Andante, Andante – ABBA Easy Letter Notes
Andante, Andante – ABBA song letter notes for piano Andante, Andante – ABBA ABC and do re mi version.
Andante, Andante – ABBA Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes
^D_^C ^C-A_^D_^C_^C
Take it easy with me, please
^D__^C_ ^C-A
Touch me gently
^D_^C_^C-G_ ^D-^C__^C
Like a summer evening breeze
^G_ ^F_^F-^D_ ^D_^C_^C
Take your time, make it slow
Andante, Andante…
A__ A__G__G – F__ F
And let the feeling grow
^D__ ^C_ ^C-A__^D_^C_ ^C
Make your fingers soft and light
Let your body
^D_^C_^C-G ^D_^C_^C
Be the velvet of the night
^G__^F_^F-^D_^D_^C_ ^C
Touch my soul, you know how
Andante, Andante…
A__A-G__G__ F
Go slowly with me
I’m your music, I’m your song
Play me time and time again
^F__ ^F_ ^F__^F
And make me strong
Make me sing, make me sound
Andante, Andante
^D_ ^D-^C_^C_Bb_^C-^D
Tread lightly on my ground
Andante, Andante
^D__^D__^C_ ^C_Bb_ Bb
Oh please don’t let me down
Andante, Andante – ABBA Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes
^Re_^Do ^Do-La_^Re_^Do_^Do
Take it easy with me, please
^Re__^Do_ ^Do-La
Touch me gently
^Re_^Do_^Do-Sol_ ^Re-^Do__^Do
Like a summer evening breeze
^Sol_ ^Fa_^Fa-^Re_ ^Re_^Do_^Do
Take your time, make it slow
Andante, Andante…
La__ La__Sol__Sol – Fa__ Fa
And let the feeling grow
^Re__ ^Do_ ^Do-La__^Re_^Do_ ^Do
Make your fingers soft and light
Let your body
^Re_^Do_^Do-Sol ^Re_^Do_^Do
Be the velvet of the night
^Sol__^Fa_^Fa-^Re_^Re_^Do_ ^Do
Touch my soul, you know how
Andante, Andante…
La__La-Sol__Sol__ Fa
Go slowly with me
I’m your music, I’m your song
Play me time and time again
^Fa__ ^Fa_ ^Fa__^Fa
And make me strong
Make me sing, make me sound
Andante, Andante
^Re_ ^Re-^Do_^Do_Sib_^Do-^Re
Tread lightly on my ground
Andante, Andante
^Re__^Re__^Do_ ^Do_Sib_ Sib
Oh please don’t let me down