Letter Notes

Army Dreamers – Kate Bush Easy Letter Notes

We have added the letter notes of Army Dreamers – Kate Bush song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Army Dreamers – Kate Bush piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Army Dreamers – Kate Bush Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

Our little army boy

B__A-B____ A___ F#__E-D-E-C#
Is coming home from B.F.P.O.

.B_ C#__D__ E__ F#-A____B
I’ve a bunch of purple flowers

F#__A-B-A__F#__ E – D___ E-.B
To decorate to mammy’s hero

.B– C#___ D__ E___ F#-A-B
Mourning in the aerodrome

F#___A – B_____A – F#__E__D_ E-.B
The weather warmer, he is colder

.B-C#_ D__E_ F#-A-B
Four men in uniform

F#_ A-B___A___F#__E-D__E-D
To carry home my little soldier

D______D___ E__F#
(What could he do)

E_______ D_____E___D___E – D
(Should have been a rockstar)

But__he__ didn’t

_E___D__ C#-B__A_ F#_A-F#
Have the money for a guitar

D______ D___E__ F#
(What could he do)

E________ D____ E__ D_ E-D-E-D
(Should have been a politician)

But_ he__never__ had

_D__C#-B_ A-F#-A-F#
A_ proper_ education

D______ D___E__F#
(What could he do)

E________D____E___D__ E-D
(Should have been a father)

_D _C# _D-_C# _E-_D__C#_B
But_ he_ never_ even_ made_ it

A__F#__ A-F#
To his twenties

A___ F#__ A
What a waste

_D-B__ A – F#
Army dreamers

A-F#__A_ F#__A__ F#
Ooh, what a waste of

_D-B__ A – F#
Army dreamers….

Army Dreamers – Kate Bush Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

.Si-Do# Re-Mi Fa#-La Si
Our little army boy

Si_ La-Si___La__ Fa#_ Mi-Re-Mi-Do#
Is coming home from B.F.P.O.

.Si_Do#_ Re_ Mi_ Fa#-La__ Si
I’ve a bunch of purple flowers

Fa#_ La-Si-La_ Fa#_ Mi – Re__ Mi-.Si
To decorate to mammy’s hero

.Si– Do#__ Re_ Mi__ Fa#-La-Si
Mourning in the aerodrome

Fa#__La – Si___ La – Fa#_ Mi_ Re_Mi-.Si
The weather warmer, he is colder

.Si-Do#_Re_ Mi_Fa#-La-Si
Four men in uniform

Fa#_La-Si__La__Fa#_ Mi-Re_ Mi-Re
To carry home my little soldier

Re____Re__ Mi_ Fa#
(What could he do)

Mi_____Re___ Mi__Re__Mi – Re
(Should have been a rockstar)

_Re _Do# _Re-_Do#
But_ he_ didn’t

_Mi_ _Re _ Do#-Si_ La_Fa# La-Fa#
Have the money for a guitar

Re____ Re__Mi_ Fa#
(What could he do)

Mi_____ Re___Mi_ Re_Mi-Re-Mi-Re
(Should have been a politician)

_Re _Do# _Re-_Do# _Mi
But_he_ never_ had

_Re _Do#-Si_La-Fa#-La-Fa#

Re____ Re__Mi_ Fa#
(What could he do)

Mi_____ Re__ Mi__Re_ Mi-Re
(Should have been a father)

_Re _Do# _Re-_Do# _Mi-_Re _Do# Si

La_ Fa#_ La-Fa#
To his twenties

La__ Fa#_ La
What a waste

_Re-Si_ La – Fa#
Army dreamers

La-Fa#_ La_Fa#_ La_ Fa#
Ooh, what a waste of

_Re-Si_ La – Fa#
Army dreamers….

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