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We have added the letter notes of Animal Instinct – The Cranberries song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Animal Instinct – The Cranberries piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Animal Instinct – The Cranberries Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

^E-^D-B____A – G____E___ E-E__ B_ ^D-^E
Suddenly something has happened to me

^D_^D_^E ^F#-^F#_^F#_^G_^F#_^E
As__I__was_ having__my_ cup_ of_ tea

^E-^D-B_A_ G__ E-E_____ B-^E
Suddenly I was feeling depressed



^E_ ^B__ ^A_ ^G__^F#_ ^E_ ^G-^E-^G-^F#
Do you know you made me cry_ ~__~__~_ ?

^F#_^G_ ^A
Whoa oh oh…

^E_ ^B__^A__ ^G__^F#_ ^E
Do you know you made me

Die___~___~___~__ ?

And the thing that gets to me

Is you’ll never really see

^F#_ ^F#_^G_ ^F#__^E__ B__^C
And the thing that freaks me out

^G ^G_^G-^F# ^E_B_ ^E-^D-B
Is__I’ll_ always_ be__in_ doubt_ ~

B_B_B_ B-A__A____ A__ B___B
It is a lovely thing that we have

^D ^D ^D ^E-^D_^E_ ^D_ ^D
It_ is_ a_ lovely_ thing_ that_ we

^G ^G ^G ^G-^F# ^G
It_ is_ a_ lovely_ thing…



^B__ ^A__^B
Woo hoo hoo

Woo hoo hoo

^B__ ^A__^B_ ^A
Woo hoo hoo ooh…

Animal Instinct – The Cranberries Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

^Mi-^Re-Si____La – Sol____Mi___ Mi-Mi__ Si_ ^Re-^Mi
Suddenly something has happened to me

^Re_^Re_^Mi ^Fa#-^Fa#_^Fa#_^Sol_^Fa#_^Mi
As__I__was_ having__my_ cup_ of_ tea

^Mi-^Re-Si_La_ Sol__ Mi-Mi_____ Si-^Mi
Suddenly I was feeling depressed



^Mi_ ^Si__ ^La_ ^Sol__^Fa#_ ^Mi_ ^Sol-^Mi-^Sol-^Fa#
Do you know you made me cry_ ~__~__~_ ?

^Fa#_^Sol_ ^La
Whoa oh oh…

^Mi_ ^Si__^La__ ^Sol__^Fa#_ ^Mi
Do you know you made me

Die___~___~___~__ ?

And the thing that gets to me

Is you’ll never really see

^Fa#_ ^Fa#_^Sol_ ^Fa#__^Mi__ Si__^Do
And the thing that freaks me out

^Sol ^Sol_^Sol-^Fa# ^Mi_Si_ ^Mi-^Re-Si
Is__I’ll_ always_ be__in_ doubt_ ~

Si_Si_Si_ Si-La__La____ La__ Si___Si
It is a lovely thing that we have

^Re ^Re ^Re ^Mi-^Re_^Mi_ ^Re_ ^Re
It_ is_ a_ lovely_ thing_ that_ we

^Sol ^Sol ^Sol ^Sol-^Fa# ^Sol
It_ is_ a_ lovely_ thing…



^Si__ ^La__^Si
Woo hoo hoo

Woo hoo hoo

^Si__ ^La__^Si_ ^La
Woo hoo hoo ooh…