Another Day in Paradise – Phil Collins Piano Letter Notes
We have added the letter notes of Another Day in Paradise – Phil Collins song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Another Day in Paradise – Phil Collins piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …
Another Day in Paradise – Phil Collins Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes
B___ ^C_^D_^C__B__ A__ G__F#__ E
She calls out to the man on the street
^D_ ^C___B__ A__ ^D
“Sir, can you help me?
B___ ^D_ ^C__ B__ A_-_G___F#__E
It’s cold and I’ve nowhere to sleep
B____B___ ^C – ^D___ ^C__ B___A__ ^D
Is there somewhere you can tell me?”
B___^C__ ^D__A – G___F#___E
He walks on, doesn’t look back
B__ ^C-^D__ ^C__ B___ A__ ^D
He pretends he can’t hear her
B____^C_^D-^D_^C_B_ A_-_G__F#___E
Starts to whistle as he crosses the street
B_______ ^C-^D-^ C__B_ A_^E-^D
Seems embarrassed to be there
Oh, think twice,
E___E-B-B___ A__G__ A___G__ A_ G_ A-B-B
It’s another day for you and me in paradise
^E___ B____ B
Oh, think twice
E____ E-B-B___A__ G__ A
Just another day for you
A____A__ B__B__A-G-E
You and me in paradise
G G_AG__ F#-E-D E….
Another Day in Paradise – Phil Collins Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes
Si___ ^Do_^Re_^Do__Si__ La__ Sol__Fa#__ Mi
She calls out to the man on the street
^Re_ ^Do___Si__ La__ ^Re
“Sir, can you help me?
Si___ ^Re_ ^Do__ Si__ La_-_Sol___Fa#__Mi
It’s cold and I’ve nowhere to sleep
Si____Si___ ^Do – ^Re___ ^Do__ Si___La__ ^Re
Is there somewhere you can tell me?”
Si___^Do__ ^Re__La – Sol___Fa#___Mi
He walks on, doesn’t look back
Si__ ^Do-^Re__ ^Do__ Si___ La__ ^Re
He pretends he can’t hear her
Si____^Do_^Re-^Re_^Do_Si_ La_-_Sol__Fa#___Mi
Starts to whistle as he crosses the street
Si_______ ^Do-^Re-^ Do__Si_ La_^Mi-^Re
Seems embarrassed to be there
Oh, think twice,
Mi___Mi-Si-Si___ La__Sol__ La___Sol__ La_ Sol_ La-Si-Si
It’s another day for you and me in paradise
^Mi___ Si____ Si
Oh, think twice
Mi____ Mi-Si-Si___La__ Sol__ La
Just another day for you
La____La__ Si__Si__La-Sol-Mi
You and me in paradise
Sol Sol_LaSol__ Fa#-Mi-Re Mi….