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We have added the letter notes of Beneath Your Beautiful – Labrinth song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Beneath Your Beautiful – Labrinth piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Beneath Your Beautiful – Labrinth Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

E___ F#_ F#_ E__E___D
You tell all the boys no

.B______ .A___E___ F#__ D
Makes you feel good, yeah

F#_F#_ F#___ F#__E__E___D
I know you’re out of my league

.A___ .B___.A_____E___ F#__.A-E
But that won’t scare me away

F#_ D
Oh no…

F#_____F#-F#_ F#_A-B_A
You’ve carried on so long

A_____A-A_____A__G_ F#_ E__E-F# E
You couldn’t stop if you tried it…

F#_____ F#__ F#___F#_ A-B_ A
You’ve built your wall so high

.A_____ A-G___ F#___E___D
That no-one could climb it

E___ E__ F#-G_ ^C#
But I’m gonna try…

^D___ ^E_ ^F#_^G_^G
Would you let me see

^G-^G__^G_ ^F#-^E-^E
Beneath your beautiful

Would you let me see

^G-^G__ ^G_ ^F#-^E
Beneath your perfect…

Take it off now girl,

Take it off now girl

^A ^A-^A ^A ^B-^A
I wanna see inside…

^A ^G ^F ^D ^G
Would you let me see

Beneath your beautiful


Beneath Your Beautiful – Labrinth Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Mi___ Fa#_ Fa#_ Mi__Mi___Re
You tell all the boys no

.Si______ .La___Mi___ Fa#__ Re
Makes you feel good, yeah

Fa#_Fa#_ Fa#___ Fa#__Mi__Mi___Re
I know you’re out of my league

.La___ .Si___.La_____Mi___ Fa#__.La-Mi
But that won’t scare me away

Fa#_ Re
Oh no…

Fa#_____Fa#-Fa#_ Fa#_La-Si_La
You’ve carried on so long

La_____La-La_____La__Sol_ Fa#_ Mi__Mi-Fa# Mi
You couldn’t stop if you tried it…

Fa#_____ Fa#__ Fa#___Fa#_ La-Si_ La
You’ve built your wall so high

.La_____ La-Sol___ Fa#___Mi___Re
That no-one could climb it

Mi___ Mi__ Fa#-Sol_ ^Do#
But I’m gonna try…

^Re___ ^Mi_ ^Fa#_^Sol_^Sol
Would you let me see

^Sol-^Sol__^Sol_ ^Fa#-^Mi-^Mi
Beneath your beautiful

Would you let me see

^Sol-^Sol__ ^Sol_ ^Fa#-^Mi
Beneath your perfect…

Take it off now girl,

Take it off now girl

^La ^La-^La ^La ^Si-^La
I wanna see inside…

^La ^Sol ^Fa ^Re ^Sol
Would you let me see

Beneath your beautiful
