F
Till we find our place

^F# ^F# ^G ^A-^A-^G
On the path unwinding

^Bb ^Bb ^G#-^F-^D-^C#
In the Circle_~

^C ^F#-^F ^D# ^C#
The Circle of Life!

Circle of Life – The Lion King (Disney) Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Re___ Re#_ Fa_ Fa_ Fa – Fa_ Fa_ Sol_ Fa-Re#
From the day we arrive on the planet

Re__ Re#-Re#_Re#_Re#-Sol_Fa_ Re
And blinking, step into the sun

Fa______Sib_ La_Sib_ Sol_La_Sib-^Do ^Re ^Do
There’s more to see than can ever be seen

Sol__Sib ^Do ^Do_^Re ^Re#-^Re Sib ^Do
More to do than can ever be done…

Re____ Fa__Fa___Fa__Fa_ Sol_ Fa_ Re#
There’s far too much to take in here

Do___ Re_Re#_Re#_Re# Re#-Sol_Fa_ Re
More to find than can ever be found

Fa__ Fa_ Sib_Sib-Sib_Sib
But the sun rolling high

Sol_____ La_Sib-^Do-^Re ^Do
Through the sapphire sky

^Do___ ^Do_ ^Do_ ^Do
Keeps great and small

^Do ^Re ^Re#-^Re-Sib ^Re-^Do
On the endless round…

Fa_ Fa_^Fa-^Re ^Do ^Re
It’s the Circle of Life

^Re ^Re ^Re# ^Fa ^Fa-^Re#
And it moves us all ~

^Re___ ^Re#-^Fa_^Re_^Do-Sib
Through despair and hope

Sib___ ^Re#_^Re_^Do-^Re-^Fa
Through faith and love…

^Fa ^Fa_^Fa ^Re-^Do ^Re
Till we find our place

^Re ^Re ^Re# ^Fa-^Fa-^Re#
On the path unwinding

^Sol ^Sol ^Fa-^Re-^Do-Sib
In the Circle

Sib ^Re#-Re ^Do Sib
The Circle of Life…

Fa_ Fa_^Fa-^Re ^Do ^Re
It’s the Circle of Life

^Re ^Re ^Re# ^Fa ^Fa-^Re#
And it moves us all_~

^Re___ ^Re#-^Fa_^Re ^Do-Sib
Through despair and hope

Sib____ ^Re#_^Fa_^Sol-^Fa
Through faith and love…

^Fa_^Fa_^Fa_^Sol_ ^Fa
Till we find our place

^Fa# ^Fa# ^Sol ^La-^La-^Sol
On the path unwinding

^Sib ^Sib ^Sol#-^Fa-^Re-^Do#
In the Circle_~

^Do ^Fa#-^Fa ^Re# ^Do#
The Circle of Life!

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