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We have added the letter notes of Blue Suede Shoes – Elvis Presley song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Blue Suede Shoes – Elvis Presley piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Blue Suede Shoes – Elvis Presley Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

D____ D___D__D__ D___F-F
Well, it’s one for the money

D___ D__ D___ F
Two for the show

D_____D__D___F-F___ A_ ^C_ G__F
Three to get ready, now go cat go!

But don’t you

G#__ A__G___F#___D_____D
Step on my blue suede shoes

A_____A___A__A__ A-A-A
Well you can do anything

.A___.A__ C#_ C#_E_ D-F__D____D
But stay off of my blue suede shoes!

D_____ D__ D____D___ D____F
Well, you can knock me down

D___D__D__ C
Step in my face

D – D____D___ F___C_ D-D_ D___C
Slander my name all over the place

D_ D___D-D-F___D___.B___D__.B__F
Or do anything that you want to do

.B__ D – D___F-F__ A__^C_ A__ G____F
But uh-uh honey lay off of them shoes

D____ F____D
And don’t you

G#__G#_ G__F#___D____ D
Step on my blue suede shoes

A_____A___A__ A__ A-A-A
Well, you can do anything

.A__ .A__ C#_C#_E__D-F__D___ D
But stay off of my blue suede shoes

D____D___D__ F____F______D__ D__ C
You can burn my house, steal my car

D_____ D___F-F____C__C__ D__ D__ C
Drink my liquor from an old fruit jar

D_____D__D-D-F___D__ .B___D-.B__F
Well do anything that you wanna do

.B___ D-D___F-F__A__^C_ A__ G____F
But uh-uh honey lay off of them shoes

D____ F____D
And don’t you

G#__G#_ G__F#___D_____ D
Step on my blue suede shoes

A______A___A_ A__ A-A-A
Well, you can do anything

.A___.A__C#_C#_E_ D-F__ D____D
But stay off of my blue suede shoes

D____D___ D__D__D___F-F
Well, it’s one for the money

D___ D__ D___ F
Two for the show

D_____D_ D___F-F____A_ ^C_ G_ F
Three to get ready, now go cat go!

But don’t you

G#__G#_ G__F____ D_____D
Step on my blue suede shoes

A______A__ A__ A__ A-A-A
Well, you can do anything

.A___.A__C#_C#_E__D-F__D____ D
But stay off of my blue suede shoes

Well, it’s…

D_____D____ D____D_____ F
Blue, blue, blue suede shoes

D_____ D____D____D_____ F____ ^C
Blue, blue, blue suede shoes, yeah!

D_____ D____D_____D_____ F____F-F
Blue, blue, blue, suede shoes, baby

D_____ D____D____D_____ F
Blue, blue, blue suede shoes

A_____A___A_ ^C_^C-A-^C
Well, you can do anything

A____A_ ^C# G_ A__ F_____D____ D
But stay off of my blue suede shoes!

Blue Suede Shoes – Elvis Presley Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Re____ Re___Re__Re__ Re___Fa-Fa
Well, it’s one for the money

Re___ Re__ Re___ Fa
Two for the show

Re_____Re__Re___Fa-Fa___ La_ ^Do_ Sol__Fa
Three to get ready, now go cat go!

But don’t you

Sol#__ La__Sol___Fa#___Re_____Re
Step on my blue suede shoes

La_____La___La__La__ La-La-La
Well you can do anything

.La___.La__ Do#_ Do#_Mi_ Re-Fa__Re____Re
But stay off of my blue suede shoes!

Re_____ Re__ Re____Re___ Re____Fa
Well, you can knock me down

Re___Re__Re__ Do
Step in my face

Re – Re____Re___ Fa___Do_ Re-Re_ Re___Do
Slander my name all over the place

Re_ Re___Re-Re-Fa___Re___.Si___Re__.Si__Fa
Or do anything that you want to do

.Si__ Re – Re___Fa-Fa__ La__^Do_ La__ Sol____Fa
But uh-uh honey lay off of them shoes

Re____ Fa____Re
And don’t you

Sol#__Sol#_ Sol__Fa#___Re____ Re
Step on my blue suede shoes

La_____La___La__ La__ La-La-La
Well, you can do anything

.La__ .La__ Do#_Do#_Mi__Re-Fa__Re___ Re
But stay off of my blue suede shoes

Re____Re___Re__ Fa____Fa______Re__ Re__ Do
You can burn my house, steal my car

Re_____ Re___Fa-Fa____Do__Do__ Re__ Re__ Do
Drink my liquor from an old fruit jar

Re_____Re__Re-Re-Fa___Re__ .Si___Re-.Si__Fa
Well do anything that you wanna do

.Si___ Re-Re___Fa-Fa__La__^Do_ La__ Sol____Fa
But uh-uh honey lay off of them shoes

Re____ Fa____Re
And don’t you

Sol#__Sol#_ Sol__Fa#___Re_____ Re
Step on my blue suede shoes

La______La___La_ La__ La-La-La
Well, you can do anything

.La___.La__Do#_Do#_Mi_ Re-Fa__ Re____Re
But stay off of my blue suede shoes

Re____Re___ Re__Re__Re___Fa-Fa
Well, it’s one for the money

Re___ Re__ Re___ Fa
Two for the show

Re_____Re_ Re___Fa-Fa____La_ ^Do_ Sol_ Fa
Three to get ready, now go cat go!

But don’t you

Sol#__Sol#_ Sol__Fa____ Re_____Re
Step on my blue suede shoes

La______La__ La__ La__ La-La-La
Well, you can do anything

.La___.La__Do#_Do#_Mi__Re-Fa__Re____ Re
But stay off of my blue suede shoes

Well, it’s…

Re_____Re____ Re____Re_____ Fa
Blue, blue, blue suede shoes

Re_____ Re____Re____Re_____ Fa____ ^Do
Blue, blue, blue suede shoes, yeah!

Re_____ Re____Re_____Re_____ Fa____Fa-Fa
Blue, blue, blue, suede shoes, baby

Re_____ Re____Re____Re_____ Fa
Blue, blue, blue suede shoes

La_____La___La_ ^Do_^Do-La-^Do
Well, you can do anything

La____La_ ^Do# Sol_ La__ Fa_____Re____ Re
But stay off of my blue suede shoes!