Breakfast at Tiffany’s – Deep Blue Something Piano Letter Notes
We have added the letter notes of Breakfast at Tiffany’s – Deep Blue Something song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Breakfast at Tiffany’s – Deep Blue Something piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …
Breakfast at Tiffany’s – Deep Blue Something Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes
A_____A__ D__ B____B__A – A__ A__A – F#
You’ll say, that we’ve got nothin’ in common
D__B_ -_B__ A______A_ A__ F#
No common ground to start from
D__ F#___ F#-E_ E-D
And we’re falling apart
A_____A__ D__B____B__ A____A_-_ A_ F#
You’ll say, the world has come between us
D___B___B___ A____ A_-_A__F#
Our lives have come between us
D__ F# F#_ E__ E__ E____E-D
Still I know you just don’t care
^C# ^D A ^D__ B-A ^C#-^C#_ ^C# ^D-^C#-B
And I said what about Breakfast at Tiffany’s?
B__ ^D_ A ^D__A B-^C#-^C# ^C# ^D
She said I think I remember the film
B__ ^D^D BA ^D A___B_^C# ^C#^C# ^D_B
And as I recall I think, we both kinda liked it
^D_^D A_ ^D_ A____ B_^C#_^C#_^C#_ ^D
And I said well that’s, the one thing we’ve got
A_B_ A___D_ ^D^D ^C# B__B____ A
I see you, the only one who knew me
D__ ^D_ ^D_^C#__B__ B______A
But now your eyes see through me
I guess I was wrong
So what now?
^D_^D_^D ^C#_B___B-A
It’s plain to see we’re over
D__ D ^D__^D_ ^C#___ B__ B-A
And I hate when things are over
D____ F#_F#__ F#_E_E – D
When so much is left undone
Breakfast at Tiffany’s – Deep Blue Something Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes
La_____La__ Re__ Si____Si__La – La__ La__La – Fa#
You’ll say, that we’ve got nothin’ in common
Re__Si_ -_Si__ La______La_ La__ Fa#
No common ground to start from
Re__ Fa#___ Fa#-Mi_ Mi-Re
And we’re falling apart
La_____La__ Re__Si____Si__ La____La_-_ La_ Fa#
You’ll say, the world has come between us
Re___Si___Si___ La____ La_-_La__Fa#
Our lives have come between us
Re__ Fa# Fa#_ Mi__ Mi__ Mi____Mi-Re
Still I know you just don’t care
^Do# ^Re La ^Re__ Si-La ^Do#-^Do#_ ^Do# ^Re-^Do#-Si
And I said what about Breakfast at Tiffany’s?
Si__ ^Re_ La ^Re__La Si-^Do#-^Do# ^Do# ^Re
She said I think I remember the film
Si__ ^Re^Re SiLa ^Re La___Si_^Do# ^Do#^Do# ^Re_Si
And as I recall I think, we both kinda liked it
^Re_^Re La_ ^Re_ La____ Si_^Do#_^Do#_^Do#_ ^Re
And I said well that’s, the one thing we’ve got
La_Si_ La___Re_ ^Re^Re ^Do# Si__Si____ La
I see you, the only one who knew me
Re__ ^Re_ ^Re_^Do#__Si__ Si______La
But now your eyes see through me
I guess I was wrong
So what now?
^Re_^Re_^Re ^Do#_Si___Si-La
It’s plain to see we’re over
Re__ Re ^Re__^Re_ ^Do#___ Si__ Si-La
And I hate when things are over
Re____ Fa#_Fa#__ Fa#_Mi_Mi – Re
When so much is left undone